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The Lava Swirled Kramer From Heck

Well, here it is. Number 5. The Lava Swirled Kramer From Heck. This is the second guitar I customized and refinished for my friend Robert. This one also started life as a Kramer. 2 Humbuckers, a 3 way switch and one volume knob. Here's a pic of it when I got it from him.

The first thing I had to do was fill in all of the deep gouges in the body. We decided to have a volume knob for each pickup, a tone knob, a 3 way switch and a coil tap on the bridge pickup. That's why it has 50 holes in it! I also moved the input jack around to the back end of the guitar like an Ibanez Jem's input is. It's angled downward so that if you step on your cord, you won't pull it out. Here's the body primered and ready for a base coat.

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of the base coat. It's red. Then I did the swirl method like I did on the Rock Block, except I used black and flourescent orange paint over the red base coat. Here's the body after I dipped it.

The headstock had been cracked in half at one point during the instrument's life, and had been fixed a few times. It wasn't pretty, believe me. puttied it up and sanded it down so you couldn't see the crack, and gave it a red base coat as well. The customer requested a '666' be carved into the end of it too, so in case you can't read it, that's what it is.

Then I wrapped it in newspaper and tape and dipped it too. That's how it got that point in the back.

For the fretboard, I did the same thing I did with the Rock Block, except with red beads.

Then I had the daunting task of wiring this monstrosity up. But I did it. And it works :) Here's the finished product. You should see this beast under a black light!!

Stay tuned...I'll put up more guitars if I can get my hands on some!

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