R and R by mardel nc-17 Bailey pulled his Harley into the truck stop to take a break. He had been discharged from the army three weeks ago. He was due to report to Quantico for Special Agent training in five weeks. He was spending the time in between his discharge and starting agent class visiting family and friends. He was traveling from California to New York on his bike. He filled his bike with gas and then parked it near the front window of the dinner. He took a seat at the counter and ordered a meal. He was glad to have been accepted at Quantico. He had studied Criminal Investigation in college, his goal had always been to become a FBI agent. A young woman entered the dinner, and ordered food. She looked like she had been on the road for several days. Maybe hitchhiking from place to place. Bailey was paying for his meal as she dug in her purse for money. He handed a ten dollar bill to the lady behind the cash register. "Take her bill out of his too, and keep the change." "Thank you, sir." The young woman didn't realize he had paid her tab until he was gone. "Hey, mister." she ran after him. Bailey turned, he hadn't been called mister before. He was only 26 he had served five years in the Army. As an officer he was called sir, but mister was a new one. "Thank you, that was nice of you." she stopped several feet from him and looked up at him. She looked him over then, he was big and tall and well put together. He looked like a man that you wouldn't want to mess with. Except for his eyes, they were dark, but not scary. "You're welcome." Bailey nodded, he put his sunglasses on and leaned down to adjust the strap on the back of his bike that was holding his bedroll. "You going east or west?' the young woman asked. "East." "Could I bum a ride?" "It gets hot on a bike in this part of the country." "I don't mind the heat." She tilted her head sideways and looked up at him. "I'll take you as far as St. Louis." Bailey looked her over and noted she was not very old, or very big. Her hair was pulled back with a bandana, but fell down her back to her waist. "How old are you?" "Eighteen, two weeks ago." "Why did you leave home? "My mom threw me out, she said if I was going to break all the rules I could take care of myself." "Do you have a plan?" "I have a good friend living in New York, she is studying at Juliard. She said she could put me up for awhile if I could get there." "Come on," Bailey waved her to mount up behind him on the bike. "My name is Bailey." he added. " You can call me Willow," They drove for several hours, Willow's arms wrapped around him. Her cheek resting against his broad back part of the time. They stopped again for gas and to stretch their legs. Bailey bought them each a cold drink. "Thank you. You just got out of the service didn't you?" Willow asked, she had noticed his short hair, in contrast to his beard. " Yes, did you protest the war?" "No, my father use to be in the army, until he was killed." "I'm sorry, we lost a lot of good men." "Once you get to New York what will you do?' Bailey changed the subject. "I've always wanted to create things, paint, sculpt, but the art class back home was lame. I want to take art some where, then if I'm as good as I think I am apply to Juliard." "It's good to have a goal in life. I hope you make it." They rode for a few more hours until it was nearing dark. Bailey chose a motel that looked clean, to stop at for the night. He had money, so he got Willow her own room. "Here is your key, I'm two doors down. I'll knock on your door in the morning, we will leave around seven, OK?" "You got me a room?" She was surprised, she had been expecting him to want her to join him in his bed, in return for the ride. Bailey lit a cigarette and looked at her. " I didn't expect anything in return for the ride." he took a drag on the cigarette and clicked shut his zippo. " Thanks, I'll be ready." Willow liked Bailey, she wouldn't mind having sex with him. But just because he didn't expect her to, didn't mean they wouldn't. She got up early and went to get coffee for Bailey. She wanted to surprise him by being ready. She was carrying two cups of coffee back towards the room, when a trucker blocked her path. "Hey there little lady, what's your hurry? I could have used you last night, but this morning will be just as good." He grabbed hold of Willow's arm and she almost dropped the coffee. "Let go of me! You big ox." Willow kicked him in the leg. But he wasn't fazed by her sneaker clad foot. "Let her go." A very deep male voice said. Willow knew it was Bailey, she already had his voice memorized. "Wait your turn man, I saw her first." Bailey took hold of the trucker by the back of his neck, " I said, let her go." "OK, OK, " he released Willow, and put up his hands. Bailey was not fooled by the man's cooperation, he was prepared to defend himself and Willow if the man didn't leave. The trucker turned towards, Bailey and swung. Bailey blocked the punch and followed it up with a blow to the man's stomach. Then Bailey used his left to knock the man out, with a uppercut to the jaw. "Come on, let's get out of here." Bailey motioned for Willow to proceed him towards the bike. "Can I get my stuff?" "Yeah, it doesn't look like that guy had any friends to back him up." Willow handed Bailey the coffee she had gotten him. "Thanks." Then she ran back towards her room and gathered her stuff into her backpack. "I'm ready." "Drink your coffee, we have a few minutes." Bailey said keeping an eye on the man he had knocked out. :::::::::::::::::: They rode as far as Kansas that day. They could only talk when they stopped for a break. "You don't talk much do you?' " If you get me started you usually can't shut me up." he smiled at her. He lit a cigarette and inhaled. " You're from New York aren't you?" "I grew up on Long Island, I have family there." "Can you give me some pointers about the city?" " Riding the subway is usually safe during the daytime. Always keep an eye on your surroundings, if you look like you aren't paying attention you make your self a target." Willow nodded, she was studying him again, her artistic tendencies making her memorize his physical appearance. "Tell me about your family?' " My mother is Italian-American she is always in the kitchen cooking. I have a brother and two sisters. My father passed away a few years ago, heart attack when he was at work." "I'm sorry, I know what it's like to lose a parent." ::::::::::::::::: That evening Bailey took Willow to a diner for dinner. Willow was falling for him, she knew they were going to reach St. Louis in a few days. She wanted to make love with him, but she didn't want to just throw herself at him. He seemed more mature than his age. He father had always said, war aged you if it didn't kill you first. There was something about Bailey that was attracting her, besides his good looks and wonderful build. Bailey was enjoying her company, she didn't demand he talk all of time. She had shared a few stories with him about her trip across country. He hadn't been with a woman since the first day of his discharge. He and several of his buddies, who were discharged at the same time, had visited the local whore house in California. But he was still decompressing from his time on the front line. He wasn't looking for a woman in his life. He was focused on his career now. Willow seemed like a nice young woman. He wasn't going to add to her poor opinion of men, by having sex with her. She deserved more than to have another man use her and leave her. Not that she wasn't a pretty young woman, she was a little thin, but still round in all the places that mattered. He was walking with her back towards the motel. He had gotten two rooms again. Willow had taken his arm, and was still keeping her hand in the crook of his arm as they neared the rooms. " You don't have to keep getting two rooms for us." She placed a hand on his chest and kissed him. Bailey hadn't been kissed like this in a long time. Willow was tempting him to pull her into his room and ... but he had already promised himself he wouldn't. Willow pushed her tongue inside his mouth, she stroked the inside of his lower lip, he tasted like coffee. Bailey let her control the kiss, at first. But when she just pushed between his lips and began stroking his tongue with her's he had to assert his own needs. He lifted her with one hand at her back the other at cupping her ass. Willow liked the feeing of his groin pressed into her. She moaned, and wiggled against him. Bailey was already growing hard, he needed no urging from her. "Is this what you really want?" "I want you." Willow told him. Bailey opened the door to her room, and they moved inside. She reached to touch his beard, it was surprisingly soft. Bailey toed his boots off, and freed Willow's hair from it's bandana. He buried his hands in her long hair, then inhaled deeply. She smelled like sunshine, and home. Willow stroked his her hands over his chest he was a powerfully built man. She pushed his tee shirt up and off, his chest was magnificent. He was all muscle and dark hair, she caressed his chest telling him. " I like all these muscles Bailey, they feel so hard and hot." Bailey was already overwhelmed by her attentions, his cock throbbing for action. It had been so long since he had shared more than sex with a woman. The kissing and touching was building his arousal to greater heights. Willow helped him to remove her top, his hands cupped her breasts, then he was kissing her there. His mouth eager to taster her. Bailey sucked a pink nipple into his mouth and groaned, his cock was being stroked as he sucked her. Willow had freed his erection from his jeans, it was stretching long and hard against his abdomen. "You're big, I've never seen a cock this thick and long." Willow stroked him, she needed both hands to contain his swollen organ. Bailey was ready, he moved Willow to the bed and leaned over her. He kissed her pushing his tongue into her mouth. She welcomed him, sucking his tongue and moaning. She had slipped her pants off at some point, he kneed her legs apart and rested his cock against her. "Use it all Bailey, I want it all." Willow was urging him on. Bailey pushed forward, she was wet and ready, but it was still a tight fit. He waited once the head of his cock was past her opening. Willow arched up to take him. He kissed her again and thrust his cock deeper, his groan of pleasure making Willow pleased and even more hungry for him. He thrust until he was rocking over her in a rhythm that brought her to climax. He pushed a little harder and exploded himself. His cock jerking deep in side her body. Bailey collapsed over her, supporting his weight from crushing her. "You are so big, that was so good." "I didn't hurt you?" he was concerned he had been to forceful towards the end. "You were wonderful, I'm going to need more once you are ready." she stoked a hand up his back and wiggled her hips under him. Bailey was young enough that he could perform half the night if she wanted him that often. He smiled and moved off of her small body. "Be careful what you ask for you just might get it." he teased her. But Willow was moving to straddle him, she wanted to examine him while he was in a mellow mood. His chest was very well muscled, his arms were huge. And he was big, she hadn't just been telling him that. His cock looked like it was still semi-hard. She stroked her hand up his cock, then took hold of him and caressed him from base to tip. Bailey groaned, she did want him again. Willow worked on his cock until he was fully erect and throbbing again. "You feel like you're going to rip me apart when you thrust hard like that, do it again. " she rolled on to her back and opened her legs for him to mount her. Bailey was so ready he didn't waste anytime, he plunged his cock deep, pushing hard until his hips were grinding into her groin. Willow moaned her pleasure. " You are so huge, use it all honey, give it to me." Bailey rode her in long forceful thrusts, he was giving her what she asked for, he was not being gentle. But Willow wanted it hard, she wanted it all. "That's so good, honey. Oh, use it all, you are such a stud." she praised him. Bailey groaned as he neared his climax. He had heard Willow reach at least two before he grunted out his second for the evening. He thrust hard against her groin as he emptied his cock. Willow still riding him as he finished. She cried out again before he slipped from her. Bailey had decided she had been abused at sometime in her life to want sex this way. But he couldn't understand why when she had a choice, she still wanted it this way. He moved to lay beside her. He was done. Willow had been introduced to sex at sixteen, her first boyfriend had not demanded more from her than a little regular sex and sometimes oral. But the next man in her life had liked it hard and fast, he couldn't perform if it wasn't that way. Willow had gotten use to sex that hurt, then she had come to enjoy it. Bailey had been the first man she had climaxed with more than once. When Bailey wrapped his arms around her to hold her afterwards, she didn't know how to relax in his arms. Bailey could feel the tension in her back. "I don't know what you were expecting. Relax." Bailey told her, he was making loose circles on her back with a large hand. After several minutes Willow relaxed into him and drifted into sleep. Bailey had studied, physiology in college, but he was unfamiliar with this pattern of behavior. He was showered and dressed and out of the room before she woke up the next morning. Willow had expected him to have left her, so when the knock came on her door she was surprised it was Bailey. "Are you about ready?" "Yes, I just have to grab my bag." Willow rushed to the bathroom and stuffed her brush and stuff into her backpack. ::::::::::::::::: Bailey hadn't decide how to approach her about the situation. He wanted to show her that there were other ways to enjoy love making. It didn't have to be fast, hard and urgent. It could be slow and tender. During the ride that afternoon, her hand strayed down to his crotch. Bailey had been concentrating on the road, his mind drifting. When he felt her hand caress his cock, he grew hard quickly under her attentions. But he had no desire to come in his jeans. He had to stop and pull over. "Why are you doing that, Willow?" "I like you long and hard, you feel good." She stroked her hand up his now rock hard and throbbing organ. Bailey groaned. His jeans were to tight for this to feel good. "Get off." Willow dismounted and he followed her. He had chosen a place with a picnic table. "You have two choices?" Willow moved to the table and lowered her jeans, she lay back and opened her legs for him. Bailey took his position between her legs, his cock straining for action. He unzipped his jeans and his erection stretched up and out, he was hugely swollen. He wasted no time in preparing her, he just mounted her in a long hard thrust. Willow moaned, she was liking his forcefulness. Bailey rode her hard and fast but it still took him several minutes to finish. He was ramming his massive cock hard between her legs, pounding into her harder and harder. His hips pumping until he finally came. "Why did you do that when we could have had sex tonight at the motel?' "I like the feel of you long and hard, I just couldn't resist." Bailey shook his head, "Keep your hands to yourself for the rest of the day." He thought about leaving her a the next big truck stop they came to, but he was to soft hearten, and he thought he could help her, show her all men weren't like her last partner. ::::::::::::: That night Bailey had decided he was going to show Willow how it should be, between a man and woman. There shouldn't be pain for there to be pleasure. "Willow, since we had sex your way this afternoon, now we are going to have it my way." Bailey kissed her, she put her arms around his neck and held on. He kisses and stroked, his hands caressing her. She arched into him, but he didn't allow her to touch him. "You're going to let me show you how this should be." Bailey moved with her to the bed. He continued to kiss her, he had learned control over his body in the service, he used that knowledge now to keep himself in check. He kissed Willow thoroughly, then preceded to build her need, making her melt with pleasure under his attentions. She was moaning with delight, by the time he used his fingers to give her the first of several climaxes. "I didn't know you could do that to me with out, Oh that feels so good." She moaned again. Bailey had been taught by a older woman the skills he now used on Willow. There had been a college professor, who had propositioned him his freshman year. He had spent several months having an affair with her, he had cared for her and he had learned many ways to give and receive pleasure. Bailey showed Willow there were other kinds of pleasure. But he had held his own need for release in check long enough. He freed his cock from his jeans and mounted her well prepared softness. He took it slow again, using long strokes, building their mutual pleasure to the breaking point. "Oh, Bailey Oh God." she cried out when she came again. Bailey was close to his own climax he pushed deep a few more times and then groaned as he finished. He lay beside her afterwards, telling her," Willow, you liked my way of making love. It should be like that between you and your next lover. The man that taught you it should be rough was wrong." "I did have a boy friend more like you once, he was drafted." "I'm sorry, but you're young enough you can get over how this other man treated you. Where is he now?" "In jail for dealing and aggravated assault." "You stay clear of him if he comes looking for you when he gets out. Does he know where you are going?' "No, only Julie knows I'm going to New York. She is who I'm going to be staying with for awhile. You are still going to leave me off in St. Louis?" She sounded disappointed. "Yeah, I have plans, you send me a letter at an address I'll give you. And I will write and tell you how to contact me. I'm going to be in training for three months." "I though you were out of the service?" "I'm just on a break, but I'm out of the war." He didn't feel like explaining he was about to become a federal agent. Willow moved into Bailey's side, she had realized that he was going to be the man she measured all future men in her life by. :::::::::::::::::::: Bailey kissed Willow goodbye. " You write me and let me know what you're doing." "I will, I promise." she was almost crying, she didn't want him to leave. "We will see each other again, I'll be in New York soon. But you have to write me." Willow hugged him, Bailey returned her embrace. Then she grabbed her backpack and hurried away. She didn't want to cry in front of him. Bailey watched her go, he wasn't worried about her. She had been on her own before he had known her, she could take care of herself. ::::::::::::::::::: Bailey pulled into his cousin Tony's driveway. The kids came running to greet him. "Bailey Wow! This is a really cool motorcycle." The oldest boy, Frank told him. "Thanks, Hey, it's been a long time." Bailey hugged his cousin's son. Tony hadn't wasted anytime, he had gotten married right out of high school, started having kids, Frank was nine. His brother six and they had a sister who was still a toddler. "Hey, Mike how are you?" Bailey hugged the younger boy after he climbed off the bike. "Bailey, can you give me a ride on your motorcycle sometime?" "Sure Mikey, but lets go find your dad first." Bailey felt like a warrior come home after a war. Then he remembered he was, only the war was still going on. "Bailey! You made good time." Tony met him at the front door and they embraced. "You look good, the beard is interesting." Tony pounded his back. "I'm going back into government service soon, so I'm letting myself relax for a few weeks." Bailey laughed. "Bailey, you're here." Tony's wife Kathy came into the hall from the kitchen. "Come here, let me look at you. What's this, you look like you just got out of prison not home from the war." Bailey laughed again and lifted Kathy into a bear hug of greeting. Kathy hugged him in return, Bailey had always been one of her favorite in-laws. She noticed his build was bigger than before. "What have they been doing to you, you're built like a professional football player." Kathy stepped back and looked at him. Bailey shrugged, he had put on muscle in the service. Lugging eighty pound packs and filling sand bags, had helped. "She's right Bail, what did they have you doing?" Tony looked Bailey over. Bailey was wearing blue jeans and a blue tee shirt, his arms were huge. The tattoo he had gotten in Thailand peeking out from his shirt sleeve. The tee shirt was clinging to his body, his well muscled chest in plain view. "Nothing I want to talk about. Tell me about your little girl I haven't even seen a picture yet." He changed the subject. " Teresa is taking a nap but you can come take a peek at her." Kathy showed Bailey her youngest. "She's a beautiful little girl," Bailey told Kathy, just like her mother. "Oh, you stop. Come on you're probably hot after your trip, I'll get you a cold drink." Bailey spent the evening reliving old times with his family. The boys were loving hearing about the trouble Bailey and their father had gotten into as boys. "Did they ever catch you for breaking the window?" "Yes, we confessed to Father Murphy the next day. He made us wash all the windows on the school building and the church as penitence." Bailey laughed. "Yeah, you were the one with the guilty concenses, but you made me confess to." Tony complained. Bailey stepped outside later, to smoke. He was just enjoying the night air. Tony came outside to ask him if he was alright. "You look good, you OK? I know you lost friends over there." "I'm OK, Tony. You don't have to worry about me." "You're going home after you leave us right?" "Yeah, I'm going to spend a few weeks with ma. Then I have to report to Quantico the end of the month. " "You're going to be a G-man, I never figured you would be a cop one day." " I didn't think so myself until the second year of college." "Well, you keep in touch. Don't let five years go past before I see you again." ::::::::::::::: Bailey hugged his mother for a long time. He hadn't seen her in two years, since his last sixty day furlough. He had been home for his father's funeral the year before that but only for three days. "Bailey, my son it is so good to have you home safe." she was crying she was so happy. "Ma, don't cry. I'm home and I won't be going back to the war. So you can stop worrying." "Let me look at you." Teresa Malone stepped back and examined her oldest son. He had shaved that morning his beard was gone. You look healthy but you look so different, come inside. Bailey smiled, ma never changed. He was glad to be home, but it felt strange, with his dad gone. "Are you hungry?" "I'm fine Ma, dinner isn't for hours yet." "Sit down and tell me about this training you are going for in Virginia." "I've been accepted at the FBI training academy. I will be a Special Agent it's the term they use for an investigator of crimes. Like a detective for the NYPD, only for federal crimes." "I see, this is the career you have chosen?" "Yeah, ma this is what I want to do." "Then I am happy for you." "Bailey!?" a yell came from the front hall. "Your sister is home from school." Bailey stood to greet his youngest sister. She flew into his arms and was lifted off her feet in a bear hug. "I missed you, I'm so happy you're home." "I'm glad to be home." He set her down and looked her over. She was wearing slacks and a sweater. His baby sister wasn't a baby anymore. "You look great Becky." Bailey noticed her reddish brown hair was long, her freckles had faded except for a few on her nose. Her blue green eyes were bright with excitement. "Your sister Rebecca, wears pants to school. It is disgraceful." "It's the style ma, at least I don't wear mini skirts." Bailey sat back down, this argument could go on for awhile. He remembered the first time he had seen a woman wearing a mini skirt. He had just landed in San Francisco. He had been so shocked he had walked into a light pole. He had given himself a lump on the forehead, but he liked the phenomena of the short skirt. He didn't want to think about his sister wearing one. "Bailey you are going to home for a few weeks, right?" "Until I have to report to Quantico." "Ma, have you called Laurie yet? She wanted to know as soon as Bailey got home." Becky turned towards her brother. " It takes her forever to get here on the bus." "On the bus where is she living?" Bailey had not known his older sister was living away from the family home. "She got a job as a personal secretary and it's all the way over on the other side of town, so she is sharing an apartment with another girl." Bailey's protective instincts didn't like that idea, but his sister was only two years younger, so she was old enough to make the decision to move out. Becky went to the phone in the hallway and dialed her sister's work phone number. " Laurie? Bailey's home, you have to come here after you get off from work." "He's home, thank God. Let me talk to him for a second." "She wants to talk to you." Becky held the phone out to him. "Hey, sis how are you?" "I'm fine, I'm so glad you're home safe. I don't get off work until five. But I'll be home for dinner. I can't wait to see you." "I'll have ma wait dinner for you. Do you want me to come and get you?" "No, I'll take the bus, I can't ride that Harley in my work clothes." " I can borrow ma's car." Bailey offered. "No, I'll take the bus, you just stay there. You can visit your drinking buddies later. I have to go, bye." "See you soon Sis." Becky was so excited by Bailey's return home, she couldn't sit still. She was dieing to tell him all about her recent award of the debate team medal for best argument. "Bailey, come see the medal I won." She grabbed him upper arm. "I'll come in a minute, I have to tell ma Laurie is coming for dinner." Becky noticed his arm was bigger than ever. He was wearing a long sleeved shirt so it wasn't possible to tell by looking. Becky was Bailey's biggest fan. Her big brother was the best person in the whole world, as far as she was concerned. If she had been younger she would have requested to see his arm muscle. But she had matured in the past few years. She knew he wouldn't wear long sleeved shirts the entire time he was home. "OK, half pint what did you want to show me?" "I won this last month." "First place in debate, this is good work Becky. Congratulations." "I have been thinking about going to college, do you think I could?" "If you want to you can go, dad had money set aside for each of us. I can contribute some once I start working for the Bureau." "Really you'll help me. Ma said I shouldn't bother you about college. She said I should go to secretary school like Laurie. Thank you." She hugged him again. " Your welcome. Did Laurie want to go to college?" "No, she didn't but I do. I want to be a lawyer." " You are going to have to do twice as much studying if you want law school Becky." "I know it won't be easy, but you're the only one that has encouraged me to try. I'll work hard." :::::::::::::::::::: Laurie Malone was walking that last block from the bus stop to the family home. She had been praying for her brother's safe return home from the war ever since he was first sent to Viet Nam. She wrote him twice a month while he was gone. He sometimes wrote back. They had always been close. They fought like brothers and sister often did, but they were also friends. Bailey was waiting for her on the porch, he threw his cigarette out into the lawn and hugged her hello. "I prayed you would come home safe." Laurie told him her face pressed into his shoulder. "I missed you Laurie, you stopped writing." Bailey hugged her close. His oldest sister was tall, and beautiful, with dark hair like their mother. "I wrote you every other week, right up until two weeks ago." she protested. "I never got a letter after April." "Then you don't know about Tony?" "What about Tony?" "He quit college, you know they could still draft him if he isn't in school." "Why?" "His girl friend wanted to go to California to join a commune. Tony went with her but he came back a few weeks ago. He won't talk to me, or ma." "Where is he living?" "With some friends, I can take you there later." "Take me now." Bailey was worried for his brother, and angry at him for behaving so irresponsible. "He's at work now, he got a job with dad's old boss. Let's go eat dinner." ::::::::::::::::::: Laurie and Bailey went to their brother's apartment later that evening. "Tony are you here?" Laurie knocked on the door and entered. "Bailey? you're home." Tony stood as his sister and brother entered. He looked more like their father than Bailey, he was thin with sandy brown hair and blue eyes. "Hello Tony," Bailey looked his brother over he looked like hell. " Do you want to tell me your version of what happened?" Laurie sat on the couch and kept out of the way. She knew when Bailey was angry it was best to keep quiet. "I made a mistake, I shouldn't have left school. But Carol had me so crazy that I would have done anything she wanted." "You left school because Carol asked you to?" "She wanted to go to California, join a commune. We did but it was a disaster. Drugs everywhere, no one wanted to do the work it took to make the place self sufficient. She cheated on me practically from the first day we got there. I couldn't take it so I came home. I tried to re-enroll in college but they said I had to wait until next fall. They were full. So I went to work." "You realize you can still be drafted." "I know, but maybe serving will teach me a lesson." "It could get you killed." Bailey shouted in exasperation. "I know." Tony dropped his head, he knew he had made the wrong decision. Bailey hugged his brother then. His anger subsided. Tony was willing to accept his fate, he had chosen his path and he was going to live up to his responsibilities. If he was drafted he would serve his country. "Ma, said for you to come home for dinner tomorrow." Laurie stood and moved towards her brothers. "I can't I'll come on Friday. We get off work early." ::::::::::::::::::::: Bailey escorted Laurie home. He couldn't park the car near her place so they walked a block together. It was nearly eleven, he wouldn't let her travel at night alone. A tall man with long hair and a mean look. Was waiting for Laurie when they entered her apartment building. "Where have you been? I've been waiting for you for hours." " Jake, what are you doing here?" Laurie was surprised to find her sometimes boy friend waiting for her. "Who is this your new guy?" "I'm Bailey Malone, Laurie's brother if it's any of your business." Bailey stepped up between Laurie and Jake. He wasn't about to let this jerk push his sister around. "Laurie do you want me to escort him out?" Bailey asked. "No, don't hurt him. Just go home I can handle this." "I don't think so." " You think you can push me around man?" Jake moved back and put his hands up to defend himself. "I think you had better leave, Laurie doesn't want to see you." "Jake go home it's late." Bailey hadn't moved from his position between Laurie and Jake. Jake looked around him to see his girl friend. But Bailey moved to block him. "Go home Jake." Laurie said again. Jake finally realized that with Bailey there he wasn't going to get to talk with Laurie. " I'll go, but I still have a few things to settle with you Laurie." he stomped off out the door. Bailey shook his head and laughed, "You like this guy?" "I did for a little while but he keeps coming back, I told him I didn't want to see him anymore several months ago." Laurie went to her apartment, " Thanks for seeing me home, I'll see you tomorrow." Laurie kissed him on the cheek. "Goodnight Sis, sleep well." Bailey waited on the stoop outside, he smoked a cigarette and waited for Jake to return. But either the angry man noticed him outside waiting, or he had really gone home. :::::::::::::::: Bailey received a letter from Willow the second week he was home. She told him she wished he would come for a visit. She was working as a waitress but she could get one night a week off. She was waiting for the next set of art classes to start. Bailey had promised her he would see her when she reached New York. He made plans to meet her the end of the week. "Willow, you look beautiful." he hugged her in greeting. Willow hugged him in return, she was hoping to pick up where they had left off. "I looked into that counseling you told me about. I can start seeing a lady next week." "Good, I think it will help. I thought you were bringing your friend Julie?" " She got called in to work at the last minute. Do you want to go back to the apartment?" "I think we can find something else to do." Bailey put her off, he had enjoyed the sex, but he didn't want to get any more involved with her than he already was. "Do you want to go dancing?" "I was never much on this dancing, how about we go to a movie?" Bailey wasn't feeling attracted, seeing Willow now, after returning to a normal life. Being the head of the household, helping his sisters and brother with their problems. Willow just seemed like a misguided young woman. She was hardly older than Becky. "If you don't want to go back to my apartment then maybe we should just end it now." Willow was very disappointed. "I'm sorry but if you were hoping for a romantic relationship. I told you before I'm not." Bailey tried to explain. "Come on Bailey you like me, I know you do." she leaned into his side and stroked a hand up his arm. Bailey took hold of her and stopped her from touching him. " I do like you. But there isn't going to be anymore of that between us." "You really mean it don't you?" "Yes." Willow sighed, "Alright I guess we can go to a movie." She was hoping to wear him down, but even if she didn't get what she wanted being with Bailey was better than any other man she knew. ::::::::::::::::: Bailey was tossing and turning in his sleep. He had had a few bad dreams about the war since his return. But only a few. This dream was about a woman, a tall blonde with big blue eyes. She was calling out to him for help. The dream usually ended there with him trying to find her and waking up. But this time he found her, he rescued her from a dark shadowed figure of a man. They returned to a house and he made love with her. " Bailey, you are so good to me." the blonde woman told him. "I love you so much," she undressed him stroking his chest with her hands. Kissing his mouth, his jaw, the hollow of his throat. She caressed her hands over every inch of him from head to groin. She stroked his erection, her hands eager to show him of her admiration. He took his place over her, pushing his throbbing erection deep inside her warmth. She moaned, her fingers digging into his back, she begged him to take her. Bailey was gentle but demanding, giving and taking in turns. He brought her to climax repeatedly, then reached his own after seeing to her. He woke up in a cold sweat, he wished he knew the name of the beautiful blonde in his dream. :::::::::::::::::::: Bailey took his place in the third new agent class of 1973. He had already met several of the other agent candidates. The work was hard, but the physical training wasn't difficult. He passed the physical training, and firearms with no trouble. His roommate washed out the fourth week of training. He was teamed with another agent, who was having trouble with his firearms training. Bailey helped him qualify, and had a friend for life in Mike Hanson. Bailey was posted to the New York Field Office after his graduation. He stayed at the family home until he located a small apartment close to the field office. The first week on the job he was called to cover a bank robbery. He had to draw his weapon on the suspect, but didn't have to shoot him. He didn't learn of the identity of his dream blonde until he was an instructor at Quantico years later. end PS Willow isn't a Mary Sue, if I was going to be a character in this story it would be Becky. 12