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*~Perhaps, It Is the End~*

When he had come last, only days ago, Anya’s garden had seemed to repair itself, but from what had grown in that short time, it had died. The only thing in her dead garden that had survived the regression, was her cherry blossom tree, pink flowers flourishing on the tree and floating gracefully to the ground, dancing in the wind. I wonder, Keegan thought, if that is because it is a representation of her, or because of something else. He hadn’t noticed Anya come near, her sweet aroma enveloped him as he felt her breath upon his neck.

“An-” Anya put her index finger on his lips to silence him.

“I want to know you better,” she said as she kissed him. Keegan raised his eyebrow doubtfully. “Not that you idiot. I want to see what’s here,” Anya tapped his head firmly. {This one’s for you Squishy} “Not what’s there,” she said giving him a denki anma with her knee.

“Ow. That just hurt a bit. Why are you so interested in seeing in my world anyway?” Keegan shrugged with a cheekish grin, “besides the fact that it’s so awesome.” Anya rolled her eyes and pressed her body against his, resting her head on his upper chest.

“It stirred something in me, my senses, my soul I suppose. And that snake of yours, Elora, if I read your thoughts correctly, she was quite intriguing.” Keegan firmly pushed Anya away from him, his hands gripping her shoulders.

“Woah. Hold on there. You read my thoughts? How? I’m completely shocked. You might as well have told me that you found my guardian, that woman.” He paused, his stern face looking directly at Anya, his eyes lost in thought. Anya just calmly sighed.

“Elora, that name, you know, has meaning to it. I feel it. I just haven’t put the pieces in the right places. Some of your thoughts, not when we kissed, have been finding themselves up here.” She said, tapping her own skull. “Ever since that incident between us, that painfully blissful incident a week and a half ago, I’ve been hearing things, seeing things, and it is a mystery that I wish to solve. You are that mystery. Your past….my……past….” She trailed off and sighed again, “they, they’re intertwined somehow.” There was passion in her voice, her powers steadily growing, increasing slightly, pounding against Keegan’s body.

He too had his power grow, heightening his senses, warning him of danger. You should act now! Sedate her! A voice screamed in his head, she probably knows something! How could you let your thoughts out? Is she really that strong?

“Yeah, I just might be.” Anya said, startling Keegan, his nerves shaken. “How, you may ask? Well, I may not be as strong as perhaps Ge Ge, but I still do hear your thoughts. Not all of what you were just thinking, just the last part.”

“How do you know I didn’t just ask myself that one question?” Keegan said childishly, crossing his arms across his chest.

“Ah, well, that thing you do with your face, you know, where you pretend to be here, but you really are not? Your eyes go all glassy and your mouth tightens, making you look like a trained soldier.” Anya mimicked Keegan’s expression, only making him more rigid. “Oh, come on! It’s cute. That was supposed to make you laugh.” Anya just looked a Keegan for a moment, dumbfounded, then, slowly her eyes got wide and she put her hand over her mouth. “My god,” she whispered. “You are a trained soldier.”

Keegan snapped. This is the time, act now. Keegan grabbed Anya’s neck, slamming her against the tree trunk. Her eyes widened in fear, her mouth poised for screaming, only a small squeak escaping.

You are going to shut up now. And you won’t see the ‘memories in my head.’ You will not learn anything, anything about me” Keegan squeezed her next tighter, as if it were rubber. “And you will block anything that comes out of my mind and finds its way into yours” He let Anya go, her legs too weak to support her, and she crumbled to the dirt floor, gasping for air. She looked up at him in horror, slowly inching away. Keegan turned his back and rolled his eyes, his hand reaching down his shirt, his fingers suffocating a tiny bottle.

“ Here, take this. It’s just a rejuvenation elixir. I always keep it on me just in case something happens to me. Look,” he spun on his toes, and kneeled in front of her. “I’ll even have some.” He took a tiny sip, making sure not to swallow. Leaning closer to her, breathing her in, feeling the quivering of her lips. Suddenly, he locked his mouth to hers, his tongue driving into Anya’s mouth, the liquid filling her mouth. {Allen, if you ever decide to read this, I know what you’re thinking and uh, no, not here.} He pulled away, placing his index finger under her chin, making her swallow.


She couldn’t think, her eyes wouldn’t focus. She’d blacked out and knew it, but for how long she couldn’t tell. Keegan was hovering over her, a smile on his face. She shook her head. As if that would help you, Keegan’s words hissed through her mind. Just relax, you will soon be dead. I don’t think it will hurt that much. His cheek softly touched hers, his lips tickling her ear. “Unless, of course,” his hand glided across Anya’s chest to her hips. She let out a soft whimper. “We decide otherwise.”

And she blacked out.


Keegan was carrying Anya’s limp body down the dark, crumbling stairway. Few moans could be heard from Anya’s lips. Her breath was slow, and at times it would shudder, bringing her body to move slightly in Keegan’s arms. Her barely conscious mind was still heavily affected by the drug from which the sluggishness came. She could barely make out Keegan’s face as her eyes wearily opened.

I should have known, she thought, regretting ever letting herself get so close. I thought I could play hard too….I didn’t know how evil he was. Although Anya couldn’t see clearly, she could feel the presence of others nearing. The air had gotten colder, a slight breeze, making strands of Anya’s hair sway and her arms form goose flesh and prickle with curiosity. Ge Ge, her senses stirred as she felt him, slightly awakening her. Him too? I should have known, she repeated. Then why…. Anya couldn’t finish her thought, Keegan had stopped.


The room was dark, a lone candle casting an eerie shadow upon Keegan and Anya’s body. Ge Ge stepped into the light’s single gaze, nodding to Keegan in acknowledgement. Keegan glided over to a table in the middle of the room, candles lighting before him. He set Anya’s body onto the stone slab, locking strong iron shackles around her wrists and ankles. Keegan placed his hands above Anya’s wrists and an iridescent green and blue mist formed around them. Next, he did the same to her ankles and neck, already bruising a variety of colors. Anya let out a soft moan.

”What a pity that such a beauty should be destroyed.” Keegan spun around, only to be faced with a scarred, deformed, majestic old man with piercing green eyes.

”My lord.”

”Oh get up. You can do all the ‘my lording’ you want once we are done. Save your energy and breath for her. She might put up a fight, seeing as she is awakening to some extent.” Lord Gethin touched Anya’s cheek, looking at her hungrily. Anya whimpered and tried to turn her head, the mist restraints blocking her wish. “Ah, my dear, there will be none of that. I’ve waited a long time for this moment, a very long time indeed.”

Lord Gethin turned to Keegan and Ge Ge both, his long red cape trailing seconds behind him. “Is everything ready? Oh, no of course not, it’s the both of you.” He sighed a long exhale, that sounded strangely similar to “Why must I do everything?”

Wooden bowls flew from the darkness; small glass bottles with different colored liquids clinking as they were mixed together in the air. Some made popping sounds or strange smells emanated from the bowls. They then floated gracefully down onto the slab on which Anya lay, the smell of lavender and jasmine filling her nostrils. Her head screamed in protest as her eyes fluttered closed and sleep washed over her.


Anya was upright, her head hung low. Strands of her long brown hair fell into her face, while beads of sweat dripped down her forehead. Her body ached all over, as if someone had beat her. She shifted her weight, candlelight filling her eyes. Anya blinked, letting her eyes adjust. She glanced at her captors, finally able to see properly.

Ge Ge was sitting near her, his eyes fixed on her, piercing her soul. Anya only stared back, unable to comprehend Ge Ge’s gaze. As he sat there, staring at Anya, the world around them seemed to blur and a pleasant feeling invaded her veins in the moment of great fear. He was in her mind, controlling her. How?……… Anya thought as she tried to understand why she wasn’t worried that she was under his control. Blurred images stared to form around them.

A painting drenched in water.

”Oy! Ge Ge!” A voice cut through the air, breaking Ge Ge’s concentration. Anya blinked. She was back in the dark cave, chained to a brick slab. ”Ge Ge!” It was Keegan. “Get out of the way, he’s going to start the process.” Anya saw Ge Ge trot away, sitting down near Keegan’s right leg, his tail dragging across the floor in small strokes. His intense eyes still on Anya, he watched as Lord Gethin brushed Anya’s hair out of her face, seeing the fear in her eyes.

HEHEH.. that really didn't make sence Zippy Pockets!! Anyhoo!! THIS IS NOT THE END!! THERE IS MORE TO COME!! IM WORKING!! IM WORKING!!