/* Installation: Just append this snippet after the "lck" ifcheck, which is located between the if (chkchar) {} body of code in the mprog_do_ifcheck() function in the mud_prog.c source file. Search for "lck" (include the quotes in the search) in the mud_prog.c file and the first instance should be the location you are looking for. E-Mail me if you have any problems: -Ron Kinney(minex@dod.hpi.net) */ /* This if check has the syntax within mprogs: if iscarrying() == It will return true if the person is carrying the item of that vnum. False will be returned otherwise. Only the == check is supported, for I didn't see the need for other comparisons. For example, iscarrying($n) > 100 didn't seem to have much of a use in my opinion. However, feel free to add those conditions if you feel so inclined. ie, if iscarrying($n) == 100 say You are holding vnum 100 else say You are not holding vnum 100 endif */ if (!str_cmp(chck, "iscarrying")) { OBJ_DATA *pObj; int vnum = atoi(rval); if (vnum < 1 || vnum > 2097152000) { progbug("iscarrying: bad vnum", mob) ; return BERR ; } if (str_cmp(opr, "==")) { progbug("iscarrying: bad check", mob) ; return BERR ; } for (pObj = chkchar->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content) if (pObj->pIndexData->vnum == vnum) return TRUE ; return FALSE ; }