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Trach ties

Variable Immune Deficiency

The human body, being the magnificent machine that it is, has a defense system second to none. There are multiple lines of defense, to contend with various assaults, as well as back-up systems if needed when others fail. The biggest defender of the human body is the Immune System, made of multiple components.
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The immune system was a little known system, to most, until the movie about the "boy in the bubble" and the discovery of AIDS. The immune system is made up of many components. There are the many "immunoglobulins" who have letter and number designations, such as IgA, IgE, IgG and IgM. Among those are the sub categories. The T cells, as many are now familiar with due to the prevalence of AIDS during the 80's and 90's. The T cells have helper cells. They also have sub categories, the main ones being CD-4 and CD-8. Other cells that make up the Immune System are Complement cells and B cells.
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All these different cells play different roles in keeping us healthy. The T and T helper cells are the ones that tell our body how to respond to different germs or insults, so that the correct white blood cells are produced to combat the attack. They also help with antibody formation. Antibodies are what keep you from getting the flu or a childhood disease more than once. Antibodies are formed when you get the shots to prevent an illness.
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These can fail for many reasons. HIV, a virus, causes the decrease in immune response seen in AIDS. But AIDS is not the only time when the immune system fails. They can also be elevated for any number of reasons. In allergies, there is an increase in IgE. An elevation in IgM can be an indicator for certain types of cancer or other disorders.
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Variable Immune Deficiency, is a decrease or absence of immune globulins, with no evidence of HIV. One crude name for it, which confuses more than it explains, is "non-HIV AIDS." This diagnosis is neither correct or accurate. It is an immune deficiency. It is NOT acquired (the A in AIDS).
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Variable does explain most of it. With there being so many Immune Globulins, chances are more than one that is deficient. Not always the same ones in the same ratios either, hence the Variable. Immune is pretty self explanatory as well as Deficiency.
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As seen on "My Story" page of this website, I had spent a few years with a question among doctors as to what was going on with my immune system since I had frequent infections that most people would only have once and the strange reactions that imitated a "modified" anaphylactic reaction. November of 2000 I was "officially" diagnosed with VID, with a profound deficiency in T cells (specifically CD-4 and CD-8), IgG deficiencies (2 of the 4 subcatergories) as well as absence of any antibody responses. Basically it confirmed what we had suspected for atleast 5 years. My immune system was not functioning correctly.
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Once discovered the treatment was simple. IVIG, Intravenous Immune Globulin infusions would replace the immune globulins I was lacking, giving me a better chance to fight benign pathogens and act as the "generals" to initiate the correct white blood cells to battle any pathogen. I now get IVIG infusions every three weeks and we will see how things go from here.
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The hope is that once I have a functioning immune reponse that my body will settle down and not go into overdrive causing the reactions I had for the last six years. Once the correct levels are reached there will be sufficient response and there won't be a massive histamine release and the symptoms that causes.
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As with any disease or disorder education is important. Not just of the patient, but of family and the public at large. The biggest thing is to remind everyone "VID IS NOT AIDS".
Second is to make people aware of the warning signs. As with cancer, when they made the warning signs public knowledge, cancer was caught earlier and at a more treatable level. The same is true for any illness. Early detection can alleviate years of not knowing and not being treated.
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The 10 Warning Signs of Primary Immune Deficiency:

  1. Eight or more new ear infections within one year.
  2. Two or more serious sinus infections within 1 year.
  3. Two or more months on antibiotics with little effect.
  4. Two or more pneumonias with within one year.
  5. Failure of an infant to gain weight or grow normally.
  6. Recurrent, deep, skin or organ abcesses.
  7. Persistant thrush in the mouth or elsewhere on the skin, after infancy.
  8. Need for intravenous antibiotics to clear an infection.
  9. Two or more serious infections such as sepsis, meningitis or cellulitis(infection in the skin).
  10. A family history of immune deficiency.

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Other names for the various Immune Deficiencies are:
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Immune Links

Links are not listed in any particular order. The information provided does not reflect the ideas of Trach-ties. No particular web site is endorsed by Trach-ties. The information provided should not replace care by a medical professional

Jeffrey Modell Foundation

Asheleigh's CVID webpage

"Jumbonav's CVID page

What is PID?

How does the Immune System work?

Our Immune System

National Jewish Medical Center

Journal Of Immunology

Immune Deficiency Foundation


Immune Disease Professionals

National Organization of Rare Diseases

IgG Subclasses

Classifications of Immune Globulins

General Immunology

General Immune Deficiency

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IVIG Links

New York City Information Network

National Medical Library

LaurieJean's Tripod Page

Project Information

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If you would like any further info or have any to add feel free to email.

Disclaimer; In no way are these web pages or links intended to replace care by a qualified medical professional. They are here for information only. If you feel you fit any of the symptoms listed in any of these links you should seek care from a qualified medical professional.