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1960-1969 Searches

---------------------------------------------- Contact: Male born 3/1/61 Norfolk General Hospital. Looking for Bmother. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ contact: was born 4/16/61, DeWitt Army Hospital, Ft. Belvoir, VA. My birthmom was just barely 14 years old. She had an older & younger brother, and her dad was military. She went to school in VA.(but possibly not for too long, being military) ***Now we're thinking it was junior high. The Arlington Co. Library looked through the 3 yearbooks we thought were closest, and no Wisharts in any.* Hospital records only have only her initials, G. W. , but I do have the last name Wishart, and I know her 1st name has 6 letters. I was given the name Gaye Wishart, by someone. Hospital records also state that her parents put me up for adoption, I suppose because my mom was so young. A friend of a friend mentioned that a Glenda Wishart bbysat her back in '63ish, in GA.......Glenda dad was a Colonel, and he had a brother, or cousin, also a Wishart Colonel, who had a daughter named Gloria. These Wisharts are believed to be in NC now. They are also all lawyers, was mentioned that Glenda is an adoption attorney. I also, just the other day, found a post on Adoption, with my bday, but its not my post!! I think it's a mom, but not sure, not too much info listed. BUT, it does say Alexandria VA, and gives an address as contact info.......haven't been able to locate info for that address, but did email the person thru the site, hope that email actually went somewhere. So, I am looking for a woman, with Wishart as her maiden name, she would be 56 years old now.........or Wishart men, close to age 56, or any military Wisharts..... Any ideas? Thanks for listenin, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contact: Looking for any birthfamily. Female born March 21, 1967 in Fredericksburg VA. Mother last name possibly Miles. Adopted through Children's Home Society in Richmond. Thank you. Sherry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contact: Born December 19, 1961 in Alexandria, Virginia Adopted parents have both passed No information available to me ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contact: Hi, I hope I'm doing this right. My name is Lisa Hogan. I was born on July 13, 1964. I was adopted in December of 1967   I believe from Washington D.C. or possibly Alexandria, VA . The details are very sketchy. I understand that my birth name was Dawn and I was born in Washington, D.C.. I'm not sure where to go from here - is there somewhere I post this info, or do you take care of that for me? I'd appreciate anything you can do. Thanks, Lisa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~