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Tri-Cities School of Preaching
Christian Development

Under the oversight of the elders of the Stoney Creek Church of Christ.

Spring Quarter begins March 4.

Class Schedule for Spring Quarter 2002:

8:30-11:30 Preacher & His Work, Bill Haywood
11:30-12:00 Chapel
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1: 00-4: 00 Exodus, Robert Tate.

8:30-11:20 English, Wesley Simons
Beginning Greek III, Darrell Broking
11:30-12:00 Chapel
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1: 00-4: 00 Joshua, Darrell Broking

8:30-11:30 Proverbs, A.J. Zenthoefer
11:30-12:00 Chapel
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1: 00-4: 00 I & II Thessalonians, Eddy Craft

Classes will be held at the Stony Creek Church of Christ building located at 1162 Highway 91, Elizabethton, TN.

Tuition is Free. Students will be will be required to purchase certain textbooks.

For more information call:

Wesley Simons at 423-474-2248


Darrell Broking at 423-727-5703 or 423-727-7175.