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Whether its logs, a materials package, a shell, or a turnkey home,
Olde Homestead Log Homes is--
The Natural Choice

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If a log home, weekender log cabin, log structure or commercial log building is what you are looking for, then Olde Homestead Log Homes an exclusive dealer for Tennessee Log Homes in Virginia is the place to get your design, plans, and materials. Then we'll help you get started! Whether you want just the log package, an erected log shell or a turnkey building, we know how to get the job done right! I'm Rich Mencl, a Tennessee Log Homes dealer in VA. We’ve lived in our Modified Tellico "A" log home and model (below) for over 8 years and I’ve been helping introduce other people to log home living for years. To learn a bit more about me and the company, you also can find more detailed info at my web site at: Tennessee Log Homes of Virginia

Quality, Service and our Lifetime Warranty

In addition to our nearly 50 standard Traditions models ranging from about 600 sq ft to 3100 sq ft Standard Designs, we can custom design a log home of whatever size and layout you desire through our Elk River Series Elk River Designs. All of these homes have some degree of customization. There is no extra charge for custom design when you buy one of our Traditions or Elk River packages.

We sell only quality materials with our packages and discriminating homeowners expect nothing less. Among other items: with our Traditions and Elk River Series our standard logs are either 8" x 8" or 6" x 12" Tim-bor treated, saddle notch or dovetail corner, TPI grade 40. The energy efficient 8 x 8 log is our standard, while the majority of manufacturers will sell the 8 x 8 as an upgrade, if at all. Few log home companies go to the added expense of using only the best, TPI grade 40 double tongue and groove logs, treated with non toxic Tim-bor in their homes. We even provide a lifetime warranty on our logs! Among other quality components, we include energy efficient quality thermal pane windows (tilt-in for easy cleaning) and doors. Our second floor system consists of premium/select grade 2 x 6 tongue and groove applied over heavy timber douglas fir floor joists to compliment the rustic appearance to the home.

If you want to view some of our 50 Traditions floor plans and some completed homes or just get more information about our packages; visit my web site: Tennessee Log Homes Plans

If price has been frightening you away from considering log home construction/ownership, check out our 2001 and 2002 new log homes. By combining a lot of standard construction materials and procedures, we created log home designs which the average home buyer can afford and be proud to live in! These standard packages cost about $40-55 per square foot. You can view the new model homes and floor plans at: New Designs 2001-2002.

May I Be Frank About Costs?

Everyone asks: “How much does a log home cost?” I have to tell them: “As much as you want it to cost.” Our Complete Tennessee Traditions log home materials packages cost about $48-$58+/- per sq ft depending on the complexity of the design. Custom log homes are not cheaper than conventional, vinyl-sided, tract houses. The typical completed TN Traditions log home in this area is running about the same price as a custom home built of brick, with the same interior treatments, in the same neighborhood. I have seen the turnkey cost (logs, materials and labor) run approximately 2 ½ to 3 times the Tennessee Traditions materials package price. There can be a lot of variance in this estimate, but price ultimately depends on how exotic your dreams!

How Do We Get Started?

First, contact me and together we'll do a reality check to determine if what you want is doable. We'll discuss size, style, financing, and how, where and when you would like your home constructed.

There are a couple ways to handle construction of your log home: (1) have a shell erected by a national log home building firm (we could point out several for you that routinely build TLH packages) then have local craftsmen finish the interior and systems, (2) have a local general contractor (we can help you with that) handle the entire project, or (3) do-it-yourself. Then there are variations--for instance many customers want to be involved in finishing portions of the interiors of their homes themselves. If your budget is limited, then realistically you may want to think about the possibility of doing some of the work yourself.

I would be happy to work with you designing and pricing out your personal log home package. With the reasonable interest rates, now is an ideal time to move on your log home ideas. While you may get your financing where ever you choose, a number of my clients have worked with M&T Mortgage's Systems Built Division with good results. A simple phone call to them can determine which and what size log home you can afford. Mary Ann Decker, their loan officer, would be happy to work with you. You may wish to give him a call at 888-539-1160 ext 6685.

In addition, we have several lay-away plans that lock-in your price today. These programs have helped many young folks get started. If you already have a floor plan you like, you can send or fax it to me and I will start pricing it out. You may call me anytime to discuss your ideas, schedule a visit, or just get some pointers on planning your log home.

Rich Mencl
67 Holly Berry Rd
Fredericksburg, VA 22406
Tel 540-752-9631 or 752-0998
Fax 540-752-0998

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