How To Save the Earth
Cultivating Survival
The Reason Why
Be Truly Conservative
A Near Death Experience
Last of the Blue Planet Special
A Letter To Everyone
Human Desire Versus Global Reality
Human Future
A New Society

Consecutive Index of Poems:
Page 1
- Page 2 - Page 3 - Page 4 -
Page 5- Page 6

Alphabetical Index of Poems:
Page 1
- Page 2 - Page 3

Solar Five Day Calendar
Solar Six Day Calendar
Solar Four Season Calendar

A New English Alphabet
Vowels -- Consonants
Hand-drawn summary of new letters

Nature Photos
Oceanic Birds
Some of Justin Gould's scenic
photographs of the American West

A short novel:
One More Destiny


The Tripod Edition
Survival - a Tripod variation
Author House


This on-going collection of my poetry, essays, calendars and
alphabet are intended to accomplish at least four things:

1.Express the dilemma of physical being as balanced so
dangerously between creation and destruction.

2.Rebellion against the literary establishment, which has
locked poetry inside a prison of bogus modernism where
mediocre prose masquerades as self-centered verse.

3.Alert you to the threat of ecocide and self-extinction
caused by relentless population growth, economic expansion
and massive global pollution.

4.Offer some ideas that may help save this planet and our
human civilization.

Copyright 1984 through 20012 + 50 years

I continue struggling to make these literary creations hosted
here on this Angelfire.Lycos website as original as I can.
The poems are uniquely my own, but the essays are on subjects
so many others also write about, similarities are inevitable.
Therefore, even though I self-published a book at Author House
from part of this home page, it is a virtual certainty that no
big time established publisher will ever consider any wider
publication of my work. So, it is appropriate for me to give
permission to decent folks who may wish to quote from these

All other rights are reserved by the author, John Talbot Ross

Send comments to me at -- j7t14r@gmail.com

Back to Top

New English Alphabet

Vowels -- Consonants

Solar Five Day Calendar

Solar Six Day Calendar

Solar Four Season Calendar

How To Save the Earth

The Tripod Edition

Survival - a Tripod variation

Windows to the Universe


Living Foods
Earth Watch Institute
Birding In Africa (tour guide)
Angelfire's easiest free home pages
Planet Ark - ecology news Worldwide
Madison Hours, a local labor exchange
The Union of Concerned Scientists
National Arborday Foundation
The Permaculture Activist
Post Growth Institute
Stop Global Warming
Sage Mountain Herbs
Community Gardens
Findhorn Ecovillage
Post Carbon Institute
The End of Growth
Gardens Alive
Green Prophet
Author House
911 Research
CG Textures