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WELCOME!!! I am glad you could join me. It is always nice to have the opportunity to share recipes and the love of good food with folks like you. While my site is by no means finished...and probably never will be, I am sure you will find lots of great stuff to keep you coming back again and again. Feel free to browse around and take advantage of the recipes that have been compiled from people all over the globe, and maybe pick up a trick or two to help spruce up one of your own. Along with the recipes you will find Cookbook Reviews, opportunities to visit other places, purchase specialty items, as well as gourmet foods, cookware, and various other equipment all geared toward making your effort in the kitchen a more healthy, fun, and satisfying experience. Of course since I am a cook and not a Computer whiz like the rest of you, any help or suggestions you could make to help me make this a better place to be would sure be appreciated. I always enjoy getting email from people who share my passion for good food. Click the various links and stay awhile...You might be glad you Did. BON APPETIT!!!
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