Changing your max hp, move, and mana over 30,000. This was done by Remcon, but you can email, or the smaug mailing list if you have any questions. in mud.h in struct char_data change sh_int hit; sh_int max_hit; sh_int mana; sh_int max_mana; sh_int move; sh_int max_move; to int hit; int max_hit; int mana; int max_mana; int move; int max_move; struct char_morph { MORPH_DATA * morph; EXT_BV affected_by; /* New affected_by added */ EXT_BV no_affected_by; /* Prevents affects from being added */ int no_immune; /* Prevents Immunities */ int no_resistant; /* Prevents resistances */ int no_suscept; /* Prevents Susceptibilities */ int immune; /* Immunities added */ int resistant; /* Resistances added */ int suscept; /* Suscepts added */ int timer; /* How much time is left */ sh_int ac; int blood; sh_int cha; sh_int con; sh_int damroll; sh_int dex; sh_int dodge; int hit; sh_int hitroll; sh_int inte; sh_int lck; int mana; int move; sh_int parry; sh_int saving_breath; sh_int saving_para_petri; sh_int saving_poison_death; sh_int saving_spell_staff; sh_int saving_wand; sh_int str; sh_int tumble; sh_int wis; }; /* race dedicated stuff */ struct race_type { char race_name [16]; /* Race name */ EXT_BV affected; /* Default affect bitvectors */ sh_int str_plus; /* Str bonus/penalty */ sh_int dex_plus; /* Dex " */ sh_int wis_plus; /* Wis " */ sh_int int_plus; /* Int " */ sh_int con_plus; /* Con " */ sh_int cha_plus; /* Cha " */ sh_int lck_plus; /* Lck " */ int hit; int mana; int resist; int suscept; int class_restriction; /* Flags for illegal classes */ int language; /* Default racial language */ sh_int ac_plus; sh_int alignment; EXT_BV attacks; EXT_BV defenses; sh_int minalign; sh_int maxalign; sh_int exp_multiplier; sh_int height; sh_int weight; sh_int hunger_mod; sh_int thirst_mod; sh_int saving_poison_death; sh_int saving_wand; sh_int saving_para_petri; sh_int saving_breath; sh_int saving_spell_staff; char * where_name[MAX_WHERE_NAME]; sh_int mana_regen; sh_int hp_regen; sh_int race_recall; }; in build.c in void do_mset( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) change if ( !str_cmp( arg2, "hp" ) ) { if ( !can_mmodify( ch, victim ) ) return; if ( value < 1 || value > 32700 ) // change 32700 to what you want { send_to_char( "Hp range is 1 to 32,700 hit points.\n\r", ch ); // change 32,700 to what you changed the last one to return; } victim->max_hit = value; return; } if ( !str_cmp( arg2, "mana" ) ) { if ( !can_mmodify( ch, victim ) ) return; if ( value < 0 || value > 30000 ) // change 30000 to what you want { send_to_char( "Mana range is 0 to 30,000 mana points.\n\r", ch ); // change 30,000 to what you changed the last one to return; } victim->max_mana = value; return; } if ( !str_cmp( arg2, "move" ) ) { if ( !can_mmodify( ch, victim ) ) return; if ( value < 0 || value > 30000 ) // change 30000 to what you want { send_to_char( "Move range is 0 to 30,000 move points.\n\r", ch ); // change 30,000 to what you changed the last one to return; } victim->max_move = value; return; } /************************************************************** ** NOTE - In order to get hp over 30,000 on mobs ** ** ** ** You must use mset mobname hitdie 3d30000+10000 ** ** ( or some combination of this, to get it to work ) ** ** ** ***************************************************************/ if you added training to your mud in train.c in void do_train( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) below sh_int *AttrPerm; add int *AttrPerm2; and then change else if ( !str_cmp( argument, "hp" ) ) { AttrPerm = &ch->max_hit; pOutput = "number of hit points"; cost = 4; /* this is pracs per "train hp" */ add_hp = 1; /* this is hp gained per "train hp" */ } else if ( !str_cmp( argument, "mana" ) ) { AttrPerm = &ch->max_mana; pOutput = "amount of mana"; cost =5; add_mana = 1; } to else if ( !str_cmp( argument, "hp" ) ) { AttrPerm2 = &ch->max_hit; pOutput = "number of hit points"; cost = 4; /* this is pracs per "train hp" */ add_hp = 1; /* this is hp gained per "train hp" */ } else if ( !str_cmp( argument, "mana" ) ) { AttrPerm2 = &ch->max_mana; pOutput = "amount of mana"; cost =5; add_mana = 1; } that should do it heh i changed mine so that i could make it 100,000 and works nicely. remcon