It is the Gentiles, who have not repented of their sins, who have suffered a secret combination to be built up among them to get power and gain by murder, and by the issuance of irredeemable paper as money, and by a central banking system that lends fictitious bank credit which has brought the whole world into bondage and captivity.
This secret combination maintains power by shedding innocent blood, and by fraud, and by deceit, and by all manner of works of darkness and iniquity.
This secret combination exercises the legislative, executive and judicial functions of government in all nations, lands and countries.
It now permeates private enterprise and non-profit foundations and institutions, including public and private schools, and all churches.
The moneychangers are in the holy temples of God and have made them dens of theives who uphold the secret combination to get power and gain.
Therefore, O ye Gentiles, repent of your sins, or the sword of the justice of the Eternal God shall continue to fall upon you to your overthrow and destruction by fire, and by tempests, and by earthquakes, and by bloodsheds, and by pestilence, and by famine.
And ye shall know that the Lord is God, the Holy One of Israel, who created the heavens and the earth and all things that are in them; who made man, male and female, that they might have a fulness of joy through obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Savior and the Redeemer of the world.
10 May 2003 A.D.
Lawrence Rey Topham