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Now do not get the man of steel wrong. Anabolex is a good site with a great layout and good info if you pop pills. But most guys there are jokes and we will take a look at some of them on this short tour..

First we have Wolverwhine, he still likes Xmen . He probably believes in Santa too...

Here is a picture of Wolverine caught in the gym locker room after his work out. As you can see he has some massive size and is sporting at least 18 + guns. Lets all commend him on his workout. This just in. Wolverine emailed me and said he had a tip: (get your daily protein shakes from the local gay bar every night.)


Now we have Big Will. You can definately see why they call him Big Will. Here is a picture of him in bed after a vigorous workout at Mcdonalds. He is pimpin in his gold chain. I wish I had half the dedication to get such massive size. Big Will says its due to his Ronald Mcdonald's 60 days to ultimate mass routine.

Big Will

Up next is BBer. It shaved its legs because it is preparing for contest. BBer also says sporting the high heels gives his calves a daily workout and makes them look huge.


Next in line titan59. I was unable to get a recent photo of him. But I did happen to find his year book senoir pic. Lets hope titan59 has changed and is now big n buff. BTW Nice Glasses titan.


Megamorph and Cowhead. Here they just got finished working out and tanning together. Cowhead is on the right, Megamorph the left. As you can see both Anabolex Bros are ready for competetion. Keep up the good work bros.

Megamorph & Cowhead

Ahhh Wasted. You can tell why they call him wasted, this bro is totally fucked up. Wasted claims he is much bigger and muscular now this pic was just took after he found out his woman left him for a butch dyke he confronted the dyke and got his ass whipped. Kinda depressing I know I am sure the prayers of Anabolex bros are with you.


Well looky, looky, its GettinHUGE. I guess the keyword is gettin. Here is a pic he sent me of his super hero fighting stance. He says this strikes fear in the biggest of villians!


Well thats all who sent in a pic from Anabolex. If any of you other guys need one posted please send pic in. As you can see Anabolex is full of BB talent waiting to burst!!!