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1812 US Navy
Stock No. Description Price
WOET#1 Sailors Jacket from 1802 through 1830's - Navy blue wool, double breasted, six buttons per side, lined in linen, pocket set in lining, falling collar, brass buttons

Measurements: neck, waist, chest, front (hollow of neck down front to bottom of waist center front), back (nape of neck down back to waist center rear), shoulders (tip to tip across back of shoulders), shoulder top (side of neck to tip of shoulder), sleeve (tip of shoulder down arm to cuff), around upper arm, around bicep, around fist.

WOET#2 Officers dress coat - of navy blue wool, cut-away tail coat, double breasted, standing collar, pocket set in tails,pocket flap on side skirt. This is the basic Officer's dress coat from which all commissioned dress coats are made

Measurements: neck, waist, chest, shoulders (tip to tip across back of shoulders), shoulder top (side of neck to tip of shoulder), sleeve (tip of shoulder down arm to cuff), around upper arm, around bicep, around fist, front (hollow of neck down front to bottom of waist center front), back (nape of neck down back to waist center rear, then to top of leg while kneeling - 2 measurements)

WOET#2-1A Captain, Commodore, Master Commandant dress coat - 1802 through 1812 - 1/2" gold lacing on edges of collar, cuffs, Cuff and Buttonhole Variations pocket flaps, and at each button hole. Nine buttons on lapels, four buttons on cuffs and pocket flaps

Measurements: neck, waist, chest, shoulders (tip to tip across back of shoulders), shoulder top (side of neck to tip of shoulder), sleeve (tip of shoulder down arm to cuff), around upper arm, around bicep, around fist, front (hollow of neck down front to bottom of waist center front), back (nape of neck down back to waist center rear, then to top of leg while kneeling - 2 measurements)

WOET#2-1B Captain, Commodore, Master Commandant undress coat - 1802 through 1812 - Plain blue with falling collar

Measurements: See WOET#2-1A

WOET#2-1C Captain, Commodore, Master Commandant dress coat - 1813 issue - 1/2" gold lacing on edges of collar, cuffs, and pocket flaps. Nine buttons on lapels, four buttons on cuffs and pocket flaps

Measurements: See WOET#2-1A

WOET#2-1D Captain, Commodore, Master Commandant undress coat - 1813 issue - Plain blue with falling collar

Measurements: See WOET#2-1A

WOET#2-2A Lieutenant dress coat - 1802 through 1812 - 1/2" gold lacing on pocket flaps only. Nine buttons on lapels, three buttons on cuffs and pocket flaps

Measurements: neck, waist, chest, shoulders (tip to tip across back of shoulders), shoulder top (side of neck to tip of shoulder), sleeve (tip of shoulder down arm to cuff), around upper arm, around bicep, around fist, front (hollow of neck down front to bottom of waist center front), back (nape of neck down back to waist center rear, then to top of leg while kneeling - 2 measurements)

WOET#2-2B Lieutenant undress coat - 1802 through 1812 - Plain blue tailcoat, falling collar, with three buttons per cuff and pocket

Measurements: See WOET#2-2A

WOET#2-2C Lieutenant dress coat - 1813 issue - 1/2" gold lacing on edge of cuff and collar only

Measurements: neck, waist, chest, shoulders (tip to tip across back of shoulders), shoulder top (side of neck to tip of shoulder), sleeve (tip of shoulder down arm to cuff), around upper arm, around bicep, around fist, front (hollow of neck down front to bottom of waist center front), back (nape of neck down back to waist center rear, then to top of leg while kneeling - 2 measurements)

WOET#2-2D Lieutenant undress coat - 1813 issue - Plain blue tailcoat, falling collar, with three buttons per cuff and pocket, no trim

Measurements: See WOET#2-2C (top of page)

WOET#2-3C Naval or Hospital Surgeon dress coat - 1813 issue - Had two gold laces 1/4" wide at top of cuff and collar with one laced button hole on each side of the collar

Measurements: See WOET#2-2C (top of page)

WOET#2-3D Naval or Hospital Surgeon undress coat - 1813 issue - Plain blue cutaway tail coat with falling collar edged with gold cord

Measurements: See WOET#2-2C (top of page)

WOET#2-4C Surgeon dress coat - 1813 issue - Plain with two laced button holes to each side of collar

Measurements: See WOET#2-2C (top of page)

WOET#2-4D Surgeon undress coat - 1813 issue - Plain cutaway tail coat, standing collar, untrimmed.

Measurements: See WOET#2-2C (top of page)

WOET#2-5A Surgeon mates dress coat - 1802 through 1812 - Plain blue cutaway tailcoat, the button holes worked in gold thread

Measurements: See WOET#2-2C (top of page)

WOET#2-5C Surgeon mates dress coat -1813 issue - Plain blue cutaway tailcoat with one laced button hole on each side of collar

Measurements: See WOET#2-2C (top of page)

WOET#2-5D Surgeon mates undress coat -1813 issue - Plain blue cutaway tailcoat with rolling collar and two buttons per side, no lace

Measurements: See WOET#2-2C (top of page)

WOET#2-6A Sailing Masters dress coat - 1802 through 1812 - Plain blue cutaway tailcoat with standing collar, one slip of lace to each side with a button. Slash cuffs with three buttons

Measurements: See WOET#2-2C (top of page)

WOET#2-6C Sailing Masters dress coat - 1813 issue - Plain blue cutaway tailcoat with two buttons on cuff and pocket

Measurements: See WOET#2-2C (top of page)

WOET#2-6D Sailing Masters undress coat - 1813 issue - Plain blue cutaway tailcoat with two buttons on cuff and pocket, with rolling collar with one button, no lace

Measurements: See WOET#2-2C (top of page)

WOET#2-7A Pursers dress coat - 1802 through 1812 - Plain blue cutaway tailcoat with open cuff having two buttons above and below, the collar is embroidered in gold instead of a slip of gold lace

Measurements: See WOET#2-2C (top of page)

WOET#2-7C Pursers dress coat - 1813 issue - As with the 1802, but with 1/2" gold lace edging the collar

Measurements: See WOET#2-2C (top of page)

WOET#2-7D Pursers undress coat - 1813 issue - Plain blue cutaway tailcoat with rolling collar

Measurements: neck, waist, chest, shoulders (tip to tip across back of shoulders), shoulder top (side of neck to tip of shoulder), sleeve (tip of shoulder down arm to cuff), around upper arm, around bicep, around fist, front (hollow of neck down front to bottom of waist center front), back (nape of neck down back to waist center rear, then to top of leg while kneeling - 2 measurements)

WOET#2-8A Midshipman dress coat - 1802 through 1812 - Plain blue coat with short lapels, six button, and a slash cuff with three small buttons. The button holes are sewn with gold thread and a diamond of gold lace on each side of standing collar

Measurements: See WOET#2-7D (top of page)

WOET#2-8B Midshipman undress coat - 1802 through 1812 - Short coat with a standing collar with a button and a slip of lace on each side

Measurements: See WOET#2-7D (top of page)

WOET#2-8C Midshipman dress coat - 1813 issue - Plain blue coat with short lapels, six button, and a slash cuff with no buttons. The button holes are sewn with gold thread and a diamond of gold lace on each side of standing collar.

Measurements: See WOET#2-7D (top of page)

WOET#2-8D Midshipman undress coat - 1813 issue - Short coat having a rolling collar and a button to each side

Measurements: See WOET#2-7D (top of page)

WOET#2-9C Masters mates dress coat - 1813 issue - Plain blue coat with short lapels, six button, and a slash cuff with two buttons. The button holes are sewn with gold thread and a diamond of gold lace on each side of standing collar

Measurements: See WOET#2-7D (top of page)

WOET#30 Pea Jacket - Double breasted, flapped or slashed pockets, mid thigh length, falling collar, closed cuff. In grey, navy, or brown

Measurements: neck, waist, chest, shoulders (tip to tip across back of shoulders), shoulder top (side of neck to tip of shoulder), sleeve (tip of shoulder down arm to cuff), around upper arm, around bicep, around fist, front (hollow of neck down front to bottom of waist center front), back (nape of neck down back to waist center rear, then to bottom of seat, then to top of leg while kneeling - 3 measurements).

WOET#31 Shirt - 1705 through 1860 - Blue check, issue fatigue in British Navy; a common shirt

Measurements: neck, chest, shoulders (tip to tip across back of shoulders), shoulder top (side of neck to tip of shoulder), sleeve (tip of shoulder down arm to cuff).

$ 55
WOET#32 Shirt - Late Colonial era - White, bleached muslin, narrower sleeve, less cloth in body than earlier version. Add $5 for rearlier fashion, Add $5 for ruffled neck.

Measurements: neck, chest, shoulders (tip to tip across back of shoulders), shoulder top (side of neck to tip of shoulder), sleeve (tip of shoulder down arm to cuff).

$ 35
WOET#33 Waist coat - Empire period - military - Flapped, horizontal pockets, of wool, in scarlet or white

Measurements: neck, waist, chest, shoulders (tip to tip across back of shoulders), shoulder top (side of neck to tip of shoulder), front (hollow of neck down front to bottom of waist center front).

$ 80
WOET#34 Waist coat - Officer's - white wool - State rank

Measurements: Same as WOET#33 (above)

$ 95
WOET#35 Officer's breeches - broadfall, tied at waistband, earflap pockets, buttons at knee, of wool

Measurements: Waist, inseam (from crotch down inside of leg to under knee), outseam (from waist side top to bottom of knee), thigh (around one leg at top of crotch), around leg above the knee, around knee, around the leg just below the knee. (All measurements while standing)

$ 80
WOET#36 Sailor's pantaloons - broadfall, in wool, linen, duck, or canvas (state cloth)

Measurements: Waist, inseam (from crotch down inside of leg to floor), outseam (from waist side top to floor), thigh (around one leg at top of crotch).

$ 65
WOET#37 Coveralls - Issue item for Marines - Aka gaiter trouser, broadfall, pockets set in seams. Of linen, canvas, or duck (state Cloth)

Measurements: Waist, inseam (from crotch down inside of leg to under knee, to ankle(narrowest part), to floor - 3 measurements), thigh (around one leg at top of crotch), around knee, around the leg just below the knee, around calf, around ankle, around instep. (All measurements taken while wearing shoes.)

$ 95
WOET#38 Skilts or Petticoat slops - Of linen or canvas (state cloth)

Measurements: Waist, inseam (from crotch down inside of leg to mid calf), outseam (from waist side top to mid calf).

$ 55
WOET#39 Warrant Officers (as of November 1813)

Coat - as described

Waist coat as described in white wool

Blue pantaloons -as described




WOET#40 Sailors hat, enameled tar over sewn canvas

Measurements: head circumference

$ 45
WOET#41 Sailors hat, plain round hat, black

Measurements: head circumference

$ 25
WOET#42 Sailors hat, round hat trimmed visor,edged with mohair

Measurements: head circumference

$ 50