Spirit and Desires Prayer
Lord, I realize that I cannot meet every need and expectation of my wife but You can. I pray that You will give __________ the fulfillment of knowing You in a deeper and richer way than she ever has before. Help her to be diligent and steadfast in her walk with You, never doubting or wavering. Make her strong in spirit and give her an ever-increasing faith that always believes that You will answer her prayers.

Help her to carve out time every day to spend with You in Your Word and in prayer and praise. May Your words abide in her, so that when she prays You will give her the desires of her heart (John 15:7). Help her to increase her knowledge of You. May she turn to You first for everything as You become her constant companion. Give her discernment and revelation and enable her to hear Your voice instructing her. Help her to stay focused on You, no matter how great the storm is around her, so that she never strays off the path You have for her. Keep me aware of when she needs a fresh filling of Your Spirit so that I will be prompted to pray.

Help her to be so filled with Your Spirit that people sense Your presence when they are in her presence. May she glorify You in all she does.

Father, Your word says that whoever finds You finds life and obtains Your favor (Proverbs 8:35), so I pray that _________ will find new life in You today and enjoy Your blessings poured out upon her. Guide her in everything she does, so that she becomes the dynamic woman of God You want her to be. Give her knowledge of Your will and enable her to stay in the center of it. Help her to trust You with all her heart and not depend on her own understanding. May she acknowledge You in all her ways (Proverbs 3:5,6).
In the name of Jesus, I pray Thy will be done.