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Spring 2000


The Madison Soccer Association was formed to introduce the youth of the Madison County to the sport of soccer, giving then an opportunity to learn and play the game in recreational environment that stressed fun and fundamentals. Today The Madison Soccer Association continues its original mission

We would like to express our appreciation to Wrangler, Autumn Care Nursing Home and Mrs. Agnes Price for the use of the fields and the parking area. We also would like to thank Madison Youth Sports, The Madison Parks & Recreation Authority and The Madison County Board pf Supervisors for their assistance in the renovations of Dove Fields. Last but not least, we thank the parents and the players of the Madison Soccer Association for their many contributions to our program.


Mission Statement

To Provide For The Players:

  • An environment that fosters "fun and learning" over "winning". Players must not be stymied by a fear of failure. Repetition is an important part of learning and success will come if a player is encouraged to use their new skill without fear of reprimand. "Error" is a great teacher in the trial and error equation. Every "failure" provides the coach with a  "coaching moment" that will enable the player to better understand how to succeed in the future.

  • Good coaching that teaches and develops technical skill and tactical awareness, physical fitness, teamwork and a sense of fair play, the building blocks for long-term player development  and success.

  • An Adequate pool of certified referees that can be assigned to age groups based on experience and competence.


To Provide For The Coaches

  • The opportunity to acquire and develop new coaching skills through the  Madison Soccer Association via coaching clinics and video training.


To Provide For The Officials

  • A soccer association with players , coaches, and parents who learn and appreciate the Laws of the Game.

  • A playing environment where mutual respect and good sportsmanship is promoted as the proper way to play and view each game.


To Provide For The Parents

  • An opportunity for their children to participate in a sport that promotes fitness and fair play - within an organization that is dedicated to making the soccer experience fun, exciting and safe for everyone.


To view the teams  click on their league below






Team Moms or Coaches PLEASE remember to call or email
Webmaster with your teams scores or changes in game.



This site was last updated on May 9 2000