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tOM's Page

Our chief weapon is humor...humor and parody...parody and wit.... Our two weapons are humor and wit...and an an eye for the droll.... Our *three* weapons are humor, parody, and wit...and an unerring eye for the droll.... Our *four* *Amongst* our weapons.... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as humor, parody.....

Humor and Parody


Episodes We'll Never See

Thoughts in Dim Places
All Alone In The Gloom
Falling Up -- CAUTION -- This is very, very long.

Apologies to the MPFC

The B(flat)5
Whatever Happened to Ann?
Tour of Duty
Woohoo: En Toto
Knives, Forks and Spoons
Zoot, Zoot, Not!

Star Trek Parodies

Star Trek (with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern)

My Favorite Links

Blind Man's Useless Ideas for Babylon 5
Vir's B5 Humor Page
cScott's Parodies
Pookha's Lair
Lurking on the Station
Babyler's SF Home Page
Spiffy's Babylon 5 Humor
Nathan's Babylon 5 Humor
Babylon 5 Top 10 Lists
Collected Quotations from Babylon 5
Epsilon Jumpgate -- Babylon 5 CGI
The Sad Geezer's Babylon 5 Site
Lurker's Guide - Australian Mirror
JMS Usenet Messages
Babylon 5 Spoilers Page
Dominion Chat Transcripts
InterStellar Network News
Mars -- I don't think that I'll ever get tired of this view.
Scotsman's Babbling Farce
JMS Moderated Newsgroup
Message Archive

Gateway -- Touched by a Vorlon
ShalMayan's Sanctuary

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