Adding objects to players at creation into wear positions. Smaug 1.4a This is really quite simple, and was already done with the realms of despair guide. If you have any problems. Contact Vladaar, or try the smaug mailing list. In comm.c around line 2176 You will find: /* Added by Brittany, Nov 24/96. The object is the adventurer's guide to the realms of despair, part of Academy.are. */ { OBJ_INDEX_DATA *obj_ind = get_obj_index( 10333 ); if ( obj_ind != NULL ) { obj = create_object( obj_ind, 0 ); obj_to_char( obj, ch ); equip_char( ch, obj, WEAR_HOLD ); } } Simply comment this out if you dont want the guide there, or change the value 10333 to your object, and adjust the wear position to whatever, wear_wield, wear_body, etc. You can reproduce this back to back and give a character mulitpul items at creation without messing with mobprograms and having players see themselves forced to wear objects. Heck I dont think players should be naked anyways at creation, it depends on your mud theme though. Good Luck, Vladaar