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You have WON
a Peace Manor Website Award!

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If you have been given this website address, you have won one of the website awards listed below from me. Your website is fabulous and I've decided to give you an award to feature on your website! Please take the time to chose one, and download the award image to your website. Please place a link back to my website.

INSTRUCTIONS: First right click the graphic image you want (right click mouse on graphic) and save as "awardpm.jpg". Copy this graphic to your website. Second, copy the html below. To do so click your left mouse button and hold on text till entire text is highlighted in blue, release the left mouse button and press "ctrl" button & "x" at the same time. The text will be gone. Then go to your website and copy that html to your site by clicking "ctrl" and "v" at the same time.

I will list you on my awards page with a link back to
your website too! Just email me with the address of the page you placed the award on.

Chose one of the following awards:

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