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First let me tell you a little about myself. I am 42 years young. *s* I live in the great state of Virginia. I work full-time to support my two Yorkshire Terriers. Since I do not have any children, they are my babies! *s* They have been known to rule the house a time or two. But any dog lover knows what I mean! *lol*

Be sure to use the Menu Button button to see my complete menu of all my pages. I update my pages often so be sure to check back to see the changes I have made. There are many pages so be sure to check them out! I have started this home page for two reasons, for your enjoyment and mine! *s* I hope you find the following pages to your liking, if not, please e-mail me and I will consider changing them. If I don't change them, well tough luck!!!!

Things I like.....(listed in no particular order)*eg*
Button Multi flannel nighties on a cold winter night Button Multi the feel of a baby asleep on your chest
Button Multi satin sheets *wg* Button Multi walks on the beach
Button Multi sunsets Button Multi sunrises
Button Multi fresh baked cookies Button Multi a good book
Button Multi a good argument Button Multi a good conversation
Button Multi a 3 tissue movie Button Multi erotica
Button Multi mountains Button Multi crisp morning air
Button Multi the first snow of the season Button Multi the last snow of the season
Button Multi long hot bubble baths Button Multi holding hands
Button Multi fresh cut grass on bare feet Button Multi a good cup of coffee

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Page maintenance March 31, 2005