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Comments written July 4th, 1999

A special weekend indeed, as Independence Day once again came rolling by. Otakon marks the first con of the summer for most of us, and it's quite a way to start it off! Otakon for us this year was a new location, as it was held in Downtown Baltimore, right near Camden Yards, home to the lowly Orioles. July 4th will never be the same as long as Otakon is in town. Now on with the show.

Gen-chan returns to Baltimore! I haven't been to a con since March's Animazement, and I felt deprived! Otakon was a great weekend, it was eventful, as well as fun. Strangely enough, I particiated in VERY little of the activities, I spent most of the weekend hanging out with people. I hung out with lots of familiar faces, and met a lot of new ones. Although there were lots of bumps in the beginning of the weekend, everything turned out okay by the end. I debuted my new costume, Otaru Mamiya, from Saber Marionette J, unfortunately, nobody really knew who I was. I once again donned the costume of Tasuki, in it's final version, complete with earrings, tessen, and seishi symbol. Well now, since you're here to see the pictures, I'll let you be on your way. ^_^

Let me give thanks to the people that made Otakon so much better:

John! Jinnai, we've partied all con again. If there were ONE word I'd use to describe Otakon this year? ahem... Orgy. Yes, it was a wild time! Jinnai, your Akira costume kicked serious ass, just don't let the heat kill you again!

Jordi, Jordi, Jordi, I thought you were going to be Ishtar? Liiiiiiaaaarrr.... :P Well, it was fun to yell at you some more, your costumes kicked ass! Get me my damn tapes, dammit!!!

Kimmie-chan. Hey! It's about time that we've finally met! I told you that I'm not like every guy out there in the world, I guess I AM what you'd call unique. ^_^ I knew what all your costumes were, whether anyone else did or not. ;p I look forward to seeing you again! Back in AWA, most likely!

The Orgy group! I don't need to mention Elise, that ungrateful piece of **** (le béuk!), because she's a ****head. Amy, Aaron, Carolina, Mike(vaginal & anal impalings), Jeff, and the rest of you who were on MY bed!! We had fun! "Orgies" rule! The intense game of duck-duck-goose, the bed incidents... Ah-hah! I'll shut up before I go too far now.

Batman, Frances, Brian, damn you all! Kidding. Going to cons, and seeing people I know from school is a strange feeling, but it's all good! Batman, you owe me a damn staff t-shirt! Frances, well you're moving, so wish you the best! Brian, well, enjoy college life! We'll all be back for the cons, I guess.?

Alright now, the links below take you to the pictures. Just click on the smaller image to be shown a larger view of the same image.

For Otakon, I have used five rolls of film, and have several scanned items for viewing on this page. Enjoy.

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My Costume
My Drawings
Con Thoughts
My Job