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Organized 1923

A member of the Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs
of  General Federation of Women's Clubs

P.O.  Box 483
Farmville, Virginia 23901



About Us | Meetings | Membership | Calendar  | 2002 Projects | 2001 Projects
Club News | Newsletter | GFWC | VFWC
Links for Virginia Clubwomen | Town of Farmville | Contact Us



I pledge my loyalty to the Juniors,
by doing better than ever before the work I have to do;
by being prompt, honest, courteous,
by living each day trying to accomplish something,
not merely to exist.


    The Farmville Junior Woman's Club has been a member of the Virginia Federaton of Women's Clubs and the General Federation of Women's Clubs since 1923.  The club was originally organized to help young women be of more service to their families and community.  Today, club membership consists of both career women and housewives with a variety of interests.  Members participate in various community events and support community groups and projects with donations.  Club members take part in fundraising throughout the year to support work on various projects.  Special programs are held at the monthly meetings to inform  members about the community and self-improvement.  The club hopes to expand its efforts and membership to better serve the community.

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First Monday of each month
6:45 p.m. Social Gathering Time
7:00 p.m. Business Meeting
Historic Farmville Train Station
West Third Street
Farmville, Virginia

(Guests are welcome at all club meetings and events.)

Please check the calendar below for current club meeting information.
Occassionally, our meeting locations change for special programs.

Our club meetings may change during the summer months.
Please contact us to get updated information for July & August meetings.

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    Guests are welcome at all club events.  In order to become a member of the Farmville Junior Woman's Club, you must meet the following eligibility requirements:

    * Age of eligibility is from 18-45.
    * Registered voter, if permitted by law.
    * Attendance at two regular club meetings.
    * Membership dues are $25.00 per year.

    Eligible candidates may be installed at regular monthly meetings.  We hope that anyone who may be interested in our club will attend meetings and take part in our club projects.  Please contact email us if you have further questions.

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Monthly Programs:
(January meeting)     Financial Planning and Organization
(February meeting)    Club Arts & Crafts Contest/Exhibit
(March meeting)      Business meeting at Train Station/Program at Carter's Flowers
(April meeting)          Guest from Appomattox Juniors for installation service.  Club meeting was held at
                                    Charley's Waterfront Cafe.  Dinner & Awards .
(June meeting)            Annual club cookout/picnic for families and friends.

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Monthly programs:
(January meeting)   Dieting & Women's Health Issues
(February meeting)     Prince Edward County Library - Dr. Seuss Project
(March meeting)         Organ Donation
(April meeting)        VFWC/Alice Kyle District Junior Director - Installation of Officers
(June meeting)            Club family/friends picnic - no business meeting.
(July meeting)          Girls' night out at LIghthouse Cafe (no business meeting)
(August meeting)        Game night at the Train Station (no business meeting)
(September meeting)  Welcome to College Care Kit assembly
(October meeting)       Membership social/Junior Month
(November meeting)    United Way
(December meeting)    Home Life - Simple craft ideas for club members

Club Arts & Crafts Exhibit - Club members displayed arts and crafts at the February meeting.  Blue ribbon winners went to district competition.

Read Across America - Dr. Seuss Party (Club members held a children's reading event at our local library in honor of Dr. Seuss.)

YMCA     Club sponsored the YMCA aerobathon fundraiser.

Installation of Members/Officers - Annual club dinner and installation service was held.   New club members received gifts.

Heart of Virginia Festival - A face painting  booth was organized to help raise funds for club supported efforts.

Welcome to College Kits -  A club fundraiser that sells care packages to parents of incoming Longwood College freshmen.  Club members solicit materials from local merchants and provide baked good to prepare care packages.  Packages are delivered during the first month of school.  Funds help with various club efforts.

Junior Month - Membership Social - October is Junior Month.  We celebrate our membership in the Federation by sponsoring a Membership Social.  Guests are always welcome, but we have a special meeting to inform guests about membership requirements and have fun and food.  This month members are asked to bring canned goods to our meeting to donate to FACES, a local food pantry. (We had 13 guests attend - yeah!)

Breakfast with Santa - Club members organized a Santa breakfast along with members of the Farmville Woman's Club.  Tickets were sold in advance.  Santa was available for photos with children and pancakes were served.  All profits were donated to the Farmville Meals on Wheels program.

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contact us for more information or webpage suggestions:

UPDATED 6/3/02