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United Oriental Roller Association

Pigeon Club with panache!

PLEASE BEAR WITH US! WE ARE RE-DOING OUR SITE COMPLETELY. Welcome!  Enjoy the Oriental Roller: the pigeon breed with class! The Pigeon Club with panache!

A PIGEON CLUB - Celebrating 35 years of growth in 2015!

Standard Oriental Roller

The U.O.R.A. Standard Drawing

The bird depicted is a black. The original drawing is by Layne Bowles, colored by us

Standard Oriental Roller

The U.O.R.A. Standard Drawing

The bird depicted is an almond. The original drawing is by Layne Bowles.

President: J. P. Isom

V.P.  Ed Bills

Eastern Dir:  OPEN

Western Dir: Ed Bills

Bulletin Ed: (Acting Editor: F. Mosca)

Central Dir. Mark Wilson

Sec.-Treas.  Lisa Rasmussen

Flying Director: Jerry Chacon

Webmaster; Frank Mosca

Junior Director: Emily Isom


Dale Husband (d.) - inducted Dec. 2001
Jim Green (d.) - inducted Dec. 2001

Black CockCinnamon Cock - J.P. Isom


Teddy Hull (d.) - over 60 years of breeding & promoting O.R.'s
Dale Husband (d.)- over 60 years of breeding & promoting O. R.'s
Jim Green (d.) - 1989
Ed Bills - 1990
Greg Pola - 1997
Brad Child (d.)- 2003
James P. Isom - 2013
Kenny Davis - 2013

Oriental Roller History Oriental Roller Photos Club Members


Show Standard


Flying Standard Fly Rules TO COME
Almond History Articles Color To come
2012 Hurricane UT Show Breed Masters Show Pictures
Links DOWNLOAD Member Application Dues Information
Performing Rollers Almond Information To Come

SLC National Winners

The FIRST Brown Oriental Rollers

To Come

To Come

U.O.R.A. Pigeons

Some fun pics

U.O.R.A. Pigeons-2

To come: Sample Bulletin

President Message


Webmaster: Frank Mosca