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The Highways of Virginia VA 76 to 100 
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VA 76 From:I-195 & VA 195 City of Richmond
To:SR 652-754 Midlothian (Chesterfield County)
Total length: 12 miles 
I-195, VA 195: 0 - 0
VA 146: 0.5 - 0.5
VA 150: 3 - 3.5
CH-RIC LINE: 0 - 3.5
US 60: 2.5 - 6
VA 288: 5.5 - 11.5
SR 652-754: 0.5 - 12
Creation: Appeared as a new toll freeway in 1973 from VA 147 to VA 150. This is the 2nd VA 76.
Adjustments: Extended to VA 288 around 1988-89.
Posting: Fully posted
Comment: The recommended route from I-95 to US 60 or US 360 West of Richmond
Previous VA 76's: VA 76 #1: Appeared in July 1933 as a replacement for VA 109. Ran from US 19-421 Bristol to US 11-19-58 NE of Bristol. This was downgraded to SR 895 in 1971-72.

VA 76Y: Appears on 1941 official map, but not 1938. It connected US 11-19-58 (curr VA 113) to VA 76 (curr SR 895) on Mary St. within Bristol. This was not a triangle situation. About half of this was part of mainline VA 76 in 1938 before it was rerouted. Still in place on my January 1961 Washington County map. However, Bristol insets disappeared from VDOT maps for many years after the early 40's, so I do not know how much longer this existed, but not past 1971-72. Today it carries no number. 
VA 77  not currently assigned
Previous VA 77's: VA 77 #1: Appeared in July 1933. Ran from US 11-58 Abingdon south to Tennessee. This replaced VA 110. VA 77 was renumbered to current VA 75 in 1940-41.

VA 77 #2: Appeared in 1940-41 as a replacement for VA 75 #1, running from US 58-421 west of Bristol to Benhams. This was downgraded to current SR 700 by 1944. Check out the 1941 mapscan....
VA 77 #2
VA 78 From: US 23 Bus Appalachia, Wise County
To: Stonega, Wise County
Total length: 4 miles   
US 23 Bus: 0 - 0
SR 600: 4 - 4
Creation: Appeared between 1945-47 in its current routing as a replacement for VA 62 #2. This is the 3rd VA 78.
Adjustments: None
Posting: Assumed to be fully posted
Comment: Here is one I've never even crossed...
Previous VA 78's: VA 78 #1: Appeared in July 1933. Ran from US 58 Damascus south to TN 91. This was very short. It replaced VA 130. This was renumbered as VA 91 in 1940-41.
VA 78 #2: Appeared in 1940-41. Ran from VA 61 to Burkes Garden. This was a renumbering of VA 87 #1. VA 78 was downgraded to SR 623 between 1945-47.

VA 79 From: I-66 Exit 13 (Warren County)
To: VA 55 Linden (Warren County)
Total length: about a good 1-wood (0.23 miles officially)  
I-66 (exit 13): 0 - 0
VA 55: 0.23 - 0.23
Creation: Appeared in its current form in 1980. This was not previously numbered. This is the 3rd VA 79.
Adjustments: None
Posting: Fully posted; one of a few routes where advance warning is a JCT sign instead of a directional arrow
Comments: There's interchange ramps longer than this! FYI - there is an excellent bakery in the gas station at the VA 55-79 JCT. MMmmmmmm Chocolate Chip - Pecan Pie
Previous VA 79's: VA 79 #1: Appeared in July 1933, from US 11 Chillowhie to US 58 (curr SR 600-762 JCT St Claires Bottom). This was a renumbering of VA 135. Between 1942-44 this was extended SW from St Claires Bottom to VA 91 Lodi, over what had been part of VA 81. Between 1954-56 VA 79 was downgraded to current SR 762. The first 1/2 mile south of US 11 is part of current VA 107.
VA 79 #2: Appeared in 1966, from US 1 to I-95 in the Doswell area. This was new construction. This VA 79 was replaced by an extended current VA 30 in 1971 or 1972.

VA 80 From: US 11 Meadowview, Washington County)
To: Kentucky State Line at Breaks, Dickenson County (continues as KY 80, then MO 80 to US 61-62
Total length: 65 miles (VA+KY+MO 80 = 581 miles) 
US 11: 0 - 0
I-81 (exit 24): 0.5 - 0.5
RU-WA LINE: 13.5 - 14
US 19 SB: 5 - 19
US 19 NB: 3 - 22
VA 67: 5 - 27
BU-RU LINE: 7 - 34
DK-BU LINE: 9 - 43
VA 63, VA 83 WB: 11 - 54
VA 83 EB: 1 - 55
KY STATE LINE: 10 - 65
Creation: Appeared in July 1933 and is the only VA 80. It began as a 3 piece discontinuous route: 1. just off US 58 (curr VA 91) Lodi to N. Fork Holston River. 2. 4 miles South of Elk Garden to Buchanan-Dickenson county line 3. KY state line at Breaks to 5 miles SE of Haysi. Everything north of US 11 Meadowview was previously VA 111 #2. US 11 to near US 58 was new routing.
Adjustments: Sections 1 and 2 became continuous and extended east to US 58 by July 1936.
VA 80 became completely continuous in 1939.
The section between Meadowview and Lodi was downgraded to SR 803 between 1948-51, leaving the current alignment.
Posting: Fully posted
Comment: Runs through Breaks Interstate Park, which touts itself as the Grand Canyon of the East. This is the longest MSR that has Virginia involved.
VA 81  not currently assigned
Previous VA 81's: VA 81 #1: Appeared in July 1933, as a replacement of VA 112. It ran from US 58 (curr VA 91-SR 762 JCT) Lodi to then-WV 12 above Tazewell. In 1940-41 this VA 81 was renumbered north of Tazewell as part of current VA 16, and part of current VA 91 south of Tazewell.
VA 81 #2: Appeared in 1940-41 as a 3 piece discontinuous route: 1. VA 91 Lodi to VA 16 Troutdale. This had been US 58. 2. VA 90 (curr SR 749) Cedar Springs to Raven Cliff (10 miles E of US 21). 3. Austinville to US 52 Poplar Camp. Pieces 2 and 3 had been part of original VA 91.
Between 1945-47, piece 1 had been renumbered as an extended VA 79 (curr SR 762) and SR 650. Also between 1945-47, piece 2 became part of VA 90 to Speedwell (now SR 749) and SR 690 E of US 21.
Piece 3 was renumbered as VA 69 between 1958-61.
VA 344 - 1941/42
VA 82 From: US 19 Bus Lebanon (Russell County)
To:SR 600 Cleveland (Russell County)
Total length: 7 miles  
US 19 Bus: 0 - 0
SR 600: 7 - 7
Creation: Appeared in July 1933 in its present form. This is the only VA 82 and was not previously numbered.
Adjustments: None
Posting: Fully posted
Comment: Crossed its southern end in Lebanon October 2003.
VA 82 (1941)
VA 83 From: US 23 Bus Pound (Wise County)
To: WV state line at Paynesville, Buchanan County (continues as WV 83 to WV 16 Yukon, WV)
Total length: 69 miles (VA+WV 83 = 86 miles) 
US 23 Bus: 0 - 0
DI-WI LINE: 2 - 2
VA 361: 1 - 3
VA 72: 5 - 8
VA 63 SB: 9 - 17
VA 63 NB: 5 - 22
VA 63, VA 80 EB: 10 - 32
VA 80 WB: 1 - 33
BU-WI LINE: 2 - 35
US 460 EB: 14 - 49
US 460 WB: 4 - 53
WV STATE LINE: 16 - 69
Creation: Appeared in 1940-41 as a renumbering of VA 59 #2. This is the 2nd VA 83. Ran from 7 miles west of Pound to WV line, like today, except the section of Fremont to Haysi followed current VA 63.
Adjustments: Between 1945-47, the section west of Pound was downgraded to SR 671.
VA 83 between Fremont and Haysi was rerouted to new alignment in 1966, with the old version becoming part of today's VA 63.
Posting: Fully posted; cutouts may still exist in Grundy; In October 2003 I found an error I-83 (white) shield on a green sign on US 460 EB approaching Grundy.
Comments: Info on the Coalfields Expressway, which is planned to run through this area, can be found at Scott Kozel's site.
Previous VA 83's: VA 83 #1: Appeared in July 1933 in 2 pieces: 1. VA 80 Honaker east for 7 miles. This had not previously been numbered. 2. VA 84 (curr US 460 Bus) Richlands north to Jewell Ridge. This was a renumbering of VA 138. This VA 83 became continuous in 1938. It was renumbered as VA 67 in 1940-41.

VA 84 From: US 220 Vanderpool (Highland County)
To: WV state line, Highland County) (continues as WV 84 to WV 28 Frost, WV)
Total length: 14 miles (VA+WV 84 = 19 miles) 
US 220: 0 - 0
WV STATE LINE: 14 - 14
Creation: Appeared in 1940-41 as a renumbering of VA 271 to match WV 84. This is the 2nd VA 84.
Adjustments: None
Posting: Assumed to be fully posted
Comment: Never even been to Highland County...
Previous VA 84's: VA 84 #1: Appeared in July 1933 as a renumbering of VA 126. Ran from US 19 Claypool Hill to Weller. It was extended west to meet the new KY 4 in 1938. In 1940-41 it was renumbered as VA 4. Today it is part of US 460
VA 85  not currently assigned
Previous VA 85's: VA 85: Appeared in July 1933 as a renumbering of VA 128. Ran from Pocohantas to Bluefield College, then east to WV line. Between Pocohantas and Bluefield VA there was a jog into and out of WV. VA 85 was renumbered to today's VA 102 between 1958-61.
VA 86 From: US 29 Bus & US 58 Bus City of Danville
To: NC state line, City of Danville (continues as NC 86 to US 15-501 Chapel Hill, NC)
Total length: 4 miles (VA+NC 86 = 57 miles) 
US 29 Bus NB, US 58 Bus: 0 - 0
US 29 Bus SB, VA 413: 0.5 - 0.5
VA 293: 0.5 - 1
US 29, US 58, VA 785: 2 - 3
Creation: Appeared in July 1933 as a renumbering of the southern half of VA 301. This is the only VA 86. Began at US 29 (curr VA 293) Danville and went down to then-NC 14.
Adjustments: In 1970, VA 86 was extende north across the Dan River to end at US 29-58 (US 29 used Piney Forest Rd from US 58 northward.
In 1971, US 29 was rerouted to use VA 86's crossing of the Dan River, so VA 86 may have been truncated right then to today's US 29 Bus-VA 413 interchange. The 2001 and 2003 VDOT route logs show VA 86 ending at "ROUTE 29"
Posting: Fully posted; In spring 2003 I noticed a VA 86 North END sign well north of the US 58 interchange.
Comments: VA 86 in southern Danville is designated as a limited access route, with only a few driveways remaining.
VA 87 From: US 220 Ridgeway (Henry County)
To: NC state line, Henry County (continues as NC 87 to NC 211 Southport, NC)
Total length: 5 miles (VA+NC 87 = 229 miles) 
US 220: 0 - 0
US 220 Bus: 1 - 1
Creation: Appeared as a renumbering of VA 106 in 1940-41 to match NC 87. Ran from US 220 (curr US 220 Bus) to NC. This is the 2nd VA 87.
Adjustments: Extended out to 220 bypass by 1961.
Posting: Fully posted
Comment: A wisp of a road in VA, but is the longest NC State Hwy.
Previous VA 87's: VA 87 #1: Appeared in July 1933 as a renumbering of VA 136. Ran from VA 61 to Burkes Garden. This was renumbered as VA 78 #2 in 1940-41. Today it is SR 623.
VA 88  not currently assigned
Previous VA 88's: The 3rd lowest number not used in any way in Virginia is 88, but there have been 3 previous VA 88's:
VA 88 #1: Appeared in 2 pieces in July 1933: 1. US 58 (curr VA 16-SR 650 JCT) Troutdale to VA 42. This had been VA 113. 2.US 19-VA 81 (curr US 19-VA 91) Tazewell south to curr SR 610. This had previously been unnumbered. Both pieces were renumbered as a discontinuous VA 16 in 1940-41.
VA 88 #2: Appeared in 1940-41 as a renumbering of part of VA 32 #2. Ran from VA 137 (curr SR 608) Purdy to VA 195 (curr VA 186) Branchville. The section from Purdy to Emporia was downgraded to SR 619 between 1942-44. The rest of VA 88 was downgraded to SR 730 between 1948-51.
VA 88 #3: Appears in CTB Minutes entries from 1972-77 - "connects on either side with two sections of the expressway system, one the Powhite Parkway - which has been opened to traffic - and, on the east, with the downtown leg of the expressway.." This became today's VA 146 for some reason.
VA 89 From: US 58-221 City of Galax
To: NC state line, Grayson County (continues as NC 89 to US 311 Walnut Cove, NC)
Total length: 7 miles (VA+NC 89 = 62 miles) 
US 58, US 221: 0 - 0
VA 97: 1 - 1
GY-GLX LINE: 1 - 2
BLUE RIDGE PKWY: 4.5 - 6.5
NC STATE LINE: 0.5 - 7
Creation: Appeared in 1940-41 as a replacement for original VA 96, to match NC 89. This is the 2nd VA 89. Ran as it does today.
Adjustments: None
Posting: Fully posted; Cutouts remain in Galax.
Comment: Haven't driven this one...
Previous VA 89's:
VA 89 #1: Appeared in July 1933 as a replacement for VA 114 #2. This was a very short stub off of US 21 at Wytheville to a fish hatchery. When 89 was needed at the NC border, this route did not receive another number. Today it appears to be part of SR 667.
VA 90 From: I-81 Exit 60 (Wythe County)
To: SR 616 Rural Retreat (Wythe County)
Total length: 1 mile  
I-81 (exit 60): 0 - 0
US 11: 0.5 - 0.5
SR 616: 0.5 - 1
Creation: Appeared in July 1933 as a replacement for part of VA 115. It was in 2 pieces: 1. VA 91 (curr SR 749-619 JCT) Cedar Springs to US 11 Rural Retreat 2. US 21-52 Favonia west for 6 miles. This has been the only VA 90.
Adjustments: Between 1945-47, piece #2 was downgraded to SR 680, and piece 1 was extended over what was the west piece of VA 81 from Cedar Springs to US 21 Speedwell.
Between 1954-56, VA 90 east was truncated to Rural Retreat. VA 90 was extended out to meet I-81 in 1965.
Posting: Fully posted. VA 90 is bannered as east-west, even though it is strictly a north-south routing today.
Comment: Today this appears as yet another I-81 to US 11 connector.
VA 91 From: US 19/460 Bus Frog Level (Tazewell County)
To: Tennessee State Line at Damascus, Washington County (continues on as TN 91 to US 19E Hunter, TN
Total length: 57 miles (VA+TN 91 = 99 miles)
Business Route: Glade Spring (on De Lorme map in 1989, no evidence on any VDOT state maps) 1961 County Map does not show VA 91 Bus, so it is after that.  
US 19 Bus, US 460 Bus: 0 - 0
SM-TZ LINE: 21 - 21
VA 42: 1 - 22
VA 107: 6 - 28
WA-SM LINE: 2 - 30
VA 91 Bus: 8 - 38
VA 91 Bus: 1 - 39
I-81 (exit 29): 2 - 41
US 11: 1 - 42
US 58 WB: 13 - 55
US 58 EB: 1 - 56
Creation: Appeared in 1940-41 to match TN 91. Ran as it does today, replacing: all of original VA 78, a piece of US 58 from Damascus to Lodi, and original VA 81 from Lodi to Frog Level. This is the 2nd VA 91.
Adjustments: None
Posting: Fully posted
Comments: A portion of this road through Jefferson National Forest is unpaved - the only VA state highway left with an unpaved section (although recently I have seen a gravel road that may have been part of VA 314). 
Previous VA 91's: VA 91 #1: Appeared in July 1933 in 2 pieces: 1. VA 88 (curr VA 16) Sugar Grove to Raven Cliff (10 miles E of US 21) This piece was mostly part of VA 115. 2. Austinville to US 52 Poplar Camp. This piece had not been previously numbered. Both pieces became VA 81 #2 in 1940-41.
VA 92 From: US 360 Clover, Halifax County
To: US 58 Bus Boydton, Mecklenburg County
Total length: 30 miles  
US 360: 0 - 0
CR-HX LINE: 4 - 4
US 360: 2 - 6
US 15: 4 - 10
MK-CR LINE: 2 - 12
VA 49 SB: 6 - 18
VA 47, VA 49 NB: 1 - 19
US 58: 10 - 29
US 58 Bus: 1 - 30
Creation: Appeared in 1940-41, running from US 58 Boydton only to VA 47-49 Chase City. This replaced the eastern half of VA 46. This is the 2nd VA 92.
Adjustments: Between 1968-70 VA 92 was extended west to its current endpoint, multiplexing with VA 47 to US 15 JCT, and replacing US 360 from there to Clover. The VA 47 multiplex was removed in 1980.
Posting: Fully posted
Comments: Have not driven this route...
Previous VA 92's: VA 92 #1: Appeared in July 1933 as a renumbering of VA 139. Ran from US 58 Mouth of Wilson to then-NC 681. This was renumbered as part of current VA 16 in 1940-41.
VA 93 From: US 58 Mouth of Wilson, Grayson County
To: NC state line, Grayson County (continues as NC 93 to US 221 near Sparta, NC)
Total length: <1 mile (VA + NC 93 = 8 miles)  
US 58: 0 - 0
NC STATE LINE: 0.5 - 0.5
Creation: Appeared in July 1933 and is the only VA 93. Ran as it does today, and was previously VA 129
Adjustments: None
Posting: Fully posted
Comment: Hey! A VA 9x highway I have driven! Unfortunately it was over before it began.

VA 94 From: US 58-221 near Galax (Grayson County)
To: US 52 near Fort Chiswell (Wythe County)
Total length: 33 miles  
US 58, US 221: 0 - 0
VA 274: 6 - 6
CA-GY LINE: 5 - 11
WY-CA LINE: 13 - 24
US 52: 9 - 33
Creation: Appeared in July 1933 and is the original VA 94. This had been VA 58. Started out in 2 pieces: 1. US 121 (curr US 52) Ft. Chiswell south for 6 miles 2. Ivanhoe south to US 58 and south to Delhart. Everything below US 58 had not been previously numbered.
Adjustments: Pieces 1 and 2 were combined by 1941. Between 1942-44, VA 94 south was cutback to the current VA 94-274 JCT, leaving behind the US 58-221 multiplex and SR 623. VA 94 was re-extended south to its current endpoint in 1980, replacing an older alignment of US 58-221.
Posting: Fully posted
Comment: Never driven this one; doesn't look too straight.
VA 95  not currently assigned
Previous VA 95's: VA 95: Appeared in July 1933. Ran from US 21 Elk Creek to VA 94 Providence. This was a renumbering of VA 118 #2. VA 95 was downgraded to current SR 805 between 1954-56.
VA 96 From: US 501, Halifax County
To: NC state line at Virgilina, Halifax County (continues as NC 96 to NC 55 near Four Oaks, NC)
Total length: 9 miles (VA+NC 96 = 105 miles) 
US 501: 0 - 0
VA 49 NB: 8.5 - 8.5
NC STATE LINE: 0.5 - 9
Creation: Appeared in 1940-41 to match NC 96. It had been the southernmost part of VA 49. Ran as it does today, and is the 2nd VA 96.
Adjustments: None
Posting: Fully posted; In November 2001, I observed an upside down VA 96 shield on US 501 SB.
Comments: I have driven most of NC 96, but none of VA 96.
VA 96 - 1941/42
Previous VA 96's: VA 96 #1: Appeared in July 1933 and ran from US 58-221 Galax south to NC 89. This had been VA 117. This was renumbered as VA 89 in 1940-41, which it remains today.
VA 97 From: VA 89 City of Galax
To: SR 620 Drenn (Carroll County)
Total length: 9 miles  
VA 89: 0 - 0
GY-GLX LINE: 0.5 - 0.5
CA-GY LINE: 0.5 - 1
SR 620: 8 - 9
Creation: Appeared in 1933 in its current form. This is the only VA 97 and was a renumbering of the original VA 47.
Adjustments: None
Posting: Fully posted; Nick Britton reports:
the first sign for VA 97 (from CR 620) is at the ramp for BRP. the state paving seems to extend to that point as well. There's no indication (in the field) that 97 doesn't extend all the way to the Parkway other than VDOT maps

Comment: This road appears on maps to begin at the Blue Ridge Parkway, but it does not quite touch the BRP.
VA 98 From: US 52-VA 42 Bland (Bland County)
To: South edge of town of Bland (Bland County)
Total length: <1 mile 
US 52, VA 42: 0 - 0
END VA 98: 0.5 - 0.5
Creation: Appeared in July 1933 in its current form as a renumbering for the short-lived VA 26Y. This is the only VA 98.
Adjustments: None
Posting: Was fully posted with cutouts the only time I drove by, in 1988.
Comment: Here is a route with no sense of purpose. Perhaps in the 30's VDOT thought it would be extended over new roads to somewhere else. ... .
VA 98 - 1941/42
VA 99 From: I-81/VA 100 McAdam (Pulaski County)
To: North edge of town of Pulaski (Pulaski County)
Total length: 5 miles  
I-81 (exit 94), VA 100: 0 - 0
US 11: 4 - 4
END VA 99: 1 - 5
Creation: Appeared in July 1933, and is the only VA 99. It ran from VA 100 McAdam to Weldon. This was part of VA 212 previously, and was part of US 11 to at least 1931. North of Pulaski was not immediately previously numbered, though it was part of the original VA 26 in 1922.
Adjustments: In 1938 VA 99 was extended west to VA 42 Mechanicsburg. Between 1954-56, VA 99 was truncated to its current alignment, leaving behind SR 738.
Posting: Fully posted; On US 11 NB VA 99 was posted in a circle when I drove through in 1999. Driving all of VA 99 in 2001, there are numerous circles within Pulaski proper.
comment: The old route west to VA 42 looks extremely twisty on the De Lorme map, and is signed as not recommended for trucks. VA 99 below Pulaski serves as the truck route from I-81 to Pulaski.
VA 99 - 1941/42
VA 100 From: US 221 Hillsville (Carroll County)
To: VA 61 Narrows (Giles County)
Total length: 57 miles  
US 221: 0 - 0
WY-CA LINE: 9 - 9
PU-WY LINE: 6 - 15
I-81 SB (exit 89), US 11: 6 - 21
VA 99: 5 - 26
I-81 NB (exit 98): 4 - 30
US 11: 1.5 - 31.5
VA 373: 0.5 - 32
GI-PU LINE: 9 - 41
VA 42: 1 - 42
US 460 Bus EB: 11 - 53
US 460 Bus WB: 0.5 - 53.5
US 460: 0.5 - 54
VA 61: 3 - 57
Creation: Appeared in July 1933. This is the 2nd VA 100. Ran from US 221 Hillsville to VA 8 (curr US 460 Bus) Pearisburg. This was a renumbering of VA 213.
Adjustments: By 1941, VA 100 was extended to VA 61 Narrows over what is currently US 460's alignment.
Around 1942, VA 100 was rebuilt between Sylvatus and US 11. Originally, VA 100 ran from Sylvatus to Hiawassee to Draper and did not come within 5 miles of US 11 in the Pulaski area. When the new route was built, it took over most of VA 101, and left behind SR 693.
About 1947, VA 100 was moved over what had been VA 8 between VA 61 and Pearisburg, as US 460 was extended through the area.
VA 100 was moved onto I-81 in 1965, leaving behind a frontage road.
Posting: Fully Posted; Cutouts in Pearisburg (thanks Gribblenation!). Compare that style with the cutout set it replaced (from 1991). Also, cutouts in Hillsville and (to at least 1994) Barren Springs
Comments: VA 100 was signed for getting to the WV turnpike before I-77 was completed in VA.
Previous VA 100's: VA 100 #1: Appeared in August 1928 as a renumbering of the original VA 107. Ran from US 411/VA 10 Cumberland Gap south to the Tennessee Line. VA 100 was multiplexed with US 25E. VA 100 was dropped from the route in July 1933,remaining US 25E. Today it is part of US 58.
VA 100Y: Mentioned in the 1951 CTB Minutes. Was at the US 11-VA 100 jct at Draper Mtn. VA 100Y would have likely been eliminated when I-81 was built at that location in 1961.

Last Update: 25 June 2005

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