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The Rose Garden

Last updated on September 4, 2000

School is back in session. Look for more updates soon! *smile*

Our family is interested in creating a little spot on the web to glorify our Lord Jesus. We hope that this page will be a blessing to all that enter, and that perhaps your families may grow even closer. This page contains information about homeschooling preschoolers and early elementary age, strengthening family relationships, tips to educate your special needs child, money saving tips, and more.

Our family consists of Mommy, Daddy, and four precious children. Our prayer is that your family may feel the love and blessings from the Lord that are available to all who earnestly seek him.

"That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9

Our purpose for this homepage

  • To glorify Jesus Christ and encourage you in your walk with the Lord
  • To see husband/wife relationships strengthened
  • To share our family interests
  • To encourage new homeschoolers
  • To see families unified and strengthened in their love for one another

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ABC's Of Everlasting Life

Do you know how to have everlasting life? Jesus is the way. Check this page out.

Making The Most Of Your Money
on 2/23/00
We have recently gone from a two income family to one income. Listed are some money saving tips that helped us with the transition.

Our School Garden
God has called us to homeschool our children. This section is devoted to homeschooling, especially preschoolers.
It includes the following topics:
  • God as the Center
  • Setting Up Your Schoolroom
  • Our Daily Routine
  • Sample Lesson Plans
  • Cutting expenses
  • Curriculum Catalog Links

  • Coming Soon - Our Curriculum
  • Craft Ideas

K4 and K2 Schedule and Sample Lesson Plans

This is the schedule we used our first year of homeschooling. At that time we had a five year old, three year old, and baby.

Under Construction - Homeschooling Your Elementary Aged Child with Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers

How we found a workable solution to our homeschooling day with an infant, two year old, four year old, and first grader.

Preschool Ideas

A great place to look if you need ideas about what to do during school time with your preschooler. This page is currently under construction.

Our Family Fun Nights

Family relationships are so important and must be nurtured. We really enjoy our family and we have listed some activites we do each week for our "Family Nights."

The Pure Joy of Parenting

Children are blessings from the Lord and are given to us to raise and enjoy. We have listed some things that have helped us in our parenting.

The Husband/Wife Relationship

This section is devoted to the very special relationship that God created that started families. It has tips such as weekly date nights and how to make each other feel loved on a daily basis.

Tip of the Month
on 6/14/00
Monthly we search out a web site that may be beneficial to homeschooling families.

A Word from God's Word

Rings, Links, and Great Graphics

Come see some of the rings we are joined with and also some favorite links and graphic spots.

The Special Child

This section is dedicated to all "special" children who may have a more difficult time with academics due to some type of academic challenge.

Under Construction - A Page For Real Men

This page is for all men who are interested in being the men that God has called them to be.

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Please check back often. *smile*

Visitors since February 1998


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Association of Christian Web Authors