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Native Paths

In the following pages, you will
find prayers, poems, words of wisdom,
words to live by, and teachings. It is
a gift from, and to our D-N-A,
(decendents & Ancestors). Receive the
gift of these writings with a open heart
and a love of all mother earth has given us.
Given with respect for all life.

I open these pages with a prayer.

O, Great Spirit
Whose voice I hear in the winds,
And whose breath gives life to all the world; Hear me.
I am small and weak.
I need your strength and wisdom.
Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes
ever behold the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things I have
made and my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise so that I may understand
the things you have taught my people.
Let me learn the lessons you have hidden
in every rock and leaf.
I seek strength, not to be greater than
my brother, but to fight my greatest
Make me always ready to come to you with
clean hands and straight eyes.
So when life fades, as the fading
sunset, my spirit may come to you
without shame.

Chief Yellow Hawk

Wolf Story

Navajo Wind Prayer

Desert Dance: Poem---Vision

Native Commandments

Native Proverbs

Shadow Walker: Poem

Campfire Stories: especally for children. Legends ,Myths,teachings. {This is a link}

Mitakuye Oiyasin: We are all related. {This is a link}

Apache Wedding Prayer

The White Buffalo Calf Woman

The Dreamcatcher

The Trail Of Tears

A collection of some Native Folklure

Native stories and folklore: takes time to load. {This is a link}

How Rainbow Was Created

Wisdom Of The Chiefs

Three Chumush Legends
The Flood
The Making
Rainbow Bridge

"The Colors of the Wind"

"Sunrise Prayer"

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Music by Elan Michaels