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New: Prillaman Timeline

The Prillaman Homestead
in Callaway, Virginia
© COPYRIGHT NOTICE : Any commercial use of these pages is prohibited. These pages are furnished for the free use of those engaged in researching their family origins who may freely print and replicate these pages for their own PRIVATE genealogical use. Permission to publish or reuse any material contained on these pages, including but not limited to: text, graphics, backgrounds, photos, and all other items, must be obtained from the webmaster. Publishing includes replication of this material on other web pages, listservers, disks, cd-roms, newsgroups, genealogical compilations and all forms of publication. Images used on these pages were obtained from sources permitting free distribution or have been created by the author and are subject to the same restrictions and permissions sited above.

This is a Genealogy Site
This site is created and maintained by Twyla Edwards,

Updated: Monday, July 8, 2002