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Ren and Stimpy

Rubber Nipple Salesman

Stimpy: I can hardly contain myself!
Ren: Just where do you think you are going?
Stimpy: I was gonna sell some rubber nipples.
Ren: You don't know how to sell anything! You can't even wizz by yourself.

*door opens*
*Ren is flattened by a shovel*
Fireman: I have had it up to here with the likes of you people.
*inspects the shovel*
Fireman: Whoops!
*scrapes the shovel*
Fireman: Oh, I'm sorry I thought you were a....circus midgit.
*door slams shut*

Mr.Horse: Do I know you?
Ren: I don't think so. Would you like to take a look at some fine rubber nipples?
Mr.Horse: Did my wife send you?
Ren: No sir. But you look like someone who could really use some rubber nibbles.
Mr.Horse: How do I know you're not from the FBI?
Ren: Sir, I can assure you, we are only salesmen.
Mr.Horse: Alright, so I made a mistake. One mistake. Can't a man start over? Do I have to keep on paying? Huh? Maybe I should make another mistake, Maybe two more.
Ren: Please sir. I think one mistake is plenty. Just let me show you what is inside here.
Mr.Horse: I didn't do it man. I'm not armed.
Ren: We really just want to sell you some rubber nipples. See?
Mr.Horse: Oh! It is a nipple.*Laughs*Oh, what you must think of me. Forget everything I said. So...nipples, huh? Hmmmm...No sir, I don't think I have any use for rubber nipples. But, I'll tell you what though. Do you have any rubber walrus protectors?
Walrus: Call the police!