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Mom's Tunis: The Beginning

Mom's Tunis: The Beginning

Mom's Tunis: The Beginning

Copper: 2002 Reserve National Champion Ram

When "Mom" saw Tunis sheep at a show and then spotted a beautiful red baby, she was sold. For Christmas the next year, 1998, the "Dad and the kids" gave Mom Tunis ewes, and Mom hasn't stopped collecting the beautiful redheads since. Mom's foundation flock is full of champions, from both the show ring and the barns of some of the most prominent breeders of Tunis sheep in the US.

"Mom" is proud that her initial brood ewe flock has been very successful in producing top quality lambs including: MTP57, the 2005 National Champion EWE; MTP48, the 2004 National Champion EWE; "Copper", the 2002 Reserve National Champion Ram; and MTP15, the 2001 Reserve National Champion Ram.

In April 2005, Mom's Tunis acquired the entire Fingerlakes Tunis Flock. The Fingerlakes Flock's structural correctness, size, and breed character has always impressed us.

With the addition of 32 sheep, including 29 ewes from the Fingerlakes Flock, Mom's Tunis now has over 50 brood ewes.
