EPISODE 2: Some Assembly Required: When the body of a girl killed in a car accident is dragged from her grave, and bodies start to disappear fom the morgue, and parts of corpses turn up in dumpsters, the consensus is that there is a legion of zombies roaming around or a flesh eating daemon on the loose. Actually it's a mis-guided year book guy, Chris Epps, and his friend Eric, who are trying to build a zombie dream woman for his undead and lonely brother, Daryl. while limiting their parts to deceased young ladies, Daryl thinks that Cordelia's head would make the perfect finish to his new girlfriend.
EPISODE 3: School Hard: Angel's old friends Spike and Drusilla turn up in Sunnydale looking for fresh blood and set up camp with the Anointed One. Spike says that he will kill the slayer on the night of St. Vigeous - a big day among vampires. Eager to kill his third slayer, Spike and some of his friends turn up at the school's parents evening looking for Buffy, but is hampered by Buffy's mother who whacks Spike over the back of the head with an axe. Irritated Spike takes out his frustration on the Anointed One, while the official story is that a gang high on PCP was responsible for the damage at the parent's evening.
EPISODE 4: Inca Mummy Girl: This time round the object of Xander's affections is not a giant bug, no this time it's a mummy who feeds on the life force of others to stay alive. Brought back to life when a trouble making student steals a plate from her crypt, the mummy decides to pass her self off as an exchange student that Buffy's mum was expecting. Though not with much luggage she did bring with her a man who keeps jumping out of bushes trying to return her to her tomb.
EPISODE 5: Reptile Boy: Cordelia's dating a smarmy guy whose charming friend Tom has his eye on Buffy, so Cordelia gets Buffy to join her at a Delta Zeta Kappa party. Suspicious of any male near Buffy, Xander infiltrates the party, but is soon discovered and thrown out, about the same time that Tom turns out to be not as nice as previously thought and drug's Buffy's drink. Awaking chained to a basement wall, in-between Cordelia and another girl, Buffy realises how twisted Tom is when he offers the girls as sacrifices to Machida, a half man, half snake demon.
EPISODE 6: Halloween: traditionally Halloween is a slow day for vampire activity, but when trick or treaters, start to become the characters they are dressed up as, things seem a little weird. Willow becomes a ghost, Xander becomes Rambo, and Buffy becomes a proper 18th century girl - like the ones Angel used to date. It turns out that all of the costumes originated from Ethan's costume shop, who not only dabbles in sells, but is an old acquaintance of Giles.
EPISODE 7: Lie To Me: It's tough enough finding out that your boyfriend was once a killer-let alone an active vampire-without having to hear details of his former loves. But things get even more complicated when Buffy learns of Angel's past infatuation with Drusilla and the things that he did to make her a vampire. Things get worse when an old friend of Buffy's, Billy 'Ford' Fordham, shows up in town and turns out to be the leader of a group of misled vampire wanna-be's. Ford makes a deal with Spike to trade Buffy for a set of fangs, but when Buffy hears of the plan and rushes to confront him, she walks right into a trap. Learning the truth behind Ford's obsession with immortality, Buffy escapes, with Ford left behind as Spike and Drusilla's 'dinner' guest.
EPISODE 8: The Dark Age: Philip Henry is frantically looking for Giles, but before he can find him, he is caught by a zombie. Identifyiny his friend at the morgue, Giles explains that they were both part of the same circle of friends who, in their younger days experimented with daemonic possesion. Identifying them by their tattoo-the mark of Eyghon-the daemon is back methodically possesing them, and killing them one by one. Costume shop owner Ethan returns, revealing more about his own and Gile's pasts. But while Buffy is protecting him, he double crosses her and tattoos the mark onto her and removes his own with acid. It turn out that Jenny Calender is the next to feel the wrath of Eyghin, when she gets in the body jumping daemon's way and becomes possesed. Miss Calender is freed when angel steps in to attack the daemon by letting it enter his body.
EPISODE 9: What's My Line? (Part 1): Buffy's classmates discover their own futures courtesy of career aptitude tests, meanwhile Spike is trying to get a vampire version of Giles to translate an ancient text that will restore Drusilla's health. also Spike has called upon the services of the Order of Tarak-a trio of daemon assasins to keep Buffy from interfering with his plans-or anything else ever again. With the first two daemons on a search and destroy mission for Buffy, the third is more interested in getting Angel and leaves him locked in a cage slowly filling with sunlight. The mysterious woman daemon confronts Buffy, battling her to a draw before introducing herself as Kendra-the vampire slayer.
EPISODE 10: What's My Line? (Part 2): Apparently Buffy's brief death at the hand's of the Master started off the next slayer to take her place. As the two slayers sort out the confusion this causes, Buffy discovers Angel's impending doom, and she and Kendra rush to save him, but when they arrive, Angel has already been handed over to Spike, who intends on sacrificing him as a means of restoring Drusilla's health. Menawhile the third daemon confronts Buffy at the career fair. The stress of everything causes Xander and Cordelia's relationship to change from hate to love, as they begin to make out in closets. The two slayers form an alliance as they team up to stop Angel's sacrifice and mistakenly leave Spike and Drusilla for dead.