Interested in adopting a pegacorn? You're at the right place. Here are all of the pegacorns that are currently available for adoption. You'll find tons of information about them, including their medical status, special needs, and their basic statistics. Additional information may sent with a confirmation email.
- Name: Jewel
- Age: 4
- Gender: Mare
- Color/Markings: Goldenrod body, ruby horn, silver hooves, emerald mane, diamond tail. Small black dot behind right ear.
- Temperament: Sweet and playful.
- Medical Status: Healthy
- Special Needs: TLC (tender loving care)
- History: Owner left Fantasy Forever.
- Name: Tipperary
- Age: 2
- Gender: Filly
- Color/Markings: Pale green body, white horn and hooves, dappled, dark green mane & tail, rare irish blood.
- Temperament: Lovable, sweet, and affectionate.
- Medical Status: Healthy
- Special Needs: TLC (tender loving care)
- History: Owner left Fantasy Forever.
- Name: Limerick
- Age: 5
- Gender: Gelding
- Color/Markings: Orange body/horn/hooves, white edged wings, green eyes, white mane & tail, rare irish blood.
- Temperament: Even tempered, easy to work with.
- Medical Status: Healthy
- Special Needs: TLC (tender loving care)
- History: Owner left Fantasy Forever.
- Name: Windblown Martyr of Twilight Estates
- Age: 3
- Gender: Filly
- Color/Markings: Black & white pinto body, black & white horn, black hooves, blue eyes, black & white mane & tail, rare irish blood.
- Temperament: Rather skiddish, but once she gets to know you she is very trusting.
- Medical Status: Healthy
- Special Needs: TLC (tender loving care)
- History: Owner left Fantasy Forever.
- Name: Waterford
- Age: 4
- Gender: Mare
- Color/Markings: White body/horn/hooves, blue eyes, white mane & tail, rare irish blood.
- Medical Status: Healthy
- Temperament: Friendly, warm, and easy to work with.
- Special Needs: TLC (tender loving care)
- History: Owner left Fantasy Forever.
- Name: Kildare
- Age: 5
- Gende: Stallion
- Color/Markings: Golden brown body, black horn/hooves, black tipped wings & ears, black mane & tail, rare irish blood.
- Temperament:
- Medical Status: Healthy
- Special Needs: TLC (tender loving care)
- History: Owner left Fantasy Forever.
- Name: Roscommon
- Age: 3
- Gender: Filly
- Color/Markings: Pink body, black horn/hooves, dappled, black mane & tail, rare irish blood.
- Medical Status: Healthy
- Special Needs: TLC (tender loving care)
- History: Owner left Fantasy Forever.
- Name: Selky
- Age: 4
- Gender: Mare
- Color/Markings: Oil black body/hooves/horn/tail/mane, rare irish blood.
- Medical Status: Healthy
- Special Needs: TLC (tender loving care)
- History: Owner left Fantasy Forever.
- Name: Celtic Breeze
- Age: 5
- Gender: Mare
- Color/Markings: Gray body, silver horn/hooves, dappled body, gray mane & tail, rare irish blood.
- Medical Status: Healthy
- Special Needs: TLC (tender loving care)
- History: Owner left Fantasy Forever.
- Name: Shetan
- Age: 4
- Gender: Stallion
- Color/Markings: Black body/horn/hooves/mane/tail
- Medical Status: Healthy
- Special Needs: TLC (tender loving care)
- History: Owner left Fantasy Forever.
- Name: Kiora
- Age: 6
- Gender: Gelding
- Color/Markings: White body/horn, pink hooves, dappled with hearts and swirls, pink mane/tail.
- Medical Status: Healthy
- Special Needs: TLC (tender loving care)
- History: Owner left Fantasy Forever.
- Name: Arwen
- Age: 1
- Gender: Filly
- Color/Markings: White body/horn/hooves/mane/tail/wings, wings give off white glow.
- Medical Status: Refuses to eat
- Special Needs: TLC (tender loving care), food intake monitoring
- History: Owner left Fantasy Forever.
- Name: Rainbow
- Age: 3
- Gender: Filly
- Color/Markings: Rainbow body, lime green horn/hooves/mane/tail/wings.
- Medical Status: Severe Horn Power Loss
- Special Needs: TLC (tender loving care), horn checkup
- History: Owner left Fantasy Forever.
- Name: Merlin
- Age: 5
- Gender: Mare
- Color/Markings: Gold body, gold and silver striped horn, one white dot on front right hoof, gold mane & tail.
- Medical Status: Feather Loss
- Special Needs: TLC (tender loving care), wing checkup
- History: Owner left Fantasy Forever.
- Name: Candy
- Age: 2
- Gender: Filly
- Color/Markings: Pink body, rainbow horn/hoof/mane/tail, swirled.
- Medical Status: Healthy
- Special Needs: TLC (tender loving care)
- History: Owner left Fantasy Forever.
- Name: Ocean Spray
- Age: 6
- Gender: Mare
- Color/Markings: Brown body, silver horn/hooves, black mane/tail, black swirls.
- Medical Status: Healthy
- Special Needs: TLC (tender loving care)
- History: Owner left Fantasy Forever.
- Name: Junnie
- Age: 3
- Gender: Filly
- Color/Markings: White body, silver horn, black hooves, brown mane & tail.
- Medical Status: Healthy
- Special Needs: TLC (tender loving care)
- History: Owner left Fantasy Forever.
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