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Comments written on October 13th, 1999

Finally, Gen-chan HAS RETURNED to ATLANTA! Whew, what a weekend! First off, I would like to say:
I will no longer be able to drive in the states of Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina ever again, for Georgia's legalized 70 MPH speed limit has completely won me over!

The weekend was absolutely magnificent, it was just what I needed to take my mind away from everything else, and all the pressures of the real world. Many things occured during the weekend, like the stabilized coming together of our little group, ORGY, and the grand debut of my "SUPER TOP SECRET COSTUME," Misako "Mama" Kurata!

Hrm... what else to write on this page? From Manassas, Virginia(where the first one is) all the way to the Mariott Gwinnett in Atlanta, I counted, believe it or not, 34 Waffle Houses.
While passing through North Carolina, you MUST stop by J.R's Outlet Mall, because they have the (quote) WORLD'S LARGEST CIGARETTES, BRAND NAME CLOTHING, and most importantly, LINENS UP THE WAZOO! (endquote)

Throughout the weekend, I was able to meet many people from various places, the COSP list, and just great con friends. Like I do for every con, I have to give my shouts to those who helped my weekend become so much better. And this time, I'll shout to the people, in chronological order, so I don't show and biase. ;)

Elise, you bitch - My best friend, thanks so much for accompanying me to AWA, and for being my Sana-chan. And DAMN, we do some great duo costumes!

Shirley Kissel - Thank you SO much for letting us caravan with you and everyone else! It would have been SUCH a long and frustrating ride, had we pulled it off alone!

Amy and Carolina - My two favorite Mikos, it was great to spend time together again! From North Carolina all the way to Georgia, the weekend was an absolutely wonderful time! Your costumes are as great as ever, you guys need to keep up the good work. And we will all meet again at the next con!

Alex and Andy - First off: ARU ARURURURU. :) You guys were cool, and it was fun to caravan with you, Alex. Although, I DID burn you, and everyone else! Andy, glad you came to dinner with us on Saturday night, ARURURURU. We'll meet again next time we stop by in North Caka-laki!

Mike, Aaron - You guys, I almost forgot about you guys. Yes Mike, I did buy you ice cream, and I'm a jerk. :) Aaron, your cynicisms all weekend made it feel like a complete con alright. The pickle shall be the ORGY mascot, and I will see you both in the future.

John AKA Pablo AKA Jinnai/Y2KJ - Reunited once again! The weekend wouldn't have been the same without you(especially the bill, you owe me $68 ;), and it was great to party and ORGY all weekend long! See you at K2K, Y2KJ. ^__^

Donielle - Glad you could stay with us for the weekend! I'm glad to have met you, you're as cool as us otaku get. ^_- Stay with us again at another con, just tell us when you're going!

Mike & Kris - It's always great to see the both of you at cons! Your Wolfwood & Milly costumes were excellent, and hopefully those Japanese pages will once again give you the praise you guys deserve! *grin*

Mr. Kevin Lillard, I must post your picture, because the elusive author of has been faceless on the web for quite sometime! Everyone loves the countless pictures of us humble cosplayers you capture for all of us! And heck, you got my good side a couple times. ^_-

Jupey! - Wow, it was great to meet you, although we hardly knew each other beforehand! Your Rei costume was lovely, and congratulations on winning that award! I loved your art, really, had I any sparable cash, I would've bought that Sana & Hayama painting. Hope to see you again sometime soon!

People from the COSP ML! - I'll be quick, I know I'm just stalling the pics ;)
Derek, once again you annoyingly flex for my camera in your DBZ costumes... nice seeing you again, really :)
Alisa, your Morrigan and Comet costumes were gorgeous ^__^
Ollie, I haven't met a person who could eat like you in a while
Christy, Leslie, Roxanne, Kevin, oh my, Georgia Diner was quite a memory we'd like to forget, right? "Beefburger? As opposed to what?"
Ruby, it was nice to meet you, I loved the Washu hair, and your skit was awesome!
Phil, all these cons I've seen your Vash costume, and never knew that you were him, great to finally know who you are. :)
Ako-chan, I only really said "hi," but it's still good! Nice Emiru costume, btw!
Mara, thanks for being a temporary Hayama stand in, and your Pokémon card was pure evil.
Amy, Carolina, Aaron, I don't have to say anything about you guys, do I? :P

All of you know who you are, we have finally established ourselves as an elite group! We will once again take over the cons, and wreak havok in the hotels! And of course, have another wild Saturday night room ORGY!

If I forgot to mention anyone, tell me!

Now here are the pictures you came here to see! If you see your picture, and want anything changed, just tell me! And sign my guestbook! I'd like to know who's been coming to my pages. ^__^

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