A PIGEON CLUB - Celebrating 35 years of growth in 2015!
The U.O.R.A. Standard Drawing
The bird depicted is a black. The original drawing is by Layne Bowles, colored by us
The U.O.R.A. Standard Drawing
The bird depicted is an almond. The original drawing is by Layne Bowles.
President: J. P. Isom |
V.P. Ed Bills |
Eastern Dir: OPEN |
Western Dir: Ed Bills |
Bulletin Ed: (Acting Editor: F. Mosca) |
Central Dir. Mark Wilson |
Sec.-Treas. Lisa Rasmussen |
Flying Director: Jerry Chacon |
Webmaster; Frank Mosca |
Junior Director: Emily Isom |
Dale Husband (d.) - inducted Dec. 2001 Jim Green (d.) - inducted Dec. 2001
Teddy Hull (d.) - over 60 years of breeding & promoting O.R.'s Dale Husband (d.)- over 60 years of breeding & promoting O. R.'s Jim Green (d.) - 1989 Ed Bills - 1990 Greg Pola - 1997 Brad Child (d.)- 2003 James P. Isom - 2013
Kenny Davis - 2013