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We're No Angels

Delta Force 2 Scout/Sniper Team

DC Magoo - Sniper

D.O.C. - Scout

We're No Angels is based in Northern Virginia, just outside our Nation's Capitol -- Washington, D.C.

We may not be the best scout/sniper team out there. . .but we think we're pretty good. And from time to time, we may fall. However, our stubborn attitude is only outweighed by our perseverance. Eventually, we'll hunt you down.

If anyone is looking for a couple of devious bastards to augment their squads for any matches, email us and we'll be there if our schedules are free.

All of our games are titled Hit & Run in D.C. If you see one of our games up, drop in and say Hello.

Team Screenshots

Range Report

More About Us

Links to Places We Like:

Any questions or inquiries, please contact us at: