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Pesnell History and Happenings

Pesnell History and Happenings

It looks like my website has found it's calling as a Pesnell Genealogy resource. All the Pesnells and other kin are always welcome to help us get deeper in to our family tree. Check my guestbook to see who has inquired about Pesnells so far. Help on finding more Pesnells is always appreciated.

If any of you are regular visitors you can see I rarely update my site these days. With the advent of MySpace and the likes I connect with people in other ways. I am happy to see that every once in a while someone stops by to check on the Pesnell name. I hope to have the time to work on it more when I retire, many years from now. Please e-mail me anytime for comments or suggestions.

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Pesnell Family History

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