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My mother is a bitch
My mother is a bitch, she's talking about thing she don't understand. She is mean. In public she tries to look like a good mother, being kind with her child, but at home, she's a monster. Shouting and shouting. She's a monster grabbing me at every move I make, holding me. She is always on my back, trying to make me fall to the ground, to make me go down and down. But the more she hits me with her mean words, the more she is sinkin' in my deep and endless hate. She don't love me, as I neither do. Some are telling me that I should love my mother, justifying she IS my mother. But this mother always told me, << It's not everybody that will love you, and you don't have to love everybody>>. So as she said I don't have to love her, even if she "made" me. Yesterday, there was an add at tv, announcing the nude news. It's a program, that you pay, to see nude persons saying the news. So I asked her : what kind of person would like to see this, it's not even exciting, they're only nude, they're not even provocative.
So she answered me : First , we're not talking about persons, we're talking about men, because they are the only one who would like this. And it don't seems to have a lot of men playing in thesse news.
So again I asked : And what about lesbians, and bisexuals ???
And she answered me with her habitual kindness : Lesbians aren't really women, they have the body of women, but they have deranged minds.

So how do you think I was feeling ? I realise that she don't know I am myself a bisexual, but she always tell me not to say things like that, and then... She is always like that with her two laws. When she tells us (me, my brother and sister) don't eat in the tv room, she goes and eat in the tv room. She and my father both smoke in the house, but I can't, I have to go outside... That's why I say my mother is a bitch.
I won't never tell her who I am, and even if she already thinks she knows me, she don't , and i'll keep it like this until she dies, and then I'll go on her grave,I'll spit on it, and then I'll tell her what i always tought about her, so that even after her death she can hate me !!!

I wrote this february first of the year 2003

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