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* A note from the earthly parents of these angels:

We believe that these angels are playing together

in Heaven. That God loves to watch them play at

His feet and run through the clouds, laughing and

singing, bringing Him everlasting Joy. We feel

blessed to have had a part in this and we know

that someday they will greet us and run to our

waiting open arms.

We would like to thank the web page for

MOTHERS WITH ANGELS for the background

and some other images used here.

Please visit their site

Garrison Mauro

My name is Garrison Mauro.

I'm a really good friend of Jeremiah's.

I met Jeremiah on my birthday....

February 4, 2003 at 1:17 a.m.

Me and Jeremiah want everybody to know that

we are having a great time in heaven and we

realize that God took us to help others. I

miss my Mommy and Daddy, but I do get to see

them all of the time. They love each other

more than ever....God say's that is because

of me, part of his plan. Me and Jeremiah are

God's favorite Angel's, so he has us greeting

the new Angel's at the Big Gate. It's so neat

up here, especially when Angel's get to greet

their parents for the first time. I can't wait

to jump in the arms of my mother. Her name is

Susan. She is the best mother that I could ever

have hoped for. God told me that he chose her

for me, because she is such a special woman....

me and My daddy both agree.

Love, Garrison.

Avery Nethanial Kneece

My mom and dad are Joshua and Bridget Kneece.
I was born on January 16, 2003 at 4:36PM

To my baby, Avery,

I remember the day that we found out you were coming to be with us. It was Father's Day 2002.

We were so excited. I suprised Daddy at dinner,

he was so shocked. We watched you grow bigger

everyday, along with our excitement. When we

found out that you were a little boy, we cried

because we were so happy. We got everything ready

for you, and anticipated your arrival. You were

so perfect in every way, all 6 lbs and 4oz of

you... and all 20 inches from the top of your head

to the tips of your toes. Sadly, your arrival was

not what we had prayed it would be. We know that

God has plans for all of us. We know that you are

watching over all of us, along with Jeremiah and

Garrison. You be a good boy. Know that we love

and miss you so very much. Your brother and

sisters talk about you all the time.. and we wait

to hold you again someday, when we all meet in

heaven. I love you my little one.

All my love,


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(parents.. help the baby angels choose thir images to sit with them if you like. They can be used more than once.)

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