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United States Othello Association

Membership in the United States Othello Association (USOA) is available to all residents or citizens of the United States. The USOA is dedicated to the advancement of the game of Othello in the United States; its activities include conducting, sponsoring, or sanctioning tournaments, maintaining a national rating system for active players, and publishing instructional materials, including OTHELLO QUARTERLY. Regular memberships entitle members a published USOA sanctioned national rating and a subscription to OTHELLO QUARTERLY. The annual fee for membership is $8.00 to U.S. residents. Subscriptions are available to non-U.S. residents for an annual fee of $12.00 The annual fee entitles the sender to four issues of the Quarterly before a renewal is required. Subscription requests and change-of-address notification may be sent to: Othello Quarterly, 7 Peter Cooper Rd. #10G, New York, NY 10010. E-mail: David Parsons

Back issues of Othello Quarterly are available to U.S. residents for $2 each. Also, the handbook "Othello: Brief and Basic" is available for $5 ($8 for overseas orders). To order, write to: clarence Hewlett, 920 Northgate Ave, Waynesboro, VA 22980

Here is the upcoming USA over the board tournaments
2001 US Nationals - August 11 and 12 in New York. Contact David Parsons for any information.
2001 World Othello Championship - Tournament Director - David Parsons is not sure where or when yet. The tournament is extremely likely that it will be in New York City.  However, Anjar Co. and Mattel are the organizers, sponsors, and ultimately the decision makers for the location and date.

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