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The Civil War in the Shenandoah Valley
provided by A Heritage Enterprise-Your History Connection

The Civil War in the Shenandoah Valley, books,The Civil War in the Shenandoah Valley, books,
Look for the brand new Mt. Jackson Historical Museum coming in July 2003

Amherst Museum County Museum


Glen BurnieMuseum
The beautiful Glass Glen Burnie Estate with the Meseum of the Shenandoah Valley

Stonewall Jackson Museum at Hupp's Hill.
This is a fine museum with lots exhibits for children. The area has some of the best preserved trenches and gun emplacement in the Shenandoah Valley.

The Warren Rifles Confederate Museum
Founded and operated by the Warren Rifles Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy, the museum contains an excellent collection of arms, battleflags, uniforms and accoutrements, cavalry equipment, rare documents and pictures, and other personal and domestic items once owned by noted Civil War figures.

Danville Museum

Amherst County Museum & Historical Society
This is a fine country museum with many WBTS exhibits

Danville MuseumLocated in the home used as the Last Capitol of the Confederacy

The Bedford City/County Museum
This museum has many exhibits including many from the WBTS.

Belle Grove Plantation
Situated on the Cedar Creek Battlefield, this stone home is the model of a plantation home of the early 1800's.

Frountier Culture Museum
Located in Staunton, this museum has several small farms depicting various agricultural eras in the Valley.

Loudoun Museum in Leesburg
Extensive area of Maby tributes here,

History Museum and Historical Society of Western Virginia


Battles and BattlefieldsHistoric PlacesTour Valley Museums  Soldiers and Civilians  Site Map Valley Historical Links

Mailing Address: 110 Palmyra Road, Edinburg, Va, 22824
Telephone: (540) 984-8735
Contact Hal Sharpe 


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