Holiness unto the Lord! We welcome you to our site that preaches full salvation. Jesus is coming for His church that is Holy and without blemish.
Holiness Campmeeting Resources
Bible Salvation
Holiness Links
The Man Who Died For Me Tract
John Wesley's Notes on the Holy Bible
Our Beliefs
The Doctrine of Entire Sanctification
Five Minutes After You Die Message
A Plain Account Of Christian Perfection by John Wesley
The Christian's Secret Of A Happy Life by Hannah Whitall Smith
My Utmost for His Highest (Daily Devotional)
The Holy Bible King James Version 1611
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John Wesley's Sermons
International Gospel Worker's Alliance
Our Radio Ministry
United Christian Ministries International
Praise His Holy name. We are an evangelical holiness outreach that preaches full salvation.Jesus Christ is coming for His church that must be Holy and without spot or wrinkle. All too often the standards of holiness have reduced to such a level that the professing Christian and the nonbeliever act the same and dress the same.
TCA is dedicated to bringing the gospel truth to Virginia Beach, Virginia. Weekly meetings are held for the lost and for the believer. These services are designed to reach the lost for Jesus Christ and then make disciples as He commanded.
TCA also publishes out-of-print holiness books and articles to preach the truth concerning salvation and entire sanctification.
TCA holds special revivals from time to time to reach the lost. As these are scheduled, they will be posted on this site.
TCA is the sponser of the radio program "Walking With God." WWG is the only holiness radio broadcast in the Wesleyan tradition in the Virginia Beach, Virginia, area. We receive calls at the conclusion of most programs requesting prayer for salvation or sanctification.
We desire to serve our Holy God. We are firmly convinced that most good people in the church building are not Christians, but instead they need a full deliverance from sin. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian. Believing in Christ and obeying His commandments makes you a Christian.
We bring the truth without compromise in love. God is calling His people to come out from among them and be seperate. Be Holy because He is Holy.This is our message!
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