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In The Nightshade’s Shadow

Role Play Game

A lone Huntress enters the tavern. Her golden hair spills down her back. Several daggers are hidden among her clothes. A bow and quiver of arrows are strapped to her back. She sits down with her dark red skirts swirling. The men watch her fangs elongate and they know her to be Keoray Angelfiyah, or better known, the vampire elf Keoray Death. Eyes ablaze as he stepped into the gathering's small oak doors. He was tall, muscular indeed, with black hair, short, and laid down in the front. The room stopped, with everyone's demenial cast upon him. He wore no cloak, though it was cold. He had the boots, and gauntlets, of a warrior, the silent silky cape of a magician, and the soft dark smile of a vampire. At his waist was the hilt of an incredible sword, a sword known to him as Elana. When he could finally see into the dark of night, he met eyes with both familiar and unfamiliar faces. His mouth opened a bit and he rubbed his tongue across his vampiric fangs. He stepped through the door and his cape swished around, as a boy stepped in behind him. A small boy, perhaps eight or nine, wearing the tan of a slave or apprentice. They looked slowly to the man in the middle of the room. "I'm searching for a sorceress, named Celes Viper," his voice was deep, and ancient, scaring those who didn't knowledge him. "My name," he whispered, "is Blanx Dantes." The man cowered in the corner of the temple grounds, blood on his robes and face. "I'm sorry," the man cried out to his cold, desolate eyes, "We don't know any ladies called Viper!" Everyone else in the room was still, kept by magic from moving. The small boy, dressed as a slave, stood in the center, shaking wildly as the magic left his body. "Master," he cried. The people began to move about a small bit. "Kyrin," his master retorted, "Do what you must, but don't disappoint me," the he finished, "I've already been too tolerant with you!" The power stopped holding the people, but it was of no worry to him as he walked out, followed closely by a scared Kyrin. The young elven girl looked about. Her eyes caught the light and everyone's breath caught. It was early so she ordered the snake eggs, bear bacon, and a small bowl of wolf stew. The barely adequate food was set before her. She paid one gold penny, two silver pennies, and six copper pennies. When the waiter asked what else she wanted, she gave him a flat unfriendly stare. Wine was soon set before her. As she ate daintily, a young male walked in. She turned and smiled, "Daemon RavenWing, what a surprise! I'm absolutely delighted." She left her meal and swayed up to him grinning. "You've changed, Mistress Angelfiyah," Daemon replied bowing. "Of course. Well, what do you expect after twenty years, Mister?" was her ironic reply. "Certainly not this." He said with a sigh. The female elf sat down and motioned to the other do follow suit. One male elf, a hunter, and one undead female elf, huntress of her own half-kind. He kneeled to Kyrin, taking hold of his shoulders to calm his shaking. The boys body was amazingly strong, and hard to hold, but Blanx had known him long. Soon, he slowed, and finally, stopped shaking. Blanx's eyes were normally in his demonic heritage, staying cold desolate. Now, he switched to the eyes of a human, brown, puppy like eyes. His hand touched the boy's tender face in a soothing gentle way. Their eyes were locked, and Kyrin's wounded soul healed. He was no longer shaken. Blanx had the sweet, innocent, disarming eyes of a father, though he had no children. He stood, as his eyes changed once more. He ran his tongue along his vampiric fangs inside his mouth. He was not vampire and he could not be mistaken for one. He was tan, with large, muscular arms, and black hair, with vampiric assets, but demonic heritage. He was the toughest Stiller in any of the lands. A Stiller, was a man, or woman, with great power. His eyes, either pair, could paralyze the strongest male in any world. He was born with it, but it could not be taught. Him, being the most powerful, could hold crowds at a time in his transfixed though. There is, however, with every good power, a consequence. His touch could cause a person to remain unmoving, forever. Not his regular touch, but his touch of. places. The boy's name was Kyrin Numinor, heir to the thrown of Saras. He was small, and thin, with trained muscles, unshowing on his body, as is any other child. He was a cute boy, with many friends in his homeland. His age was low, as was his wizards' rank. He was precisely seven years old, with tan skin, and sandy blonde hair. He was being taught the ethics and strength of a wizard. It was his choice to be one, but what he had seen the past two days, (since he had been in Blanx's company,) had given him nightmares, so he had wet the bed twice. Blanx pulled his jagged-edged sword from its sheath. He held is above his head, with two hands. "Elana," he called. Suddenly the wind picked up, swiveling around the sword harshly. The wind hardened, taking the form of a person, a spirit. Elana was his spirit guide, his friend from birth. She was beautiful, flawless, as most spirits were. "She was here and has not been to the temple," he said to her. She smiled at him, warming the cold night. "My gallant warrior," she addressed him, "you have made an attempt. She was here! I cannot perceive what name she used this time, but she was here! Rest now at an Inn, and I will trace her during the night." She fell silent, and then the wind began to soften at the edges, and float away. "I will return, my love!" It disappeared from the end of his sword, and Blanx finally encased it. The child walked as his shadow, as his walked through the town, to the Inn, rented a room, and entered it. Slowly Blanx unhooked his gauntlets and hest armor, allowing them to fall to the ground. He undid his boots, and cape, laying them upon the ground. All that remained on his body was his undergarments. Slowly he walked to a tub as the edge of a wall, and turned the squeaky facet, allowing steaming water to fall from the end. He leaned over the water, and chanted softly, "Tear, rip, churn, burn, slowly take the holy urn. Slash of lust, and flame of fire. Seething mists of fury's desire!" This chant purified water to any demon's standards. When the tub had filled, he undressed, and entered the near boiling water. Relaxed at once. He watched Kyrin as he sat upon the bed, biting his bottom lip, and pulling one of the cover's loose strings. He didn't seem to have much to do. "Fire?" he asked Kyrin, "that seems to be the topic, can you use fire?" Kyrin at once, stood from the bed. "I can try," he said still biting his lip. Blanx nodded. Kyrin help out one hand, and closed his eyes, as he was taught. Blanx relaxed in his tub, watching, as Kyrin failed to do anything remotely of interest to him. Kyrin opened his eyes, "It won't come!" he exclaimed. "It will if you let it," was his master's reply. Kyrin shook his head. Blanx's eyes glinted, and Kyrin was held, paralyzed of any movement. Blanx sat for only a moment like this, before letting is mind ease. When his power stopped, Kyrin feel to the ground. He began to cry without sobbing, only tears. Blanx motioned for him to come. Kyrin slowly walked to him, still with tears running down his face. He thought he would be hurt, punished. Blanx grabbed his chin, and pulled his head close. "Listen," he proclaimed, before chanting a small spell, "Verify the right to see, the fury dances within me. Bring it forth to melt this cry, allow my sight to see the desire of its tie." The boy listened carefully, memorizing the words. "Tomorrow," Blanx said gently, "Sleep now. We wake early." The boy undressed and crawled into bed, wishing for his mommy to tuck him in, but the was obscene. He was an heir because his parents no longer breathed. His thoughts wandered away, as he seeped to darkness. The night soaked away in this position, until deep, deep within the night. The night was dark, cold. The water from the tub was gone, soaked into his body, leaving his skin soft, but unwrinkled. Water didn't have the same effect on demons. He stood, dressed, and sat upon the chair, watching Kyrin's steady breathing. He moved across the room after hearing a moan from the small boy. A nightmare. He pulled the blankets over the boy's small body. Kyrin wanted him not to know what happened at night, but he did. The bed would be wet again. He ran the water back into the tub, hot. It would have time to cool before Kyrin awoke. He wished so the had could reproduce, but he could never. Keoray's eyes narrowed as she felt a chill pass over her. Damn spirits. Daemon went on without notice. She sipped her wine quietly. She heard herself rise and say she had stayed too long. Daemon followed her out, and mounted his chestnut stallion. She threw him a look and asked what he thought he was doing. "Going with you," he said, quite calmly. "I certainly don't see why!" He shrugged and started off down the cobblestone lane. She sighed and stepped into the lane, into the bright sun. Her pale skin glowed briefly and she had a golden tan. Daemon threw a look back and started. "That's a new trick, I though you couldn't stand the light," he said as she mounted her large black mare. "One learns many tricks in little time. Especially as one is hunted and hunting." She shrugged and road in front of him. He watched her silently. She road warily, ready to jump, as she was being watched. He moved up to comfort her, but was only rewarded with a flat, unfriendly glance. Suddenly she stiffened in her saddle and toppled over. He pulled over and jumped off his horse. He knelt by her, his hands checked her pulse. Then his hands went to checking for bruises or broken bones. She had none. He turned her ever and looked at her face. Her breathing was shallow. Putting her upon his horse in front of him, and leading her mount, he took her into the next town. He grabbed a room as the Inn and carried her in. Setting her on the bed, he placed a cold cloth on her forehead. She stirred and mumbled. He sat there watching her for three days and nights, hoping for her to wake. Her hands clawed and she hissed, as if she was in pain. The door flew open and he turned to see, she convulsed into a ball suddenly. "Who's there?" rang Daemons baritone voice. "Good morning sunshine," he said, addressing the little boy. Kyrin's eyes opened, and looked into Blanx's. Light was thrown through the window. Kyrin sat up, as the covers fell to his lap, revealing his small chest, pumping his stomach muscles lightly, as he drew in a breath. Kyrin knew by the feel that the bed was wet. Blanx also knew, but would say nothing. He refused to embarrass a child for being scared. He ruffled Kyrin's hair through his fingers. "I'll be back in a second, jump in the bath." Slowly the door came shut behind him. He began walking around the building once, before he returned. Upon entering again, a shot rang through the air. "Shit," he cursed himself. He should have known he shouldn't have stayed this long. Kyrin sat in the tub, eyes on him, "What's wong?" he pleaded. Blanx shut the door quickly, and began gathering their things. "We're being hunted," was all he replied. He grabbed a drying cloth, and went to the tub, where he wrapped it around Kyrin, picking the boy up. They didn't have time, he had seen the army marching towards his room. His eyes relaxed, and the back wall became transparent, as he walked trough, and outside. It was light out, leaving him with few choices of where to hide. He turned to find another of the Inn's doors. With his shoulder, he burst through the door. A call emitted. "Who's there," spoke a deep voice. Blanx set Kyrin down, and the cloth fell, for only a moment. The room lit with the fire of a lantern, as he shut the door, pulling across the dead bolt lock. An elf stood near a bed, where a female elf laid, in pain. His power released, Stilling the elf. Kyrin whined, not in words, but in a small moan, showing he extremely regretted his wish to become a wizard. The elf woman sat up on the bed, looking across to him. His power tried to catch her too, but stopped as if she was some kind of higher power. She stood, her face in a gentle small smile, that held his thoughts pleasantly. The elven woman began walking slowly towards him. He waited until she was a sword away. Suddenly ringing shattered the silence, and in a split second, his sword touched its tip to the side of the woman's neck. "Why is it you are immune, to a Stiller's power?" he asked, as if commanding. "I," her ancient voice began, "am a vampire. A Stiller's mind would paralyze the life force, of a person, I, have none." Blanx thought for a second. He had killed vampires before, after Stilling them, that couldn't be why. "More importantly to your knowledge," she said going on, "I am the Queen of the Vampires, Keoray Death." He drew in a breath. He was obviously unprepared for that. A knock hit he door, and a warning braised through the room. "We request entrance, in the name of empress Alianora Kazul." Blanx bared his fangs in anger, that was another on his list for death. Keoray flicked a glance at the door. She raised a hand and pointed. Blanx heard her voice in his head, commanding, "Go into the closet, I will hide you." Blanx turned and dragged Kyrin into the closet. As he walked, his back was turned, so he didn't see her change. Fire red ran through her hair like water, freckles appeared across her nose, and her skin became milky once more. Daemon floated to be tucked into the bed where he started to snore, and his skin became a sickly green. Her red skirts became baby blue, her black bodice became white, and the chemise and lace became lavender purple. She retracted her fangs, and her eyes became wide and innocent green. All this took perhaps ten seconds. She looked around, waved a hand, and the closet appeared boarded up. She opened the door silently. The soldier in charge stepped in and looked around. He made a sharp motion and five men moved in and stationed themselves around the room. Two more soldiers stood as the door at attention. Keoray put on a shocked, slightly scared expression. "What is going on here?" she asked the soldier, the captain. "We're searching for an outlawed wizard, name of Blanx Dantes." "Outlawed wizard! What would he be doing in my room?" she sounded slightly hysterical. "I do not know, Madam. I was told to search all the rooms, since he is suppose to be in his Inn," the captain replied curtly. "I assure he is not in here, Captain…?" "Brontvier, ma'am. How can you be so sure he didn't sneak in?" sneered Captain Brontvier. "Because I have been in this room for three moon rises," she explained. "You haven't left to eat or anything, Madam…?" "Scarlania, and no Captain Brontvier, I've been caring for my kinsman," she pointed to the sick looking Daemon. "He joined with me last week. He's an old friend from my village. He felt obliged to protect me, and became sick because he didn't tell me he was weak. I've been trying to nurse him back to health, and he is already much better," she said earnestly. The captain looked at her, "We were led to believe you were sick." "Oh, dear me, I was!" she grimaced remembering the pain, "He healed me, then he fell suddenly, horribly, ill." "Ah," he said, disbelieving. He searched the room and found nothing. He looked to the boarded closet. "Why is that boarded?" he asked hesitantly. "I don't know, it was like that when we showed up. it's rather old isn't it?" she laughed weakly. She willed the captain to believe it, and implanted the story into the innkeepers mind. "Now that you've searched my room, please leave! I'm very busy and I must have peace to heal him." She shooed them all out of the room, the captain snapped orders to search the next room. Keoray sighed after she shut the door, leaning against it. Waving a hand, Daemon was no longer sick, but slept on. The closet became unbarred and Blanx stepped out. Kyrin followed on his heels scared. Blanx looked around noticing the male elf sleeping, and the new woman standing in front of him. Blanx arched an eyebrow at her, but she wasn't looking at him. She smiled softly at Kyrin. Slowly she kneeled and said quietly, sweetly, "Hello, Hun. Come over here, I won't hurt you, sweet." She held out her arms towards him. Kyrin looked up and Blanx and hesitantly walked over to her. She wrapped her arms around him and stood up holding him. Blanx studied her new face. For one, it was more open, and definitely more innocent. Her hair fell softly about her face and the young boy's as her cheek pressed against his. She whispered kind, soft, nonsense to calm and reassure the trembling scared boy. Her face and skin was no longer the pale bronze it was when he walked in, it was milky and looked softer to touch. Her hair was a gleaming red, instead of her pale golden blonde. It was her eyes which fascinated him the most though. Before they had been narrow, shrewd, cold, and an unfriendly dark, brooding blue. Now they were a kind, wide-eyed, friendly, innocent, clear crystal green. Her face was completely open as she held the child. She had a tender, kind, happy, motherly expression. Kyrin was clinging to her neck as if or life itself. She had a soft smile, continued to speak to him, and stroked his hair. She walked towards Blanx, Blanx realized Kyrin had fallen asleep. "Do you want to keep him here for the moment?" she whispered. Blanx nodded and Keoray carried him into the closet area. She stood there for a few seconds as the room grew larger, and a bed was placed, or rather appeared, in the new room. Quietly she laid him in the warm bed and tucked him in. She walked out and shut the door behind her. She walked to a chair and motioned to Blanx to seat himself. "Time for introductions," she said narrowing her emerald eyes. "Who are you, who is the little boy, and what's with the soldiers?" Blanx looked at her and said, "I am Roldan, the boy in Vimar. I don't know anything about the soldiers." His face showed nothing. Suddenly she grinned, a very wolfish grin. "Don't you know anything? I just saved your life, or I could call the soldiers back. I want to know the truth. I will get the truth, even if I have to suck it out of your mind." His face went cold, "That is the truth, " his tone was as cold with suppressed anger. "Your lying," her tone was frosty, her face stern. "You are Blanx Dantes. He must be a kidnapped child, probably the empresses own. That's why the soldiers are after you." He looked at her, "No, I am Blanx Dantes, but I did not kidnap Kyrin." She smiled, "Alright, Blanx. You didn't kidnap Kyrin. Moreover, you choose not to tell me why you're being hunted. I won't pry this time." She sat back reflecting. "Kyrin. Is he your son, by blood I mean?" Blanx looked at her again, "No. He is my apprentice." "So, he's more of a fosterling…understood. Any questions you have for me?" Right then Daemon turned over and coughed. Keoray sighed and silenced him. "Who is he?" Blanx asked. "Daemon RavenWing," was her careless reply. "That didn't answer my question. Is he your consort?" Suddenly she laughed, a pleasant light laugh. Blanx suddenly felt rather irritated at how she was answering such a common question. "Hardly," she answered harshly, still chuckling. "He grew up with me in my village. I see him as a brother, and nuisance. He knows that, but is still trying to win my heart after thirty-eight years. He's rather overprotective and won't let me alone. Daemon will never learn he's not the one for me," she chuckled softly. She reached out to pat Blanx's cheek to let him know it was an okay question when suddenly Daemon awoke. He sat up, his eyes blazing. All he saw was "his" innocent looking Keoray leaning with one hand outstretched towards a tall, dark, and, of course, handsome man. "Keoray! Get away from him right this instant!" She suddenly flashed. Chalky-white glowing skin, blue-black hair, and her eyes… her eyes became a slitted dark purple-black. Clothed in all black but her chemise and lace, of course blood red, the only color one could see on her. Her skin held an eerie glow, and her fangs were fully elongated and bared. She walked over to Blanx's chair, sat on the armrest, and placed a light hand on his shoulder. Blanx threw her a startled glance, and then he heard her voice in his head. "Go with it. Remember what I told you." Aloud to Daemon, she smiled and said, "Why should I? He won't hurt me, actually quite the opposite." Daemon's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "Because I said so, now get away from him!" he screeched like a maniac. She rolled her cat eyes, "Oh, don't be such a bother! You have no reason to keep me away from him. He's really quite a good friend." Blanx took the cue, and slipped an arm around her waist, leaning his head against her hip. He could feel how strong, supple, thin, and warm her body was. She laid her arm across his shoulders, and laid her hand in mid-stroke upon his cheek. Daemon went into hysterics, gibbering incoherently. Finally, Keoray put him to sleep again. Kyrin peeked through the door, because all the yelling had woken him up. He smiled and shut the door to go back to sleep. Keoray was frowning softly. Blanx noticed the skirt was red again. She now had her pale golden blonde hair, her skin no longer glowed, and her eyes went back to the crystal green human eyes. "What's wrong?" Blanx asked, looking up at her. "That's not like Daemon. he's normally calm. I don't know," she shrugged, sending ripples through the muscles in her body. "I'm going to send him away." Blanx merely nodded, and Daemon was gone. Suddenly she gasped and collapsed, She whispered, "He used…his life force…to sustain me," then she fell unconscious. Blanx had caught her and was holding her close. He stood up and carried her over to the bed. He laid her down gently. Somehow, her clothes had become a misty black gauzy dress, light as spider webs. He covered her up and watched her face change. She was no longer cold or angry, and didn't look fierce. Instead, her pale hair fanned out about her like wings. Her eyelashes made black crescent on her cheeks. Her skin was pale, but it seemed lit by a luminescent light from within. Her small lips were a pale rose color. Her face was the model of marred and broken innocence. Hurt beauty like and angel with her wings cut off. She stirred and mumbled something. Blanx smoothed her hair back and laid a hand on her face. Touching her face comfortingly once, he turned and went to the closet room. Kyrin awoke with a start. He looked around to see what had awakened him. He looked as the silent Blanx. wondering if he was really asleep. Kyrin yawned, he'd slept well so far, and maybe he could go back to peaceful sleep. He heard a moan come from the main bedroom. Silently he grabbed a blanket, put on some loose pants, and slipped out. Keoray was tossing and turning, groaning and moaning in pain, while she slept. He sat in a chair and wrapped up, watching the woman who was so kind. He walked over to her bed and crawled in. It was his turn to comfort her. Slowly she calmed into a deeper sleep. With her arms wrapped around him, holding him, like another comforting, and being comforted, he fell back o his silent peaceful sleep. Keoray woke up to a surprise. She was holding Kyrin. the mind-boggling thing was she had no idea he had been there. She smiled and slowly unwrapped herself and stood up. Wrapping him in a blanket, she carried him back into his room. She laid him softly down into his bed. She looked around and saw Blanx appear to be asleep. She held out a hand and created a tiny obsidian rose. She placed the pupil sized rose into Kyrin's pocket. Walking out, changing clothes, she left the Inn that night, not to return. "Blue medallion, or red? Which would you prefer my Queen?" came the merchants slick, accented voice. Queen. at sixteen years old, she was a queen. But not only a queen, but also the queen of the largest, most powerful army in the world. Only yesterday had her mother passed away. "I will take the blue, she answered pulling the enchanted locket around her neck. She turned from the seller, and slowly made her way back to the thrown. All her life Kori had trained to be first knight, she wanted no responsibility as queen! She was the strongest, most skilled fighter on the battlefield. She was known by a secret code name called Slaughter. She, along with a small group of men, had taken out tens of thousands of warriors, barehanded. Now, Slaughter, sat upon a large golden throne in a puffy white dress, that overly-exaggerated itself in lace. She wasn't used to wearing clothes like these. Normally she would be wrapped in tight leather. She loved leather, it made her body look more curved, plus, it brought a lot of attention to her lumptuous breasts. Had her older sister not died on the same dragon, she would be where she wanted right now! This thought kept popping into her head. What is she could change the past? Could it be possible? She divided up her army that night, and sent them to acquire the wisest men in all four hundred kingdoms. She would wait for their return tomorrow afternoon, but in the meantime, she had pressing matters to attend to. In front of her, pressed to his knees with a sword to his throat, the guard explained that he had witnessed the child let free three of the army's horses. Her male advisor leaned to her from the left side, and tried to whisper, but his old raspy voice was heard by all whom inhabited the room. He informed her, "Horses are costly, and this act is much like stealing from the castle. It must be addressed seriously. I'm afraid I must advise you to punish him thoroughly!" Tears rolled down the boy's adolescent face, as he shook with each sob. He refused to let them be heard. Kori stood from her chair, and walked calmly down to the boy, lifted the edge of the blade from his neck, and redirected his face to gaze at her. "How old are you?" she asked. He replied, without sobbing, that he was twelve years old. Kori's gaze changed deadly as she stood. "My mother would have killed you, but I am not my mother, I am worse, and as new queen, I must set an example. So, for your thievery from the castle, I will punish you, with four years of serving under the army." She turned to the guard, "I want this boy put into the group of stealth!" That guard's mouth fell agape, "But, but." he protested. As soon as he began, he was finished, lying across the floor of the castle. "If anyone else cares to stand against my word, I shall choose their fate as well!" A bell hit the air. It was a loud crisp bell, that shattered her thoughts. Her face moved around to others blankly. The castle doors were pushed into, "We're under attack!" came a loud, pain stricken voice, that filled her auditorium! The advisors, and anyone else in the room began to file away in a panicked motion. Arrows streaked through the opened doors, catching stiffly in the dress of lace. She couldn't so anything in this dress. She looked around… no one of any importance. With only a second hesitation, she ripped off the dress, leaving her fragile. Now she wore nothing, except her death black bodice, garter, and her blinding white glass, heeled slippers. She pulled loose a knife, she secretly kept hidden upside down, between her breasts. It was time to go to work. Arrows came, she deflected them. It wasn't hard, especially considering arrows were nowhere as fast as bullets of steel. She moved forward, through the doors, to a battle-struck city. Suddenly red was appearing everywhere. What was it… fire, could these people use magic? If not then they were using some kind of machinery. It didn't matter, no one had ever been able to stop Slaughter before, and nothing's changed. As she left the castle grounds, she met up with a surrounding of four heavily armed men. Seeing the crystal crown, that sat upon her beautiful golden hair, they attacked. The first attack came from the right, from the wielder of a sword. Her small dagger caught a nick in the blade, and held it wavering in the air, as her other hand caught the spiked knuckles of the warrior to her left. With her strength against his, she managed to hear his wrist snap, before her smooth leg went rushing into the air. The diamond shoe cracked into the side of the man's helmet, sending him unconscious. The sword retreated from her hold, and began again. The locket around her neck began to dimly glow blue. She felt power circulating through her veins. She moved her head, and the impact of the mans sword slammed into the man behind her. She realized only two were left, when the man's head hit the floor a couple of feet from his body. The man in front of her had his hands up, he man no attempt to come for her. His crisp chant dug into her mind. Her ability to speak other languages told her it was a fire spell. HA! She knew it, she sliced her dagger up, across the swordsman's chest. Immediately it began to freeze the wound, as the lockets power swam into the knife. In seconds he would be only a statue, but she didn't have seconds. She threw the dagger, in a spinning motion, towards the fire mage. The dagger split the skin, entering one of his hands. As his wail of pain burst into the air, his hand burst with a furious, crackling ball of fire. She hadn't any weapons to use, or any armor to defend with. Her mind raced. With a strain, she reached down, and undid the clasp of her high-heeled slipper. Flame mage began to get his grip. As he looked at her, malicious thoughts crossed is mind. The shoe, and the fire, both left hands at the same time. As it got closer, she flung herself into a back handspring, allowing the fire to pass barely over her stomach in mid-flip. The landing was unexpectedly perfect, as she balanced herself on the higher foot. The flame mage lay sprawled out on the ground. She walked over, and slipped her shoe back on, while it was still protruding from his forehead. Crunch! She gasped sarcastically as it crushed his skull more, until finally she pulled it free. All the soldiers were disappearing into the center of the city, she followed their lead. The tallest tower sat dead center in the city. Every warrior around had begun a long climb to the top. It wasn't really an important tower, her mother had it built when her father had died. All it kept was his body, and his. armor. The gauntlets, that must be what they're after. The gauntlets of Odin were a pair of weapons crafted from the soul of a god. There was only one alchemist able to do anything of the sort, and his name was Oliver Tare. He disappeared many years back. She had to get to those gauntlets first! She thought of a quick spell her dad had taught her. "Dissolve thy spirit, transport thy mind, to where the keep is, I need to find." Her vision got blurry as she transformed into a storm of tiny sparkles, and then transformed back at the top of the tower. This spell was very, very dangerous. All of your pieces don't always get to your destination. But, the more you do it, the easier it becomes. As a few men got to the top, she fought them over the edge, to an agonizing fall of death. The tower's top had no door, it was built around a secure chamber. Another man got to the top. After disarming him, he too, was sent to the bottom's doom. With her newly acquired sword, she began to hack away at the wall. As the men came, they fell, until finally she broke through. She stepped into the candle-lit chamber. No corpse rested as it should have. Instead, upon the table sat a pair of gauntlets, and a small piece of papyrus. She picked it up, and began to read the words. I, king of this castle, have not died. I am merely searching. Searching for the same thing any warrior is the spell cast by only the strongest. The spell Ultima. To summon my gauntlets, read this connection aloud. But be forewarned, cursed be the soul of Odin! "Power of Odin, grant me your soul, to do as I please, and as I consol. Lend me your wisdom to fight off the hordes. My spirit is bound to you forever more!" She read the last lines out loud. There was a sound, like a lock clasping shut. Black energy emitted from the black gauntlets on the table. Gently, and slowly, she slipped them onto her arms. They went exactly to her elbow, and suctioned to her arms and hands. The tips of the fingers had sharp metal claws at the end. From the top of her wrist came a short, curved blade, that followed out to her knuckles, and from the bottom of the arm once curved out from the elbow. A new power raged through her. Like nothing she had ever felt. She craved blood, she needed it. The gauntlets needed it! Something came at her in a blur. She felt the gauntlets power pushing her mind away. Pushing so hard, that blackness overtook her mind. At first, she could feel herself moving. She could feel the gauntlets smashing into things. Such effect she would never had thoughts possible. She knew the gauntlets were using her energy, her power. They were also using her body. Not only her arms, but legs, and stomach, and chest. But she could only feel this at first, then it began to grow fainter, until all her thoughts were sidetracked completely. "What… Where am I," her vision was scarce. The bright light kept her from seeing completely. "Shhh. It's okay, you're in Waviou," came a voice she'd never heard before. She waited a few minutes, while her eyes adjusted. "Are you okay," the male voice asked again. She looked up into his beautiful brown eyes. “Who… am I," she asked. The male chuckled to himself. "Well," he replied, "I was hoping you could tell me that!" She uncovered herself, and stood up. The only garments on her whole body were the silky white, elbow length gloves, that caressed her hands. The man's mouth fell open, as he stared at her bare body. "Clothes would be nice," she said interrupting his thoughts. "I... don't where they are," he answered. "I'm just here to check on you." "Oh," she said sitting back down on the bed. "I'm sorry," the man said, beginning to take his leave. "Wait," she proclaimed instantly, "I... I don't know who you are!" He stopped, and turned back to her. "Well, that makes us even!" The door shut softly behind him, leaving her exposed, unsure, and afraid. She grabbed the cover, and tied it as evenly as she could to cover herself. The crackle of the doors handle locked again as she exited the room, to a long white hall. She had never seen a room so clean. She walked down the echoing corridor, to on electronic door. It had no handle, and no hinges, just a button pad. She touched the buttons slightly, feeling the amount of warmth on each one. She put them in order through her mind, and began to put in the code. The door slid open to her only familiar face. "H... How'd you. how'd you get out," he asked. She walked past him, and into the large, overcrowded room. Everyone stared at her, as if she were... different. She turned back to the man. He held in his hands a black leather bodice, a garter, some diamond shoes, and a tiara. "These are what I found you in. The gloves wouldn't come off," he said handing them to her. She dropped the shoes, and her cover. The whole room, men, women, and children all gasped. Slowly, she put the garter on, the bodice, then she stepped into the heels. She flung the tiara into the air, and swiftly moved her hands to her hair. In a flash it was rolled, and pushed up. She caught the tiara, and placed it over her hair, before it had a chance to fall. The man picked up the fallen blanket, and handed it to her. "My name is Orik," he started, "remember yours yet?" A word stuck into her mind., "Slaughter," she kind of... announced to him. "Well.," Orik thought for a moment, "How about I call you Princess?" Slaughter's hands moved to the crown on her head. "Are you mocking me?" she asked in a deadly rasp. "Well, yes my Princess," he replied playfully. In a split second her cold grip was on his throat, and she lifted him off the ground. His hand clasped her wrist, and a loud crack hit the air, as she bit the floor. The sound of his handcrafted boots hitting the floor rang out. Slaughter's wide eye's looked up surprised. "I do not take someone threatening my life lightly, Princess," the last word came out sounding the exact of a threat. Suddenly her eyes changed, from surprised to complicated. Her body spun up, upon the heels. Her luscious red lips held a small smile on them. "Wow... such," she strung her finger down his lips, and slowly along his chest, or shirt rather. "Power," she claimed ending it. He grabbed her wrist once more, "Prepared to fall again?" Her hands moved like lighting, with indescribable strength. In one swift movement, she knocked his hand from hers, then moved to crush into the center of his chest. The force pushed him backwards. His skills turned the momentum into his own flip, but before he hit the ground, he let the air harden under him, and hold him just barely above ground. Slaughter broke into a run, breaking the distance between them. As she swung, a spell made him faster than usual. He caught her wrist, not expecting to win with strength. BOOM! Lighting surged into her watery veins, and rendered her body useless. "I guess you weren't as prepared as you though. A couple more volts, and I would have killed you!" Slowly the air loosened, and he landed flat again. "Daddy," his seven-year- old son called to him, as he began to come. Kyrin grabbed onto his father's shirt, and pulled himself into Orik's arms. Orik held him with one arm, and his other hand hovered over Slaughter's body. His tongue marched a spell in an ancient language, and she began to lift from the ground. "Where as you going?" one of the hospital employee's asked him. His reply came in a short stout answer, "the Queen!" As they entered the castle, the queen rushed to him. "What is it Orik?" Kyrin switched quickly to his mother's arms "This is the one I caught falling from the sky," he replied, "She attacked me with amazing strength and speed,". he was interrupted by Kyrin's excited input. "Yeah, but not as fast as dad. After she got dressed!" Queen Felidae took this in for a second before looking to Orik. "Dressing is…?" Kyrin's cheeks sot rosy red, as he tried to explain about her dressing. "Well," Felidae stated, "she's certainly not shy!" Orik looked down to her perfectly portioned body. "What would she be shy about," he asked, "Her body's amazing!" Felidae gave him a stern look. "Yes, it seems our son thinks so too!" Kyrin looked down, ashamed he had said anything. "Are you jealous, my Queen?" he asked. Anger streaked through her as she began to shout at him. "I am the Queen of Waviou, I have the perfect life, and...." she pulled up her shirt to reveal her thin, muscular stomach, "My body is just as fine!" Orik let Slaughter fall to the floor lightly. "Then what is your problem?" he asked bitterly. "My problem it that my son should not be put through this, and frankly, neither should you," the last part was more of a whine, "You're my mate, not hers!" His look of angry awe took over. "Correction, my Queen. I was your mate, I gave you a son, and I have fulfilled any obligation I had to you then. So don't tell me what my son shouldn't see, or do. I will protect you until the end, but you chose me as your mate, not your love. And if you didn't want me allowing my son to do things, you should have chose to." He was interrupted, as Felidae's rage took over. "Yes, yes, I should have chosen to raise him alone, without a father. Without someone to teach him loyalty and courage. Your right!" Orik grabbed Kyrin from his mom's arms, and set him down on the ground. "Run home, and get your stuff ready, I think your mom wants you to come back to the castle!" Kyrin's face soured, and he began to whine, "But daddy, you said I could stay until we finished learning the new spell book!" Orik touched his son's face, gently, "I'm going to Genelle in a couple of days, you can come with me, but it's better for you to be in the castle for now. Okay?" Kyrin began to sob, and cry. "No, Kyrin, you can stay at your dad's, I just..." "Stop," Orik said cutting her off, "Kyrin, do as I said, and stop crying, and when we're done talking, you won't want him to stay!" he directed to her. Orik lifted his shirt, and wiped Kyrin's eyes. Kyrin hugged him tightly. "Aw! How sweet," came Slaughter's voice from behind them. Orik turned to see her beautiful innocent face. "Was that sarcasm?" he asked. Slaughter looked at him confused. "No, your son is adorable. He looks just like you!" Orik stood up completely. "So I take it. you're done attacking me." She smiled kindly, while replying, "Yes, of course. No one I've ever fought had that kind of strength." Her face began to strain with thought, "Or, at least, no one I can. remember." Orik moved aside, "This is our Queen, Felidae BlackWolfe," he turned to the Queen. "This is our newest citizen, Princess Slaughter." Princess smiled, "Sorry about how I come off on that, too!" Orik touched her soft face, soothingly. "It's perfectly well, my Princess!" Kyrin tugged on his dad's pants, until Orik turned to him. "Do I still have to go?" Orik rolled his eyes back, and sighed fiercely. "No, I guess not!" Felidae turned from them. "If you don't mind, I have things to do!" She began to walk down the red carpet as the dress wavered on the ground behind her. Princess felt a presence in the air. She watched the arrow cut into the space of distance, heading directly for the Queen. She dodged forward into a roll, and caught the arrow out of its even flow. The Queen looked from her to the arrow, then back to her. Orik shot a giant spark towards the window, knocking the assaulter down. From there, he rushed to his capture. Felidae still stood stunned, looking from arrow to Princess. " Thank you, you saved my life," she stated, still dumbfounded. Orik walked in with the man he had reprehended. He was a dark figure, with parts of an elf, but mainly human. Orik's magic had locked around his hands and feet, allowing him no movement, except for the magic that moved him through the air. "He was sent by no one in particular, he just wanted to see if he could pull it off!" Orik said to the Queen. "Are you sure?" she asked. "Positive, I can read minds, or have you forgotten?" The Queen smiled a naughty smile. "How could I?" Slaughter felt a piercing pain from the gloves, like thousands of needles, stabbing into her arms. As she looked down, the gauntlets had reformed onto her. She reached into the captured man, piercing his skin easily with he deadly claws. The Queen grabbed onto Kyrin, whom refused to let go of his father, as Orik grabbed the gauntlet. With a sudden gust of power, they were all ripped into time, then back into reality. They stood in front of a beautiful woman in all black, whom looked remarkably like Felidae. The woman held out her long clawed hand, "Hello, my name is the Lady Huntress, Keoray Death." The door of the Outside closed, opening his eyes. He knew what had happened. He was an Egyptian vampire, along with. other things. He didn't sleep, he meditated, but even in meditation every detail of every event was witnessed. He was still a small bit bitter. The woman had known him a total of a few hours. How dare she make such an assumption as kidnap! He could tell she was a witch woman, the way she put Kyrin to sleep, but she wasn't a strong enough witch woman. Not strong enough the take on the power of a god. She had threatened to read his mind. That was impossible, firstly because he wasn't the only inhabitant of this body, so she would have been majorly confused, and secondly, because his mind's power was much greater. It was strange, because Kyrin was his apprentice, but her was only Blanx Rider. The inhabitant spirit inside him, is called Dantes Cole. Dantes is the boy's father, so sometimes things will happen like Keoray. He'll blank out in the middle of the day, and wake up two nights later holding Kyrin, in the middle of a lullaby. Kyrin was the son of the empress, but he did not kidnap him. Blanx stood from his chair, and examined the black rose in Kyrin's pocket. Not natural. In fact, it was made with the web of fate spell. Lady Keoray must have wanted to monitor them. He touched one of the petals of darkness, with his long, sharp claw, and watched as the rose, along with the spell, withered away to decayal. "Sorry madam, but today is not your day!" Kyrin's eyes popped open upon him. Silence, and stillness approached unexpectedly. Finally, Blanx's hand moved to touch Kyrin's face softly as his claws retracted. He could feel his fangs leaving him fast, along with his lust for blood. His skin regained a perfect summer tan. Kyrin's eyes began to fill with happiness. He knew what was happening. Blanx felt a small amount of warmth from the boy's cheek, before he was pushed into a secondary watching mode. A blink turned eyes from demon yellow, to brown. He could here the possessor of his body speak. "Daddy's here," and he began to meditate his energy. Blackness all around him is all he took in. Memories, so many memories. He could remember his human life. He could remember his son, and his daughter, and his beautiful wife. He could also remember the demons. Red lights flashing through the panic-stricken village. The saliva dripping fangs, right before they ripped into his warm flesh. Boom! The tingling began. Blackness filled his mind. When a vampire bites you, they replace your thoughts with anger. But sometimes, as you sit, watching your demonic self, you see a rip of the tiniest sort. If you can manage to get through to the other side, you can meet your demon. Join with him, to become a souled vampire, or defeat him to become a human- demon. No one, had ever (before him) defeated this demon. That was seven hundred long years ago. He managed to work his way up in the chain, learning new skills and spells. Until finally he met the top. He, himself possessed godlike powers, and sourceful strength. Villages could crumble in his mere palm. They would also, if he wasn't blessed with one thing... memories. Memories of his life. No one should lose the things he lost, unless they deserved it. He agreed to take this man's spirit in. For Kyrin. The oracle old him, that he would only be one, when he accepted his fate. What could that mean? His thoughts were suddenly interrupted, as he slammed back into reality, like hitting an ice-cold pool. He looked around timidly, as he caught his breath. Kyrin sat on his lap, and had Blanx's arms around his tummy. He turned from where he was, to look into the mysterious yellow eyes, once again. Blanx could see his spirit fall, but never the less he smiled. Blanx moved his hand up, and touched the small boy's face tenderly, but immediately pulled back, when four lines of blood, began to roll down his cheek, from the sharpness of the claws. Kyrin took on a look of sadness, and emptiness, as all expression left his face. The reflection of himself showed brightly in Ky's red-brown eyes. He was truly the most adorable child he had ever seen. "What." he cleared his throat with a cough, as he could only speak in a rasp. "What were you doing?" Sweat that covered Kyrin's bare chest glinted off the night light behind Blanx. "I just woke up," Kyrin said. Blanx looked down to the wet spot, on the front of Kyrin's shorts. He began to sob lightly, as tears rolled down his face, mixing with the blood, to form a light pink substance that dripped from his chin. Blanx realized, that the bed he was sitting on, wasn't the one Kyrin wet. He turned Ky back around, and leaned them back, to a more comfortable position. "How long have I been gone?" "About three days!" Kyrin replied. Blanx, not having much other choice, placed his hands back around Kyrin's stomach. "Sleep now," he proclaimed, "We'll deal with problems in the morning." Kyrin leaned his head back against his chest. "Blanx," he asked, "What if I do it again?" Blanx rubbed Kyrin's tummy in a circle. "I don't think there's any left. Now, sleep, I'll wake you in the morning!" Blanx continued to rub lightly, on Kyrin's stomach, until he fell into a dreamful sleep. Finally, he stopped rubbing, but continued to feel the presence of air, in and exhaling, lifting the boy's body into motion. Also the soft monotone heartbeat. The night just disappeared in front of his eyes, leaving the sun, shining brightly into a window on his left side. In a puff of smoke, Blanx was gone, leaving pillows in his place, as he stood, across the room. He walked to the sleeping boy, and leant to kiss his forehead softly. Kyrin's eyes opened slowly, and he sat up dazed. Blanx held his hand over Kyrin body. After all, he was an outlawed wizard. He did a short, unique spell, to rid the material of stain. Kyrin smiled at this newfound. trick. Kyrin touched his neck, "Daddy says you used to have a necklace, with a tube of blood on it." Blanx reached for his son's essence, and found it missing. He took this as a last resort to remembering his baby boy! Now, it was gone! There was only one person sly enough to take that from him. The witch woman. He had to find her! Kyrin touched his arm, "What's wrong?" he asked. Blanx gave him a deadly look, "The gypsy bitch from the Inn! She stole it." Kyrin got up from the bed, and ran to a table, bringing back a dead rose. "You had this in your hand, when daddy came," he informed. Blanx set Kyrin on the bed across from him, and then dropped the rose in between them. "Concentrate!" he commanded. Kyrin closed his eyes, trying to use his energy on the rose. Blanx could see a web of connection on the rose. He could feel his mentality following the rose's essence. Faster, and faster, along the shiny web strand. Spells are all connected to their caster, until the spell is carried out. They're a lot similar to webs cast by spiders, so, a lot of times, they are referred to as just that, webs. Slowly, but fast, the web came to an end. He sat now in the midst of a room, with many people, whom he didn't know, or so it seemed. Kyrin still sat across from him. All silence, until finally it was broken by familiarity. "Hello, my name is the Lady Huntress, Keoray Death!" Blanx's eyes lit green, as he looked around as the people in the room. It was pitch black. There was a blinding flash, as the tallest one raised his hands. Suddenly the place was luminated like a castle would be. The room's inhabitants all began to cover their eyes, in the process of them adjusting. All except Blanx, he could see perfectly. Even the witch woman Keoray was taken aback by the brightness. He stood from where he was, and walked around, examining these people, in astonishment. The witch women wore all black clothing, with pale blonde hair once again. The second form of the witch woman, stood across from her, wearing a beautiful white, silky dress, and a golden crown. Then he noticed the male standing next to her. It was... an intricately formed human, who much resembled... him! There were two other presences in the room. A sexy, slutty human girl, and a small child. The child stood in between to man, and the silky dress. As the boy turned, he saw Kyrin in him as well. All these duplicates. He needed nothing else. It was time to take care of the witch woman, and her illusions. As he began to move ahead, red, demonic energy emitted from his eyes, sparkling like electricity. When he was prepared to fight, his subconscious always pulled energy from the underworld, to create an elite cryptic armor. An invincible armor. He wished he knew how to summon it regularly, but, it seemed to show up at the right times, like... now! Red energy flowed, like dripping water down his body, from his eyes. The spaces that red didn't get, black substance seeped into. Finally, the liquid Hell hardened over his body. He closed his fist slowly, knuckle by knuckle, letting the crisp new sound sink into his mind. "I knew it," stated Keoray coolly, "You're not an outlawed wizard, you're a demon!" Blanx turned his gaze to her. He opened his mouth slightly, showing his deadly fangs, as he stared as her repulsively. His voice, he realized, had changed, to having a demon tone. "Where is my son?" No one in the room answered, but some how he could feel no presence of his blood. He must have made a mistake. No... there was no mistake. Why would everyone in the room be cloned, if this was a mistake? Something pulled his gaze. He turned his head to see the most beautiful gauntlets, fastened to the hussy-woman's arms. He could feel them, calling for a new master, a stronger master. No plain human in the world could truly possess gauntlets such as these. His armor could feel them also. Slowly the black substance disappeared again, and the red water drips backtracked to his elbow, making room for them. He could some how sense, that they brought themselves to him. That gauntlets unclasped from her arms, and flipped around to his, fitting perfectly. They suctioned to his arm, as he felt a new sensation of power. A new sensation for blood. The people on the room began to back away from him, but it was too late. The gauntlets had taken over. He lunged, catching the throat of the little boy, and lifting from the ground. Blanx looked up, into the innocent eyes, and something immediately changed. From yellow to brown his eyes changed. The little boy dropped to the floor. The drip armor faded, and sizzled from his body, leaving him in a tight leather suit. The gauntlets changed to a leather as well, matching his outfit perfectly. He looked around to all the faces with an astonished look upon his face. Kyrin came running from his place, and jumped into Blanx's arms. Dantes hugged him tightly for a while, before setting him down. "Daddy, what did you do?" Before he had any chance to answer, an evil gothic woman stepped between him and his son. Kyrin stepped around her, and clung to his leg. Keoray looked confused. "I thought you weren't related?" she asked. With no way to meditate, Dantes saw, and heard everything that went on. He was amazed, that he had managed to break into their body, before his demon spirit did something foolish! He didn't want to complicate things, so he just blocked Keoray's last question. Instead, he gave his thoughts. See, this was like a book. He was excellent at solving mysteries. "I think," he began, "that everyone here had a double. Except one, so maybe, if we find what's missing, we'll be able to answer a few questions!" "Yes, yes, I had already thought of that." Keoray spoke impatiently, her face slightly open, and rather confused. She looked around again, "But first... my dear? I don't know you're name, but I'm going to give you some decent clothes." Slaughter was suddenly in a simple green velvet dress. "I don't do dresses... And my name is..." she began. "Princess Korilane," Felidae stated firmly. "Princess Korilane...that will do," spoke Keoray putting Slaughter into a leather top, tight pants, and a soft skirt over it. "It's proper," she said cutting off Korilane's angry outburst. Everybody's twins were looking at each other, and becoming acquainted. Dantes and Orik were speaking quietly about the two similar women, ("Hardly know her...saved my skin once, though I don't know why" "Don't think she really loves me, just wanted me to be her mate") The little boys were playing ("Maybe this rag can be a blindfold." "ACK! Kyrin don't run into that..." "OOF!" "…table….") Keoray and Felidae were muttering to each other, ("This is rather awkward... is the other man your lover?" "Oh, heavens no, we just met a while ago... I actually think he wants to kill me..." "Well, I'll order Orik to watch over you, he still needs to listen to his Queen." "Don't worry, we're both Queens... though my subject are probably a lot worse. I am suppose to be evil.") Slaughter was watching. She wasn't happy, though she admitted that this was better than ruling a kingdom. Finally, Keoray called everyone together. "Time for introductions. Who will go first?" Felidae stepped forward, "I am Felidae BlackWolf, Queen of Waviou, this is my mate, and love, Orik, and this is our son Kyrin Natharin BlackWolf." Keoray stepped forward, "I will state again who I am. I am Keoray Angelfiyah, better known as Keoray Death, elven vampire, and Queen of the Vampires, and underworld minions. This man here was known to me as Blanx Dantes, though I now know him to be Blanx Rider, and Dantes Cole. This is Dantes, Blanx was the demon you met earlier. The little boy is Dantes son Kyrin. And Korilane, if I'm not much mistaken, had lost all memory of who she is, where she's from, and how she originally got the name Slaughter." Everyone stared at her. "What," she asked irritably, "I can read minds, I only skimmed the surface though!" They stood silently for a moment, then everyone began to talk. "We need more rooms in this Inn, can someone arrange it," rang out through the room. Keoray left quietly. Fifteen minutes later, a raven-haired noble woman walked in with a small dirty violet-eyed child. "May we help you?" Felidae asked tentatively. "Follow me," was the simple reply. The woman's flawless complexion and ice blue eyes held no emotion. Though the child held curiosity in her eyes. They led them to the top floor and ushered them into the drawing room. "Who are you, if you don't mind my asking," asked Orik suspiciously. "Lady Scarlania, Master Orik…" she began. Dantes cut her off, "Why the disguise, Keoray?" She grinned her wolfish grin, "To see how good your memory was for one. Secondly, this is me, Scarlania is as real as Keoray, or Death itself." "I see...who is the child?" he then asked. She melted back into Keoray, looking exactly as Felidae. "I bought the top floor for a few days. No one will bother us, and we bother no one. I understand all of you will need more clothes, so I will arrange it. Shall we choose bedrooms, and we can talk in the morning. And this is my… daughter." With that, she opened the door, and swept into the hall. The others heard the sound of a door shutting softly. The little girl looked at them each. "Mother was name is Lelenia. Please… be wary of Mother. She is very fragile right now, she saw me while she was buying the rooms. She had not thought I had survived... but that is a different story. I'll see thee on the morrow." She crept silently from the room, and disappeared into the shadows. Silently they followed, and each sank into warm furs in their rooms. Each with their own thoughts, some with none. Two were crying, though for very different reason, one was fuming in anger, one was worried almost to the point of sickness, one too tired to care, and the rest slept without thinking of anything. The next morning Felidae dressed in her new dress of light lavender. Silently she walked out, down the hall, and into the drawing room. Keoray was already there. Dressed in the darkest, and simplest, of black dresses. She had a black scarf tied around her waist, and another tied around her neck. Her eyes were a deep purple black, holding the greatest sadness of the world. Her hair pulled back into a golden knot at the base of her neck. Two other figures were in the room with her. One was a tall elven man, dark chocolate brown hair, bright green eyes, wearing tan leather trousers, and a tan vest, leaving his chest bare. He was well-muscled, very defined stomach and chest, he had a very rugged look to him. He was grinning with a devil-may-care expression, and in his arms was a tiny baby boy, perhaps 4 months old. Sandy blonde hair, and the man's bright green eyes, he was wrapped up in a blanket. He was smiling to Keoray, holding the man's finger in his tiny fist. Felidae knocked quietly, and Keoray jumped, the man and the baby disappeared. Keoray looked towards the space where they were. "Good morning," Felidae spoke softly. She too had been worried last night. "‘Morning... Don't worry about Orik, he'll know that you love him." Felidae merely nodded slightly and sat down. Keoray's eyes were very bright, and extremely sad. Orik and Dantes walked in followed closely by Kyrin, Kyrin, and Lelenia. Keoray looked up, and quickly looked away when she saw the children. "I suppose we should get to know and understand each other's background. If you wish not to share then say so, but it would be better if everyone does. Korilane, you are excused, because even you do not know your past right now. Who shall start," spoke Dantes, trying to lighten the mood a little. Keoray looked back to them, her face and eyes showing nothing. "I will, and I suppose I should. I brought us all together in this world, so perhaps I will be the one send us apart." She spoke firmly. "Where to start," she mused, "My village. Simple elf village in the middle of nowhere. The middle of the woods, full with druidic elves. My mother was one of them, druid elf, my father was not. He was a rouge elf. He was a thief and plunderer, changed after years of isolation. They never trusted the violet-eyed stranger. Though my mother fell in love with him. They married, and had me. "My village was going to outlaw them, until I was born. They kept them, on the outskirts of the village, only for me. I was blonde, as I'm sure you've noticed is my preference, and I had my father's violet eyes. The villagers never trusted me because of that, my violet eyes. My mother taught me the druidic arts, my father, the arts of thievery. Thus I grew up, the odd elf. I never used what either of them taught me. I used what I taught myself, the martial arts, and arts of weaponry. I won all the tournaments our village held, they were there to test the boy's. No girls ever wanted to join...until me. My parents went to work, trying to arrange a marriage for me. I was to marry at the age of thirty, when I may be fully mature. I was to marry the strongest male elf in town, Daemon RavenWing, whom Dantes has had the pleasure of meeting." Dantes snorted. "Well, never said he was intelligent. Anyways, on my twentieth birthday he challenged me. We fought, and I won. Then he tried to get to close to me... some things are not for children's ears though. I almost killed him after he tried... things... I left before I could cause more trouble, the town had started to accuse me of things, anything bad happened, I was blamed. Because of my darling parents. They turned a blind eye to it, and they too started to accuse me. I decided to travel, and maybe find love. That's what every girl hopes for when she leaves home. I started to use my trade's as a thief, and I found several of the younger sorcerer's to take me in. They taught me, in return for special favors. Normally things I would steal, but there were other things. "It worked rather well, but I got sick of it. I killed them, they knew too much about me. I found some of the older self-respecting sorceresses. I began to live with them. I cleaned the house, and they taught me all they knew. Thus began my career, a paid thief, and assassin. I used the magic on many jobs to make things easier. Such as to cling to walls or ceilings. Simple magic. They tried to teach me the harder things, such as to change appearance. Also to bend all things to my will, to actually change my reality, bit by bit. I knew the theory, but I had not the power for it. I was a normal elf, not one with incredible abilities. A year later, when I was twenty-three I found love. An outlawed elf, isolated from his village, like my father. We had two children a year later, though never married. The first one was a young girl, an emerald-eyed girl with dark raven hair." She looked silently at Lelenia, and turned away. "I lived with him from then on. The sorceresses still taught me, and I still helped them. Several years later, in my twenty-eighth year, my daughter was four years old. I birthed another child four months earlier, a young boy. He had his father's emerald eyes, and chocolate hair. I was with child again, when my lover, Quarion Siannodel, went out to buy some spices, we were running low. My son, Kain, was sleeping in his crib, and my daughter was watching over him. Quarion had a minor disagreement with a young nobleman trying to gather a reputation. The useless butterfly of a fop, who thought much too highly of himself. After my husband had won the argument, the fop sent his men after him. They tied his head to the sign of shop outside my tavern, and sent his mangled body home in pieces." Keoray's eyes were bright once more, angry, and hurt. Her face was blank, and she spoke in dry, unemotional tones. "They did it to prove a point, and to hurt those that he had loved. The nobleman came calling the next day, I had already buried Quarion's corpse, and told my daughter that daddy had gone on to sleep forever, in the Summerland forest. He came calling to see that I had gotten the body. I sent my daughter off on an errand, he didn't hear me send her to get my bow and arrows. I sent him away as she came back. The disgusting man had tried to court me. After he had killed me husband! He left, and I opened the window with the bow drawn, and arrow nocked. Yelling to him, he turned around, and I shot him in the heart. He fell dead in the street with my husbands arrow protruding from his chest. I was in the kitchen making some stew for supper that night, when I broke a glass. The broom fell down startling me, I thought nothing of it. "My daughter came running into the room screaming. I went into my son's room, and saw a dark figure... a vampire. The vampire had killed my son. He left as quickly as he had come. Since an elf cannot be made into a vampire, they killed him. Going back into the kitchen with his body, I saw my daughter lying on the floor... also dead. In two very short days, I lost everything I cared about. I couldn't change the past though, and knew of no one who would change it for me, but they couldn't. It wasn't their past, it was mine. I began roaming, a shade, a thief. I killed anyone I came across in the shadows. One night I stayed at an Inn, one with the most gruesome rumors. Sadly, the rumors were all true. "Vampires, and other dark creatures from the underworld ran the Inn. I was sleeping, when suddenly I woke with a violent start. An incubus was trying to seduce me. Finally he bit me, as he could not seduce me, I didn't care, either way. He tried to kill me, but somehow I clawed at him and tasted his blood. The change was instant. I became an elven vampire, I bit him, and drained him dry. Soon he was a dead husk, I burned him in the fireplace. Little did I know that this was the ruler of vampires, and the ruler of Hell. When I killed him, the strongest vampire in the Inn became the ruler. He came running up the stairs, to find me brooding. "One look at me, and the fireplace, told him what had happened. He grabbed me and drug me downstairs. I had always been taught that elves could not be vampires, so had every other vampire. And it stands true to this day, with the exception of my family. The vampires taught me everything, how to fly, how to hunt, how to kill. They told me to stick to the shadows, light will kill. I started to train myself, I killed other vampires, slowly getting stronger. I remembered the sorceresses. I changed my appearance, I barely had the power for it. I was stronger than all the other vampires though. I killed all the vampires running the Inn, Kansair had the strongest blood, he had been the King. I remember drinking him, and feeling a wrench in my stomach. Suddenly I was dizzy, and I was slammed back into reality. I gave the Inn to the other creatures of darkness. I knew I had just become the greatest of all, I had become the Queen of Hell. "There was none to rival me, in the past or present. I drank vampire blood, I became stronger and stronger, soon I was able to walk in the light, and I could bend anything and everything to my will. When I birthed another child, I left her for dead. When a town ran out of vampires, I made more, I killed murderers, and thieves, and gave them the job of killing those who harmed the innocent. If I was disobeyed, I drank. I saw myself cleansing the town of evil. Soon I had an army of undead followers. I opened my eyes finally, and saw the truth. I wasn't saving the innocence. I was killing it faster. Someone had to take the jobs I had made vacant. "I was creating more killers, and ending innocence too soon. My army scattered after I started to pick them off. They realized my hallucination had fallen. They had kept me believing it while they could. I hunted them for a few years, I have found them and drank them dry. I became more powerful, and out of my hundreds of followers, only five are left. One was my confidence Secarna. She travels with her brother, Jakel, another Stiller..." "A Stiller? I know of no Stiller named Jakel," Dantes broke in. "No, you wouldn't. He is only fifteen years old. I taught him his powers myself. I also cloaked him, he was my secret weapon to cleanse the world. Now, sadly, I must kill him too. Secarna, Jakel, Rachelle, Chancia, and Teran. The final five of my army. All must die, as must their children… vampires they made," she said to Felidae's look of horror. "So I have been hunting, I have also been hunted. I know not who, but they utilize spirits to find me. Three days before I met Dantes I had fallen ill. I was riding after felling a spirit pass over. Suddenly I blacked out. All I heard was screaming. Then my veins were frozen, then set on fire. Someone broke all my bones, they shot me with pure arrows. Elder tree tip, oak wood shaft, and raven and white owl fletchings. The they put a stake in each my stomach, forehead, and my heart. But I did not die. Suddenly I felt a presence in the room. I was no longer in pain, Sitting up I saw... Dantes, not Blanx, but Dantes. "He seemed to glow silver, then I shook my head and looked again. Standing I could no longer see the silver. Blanx threatened to kill me, I heard soldiers outside, and I protected them. I hid them, and saved them. I tried to give Kyrin an obsidian rose, to protect him, but Blanx decayed it. I left, I wanted not to put them in any more danger. Then I was sitting here, and into my room pops four people, all curiously alike people I know. Blanx tries to come and kill me, and then here we are. Now, perhaps you can understand why I despise vampires, and almost anything to do with them, even though I happen to be one. "They killed my children, they killed me, and they made me ruler of a race I despise. I would say I have good reason to hate them." she ended. Her face wooden, her eyes unreadable. Silently she stood and left the room. "Perhaps we should retire for a breakfast." Felidae spoke softly. She stood and slowly left the room, looking back once. Lelenia followed her after looking around to the people's faces and making a comment. "I am her daughter... the one she left for dead after she birthed. Now you understand why I said to be nice," She said simply. Felidae took her into her room and set her on the bed. "I'll be back in a bit." She went into Keoray's room, where she found Keoray crying blood tears. She went and sat next to her on the bed, and held her, speaking softly. Keoray wiped away her tears, but burst out again, crying into a pillow. Pushing Felidae away. "Leave, please, just leave me," Keoray cried out raggedly. Felidae silently left the room. Never would she have thought that she could feel this much sympathy. Silently she went to her room and wept a few tears silently for Keoray's loses, and for her own damn love of that unforgiving Orik. Going over to Lelenia, she ran water in the tub, and cleaned her. She too had her mother's golden hair, and violet eyes. Felidae also noticed a scar over her left eyebrow. Gowning her in deep dark purple, with a red sash she sat on the bed, holding her, and crying, thinking of her twin's losses... wondering if anyone else felt her losses, or tried to comfort her. Dantes was in charge of this body, until Blanx calmed down. He would not endanger the life of his beloved son by allowing a demon to lose his temper. Instead, he decided he would recount Blanx’s story. He somehow had access to all the memories of Blanx’s past. The crowd gathered once more in the common area of the hotel. Dantes picked Kyrin up from the ground, and hugged him close. After kissing his forehead, Dantes set him back upon the ground. “Now that you have learned of her past, I will tell you of my body’s other side’s. His name is Blanx Rider, to vampires, Robert Lorene, to the humans of old, and Prince Blanx Xousez, to those with demonic knowledge.” The people stayed speechless, and only the teary eyed Keoray looked surprised and haunted. “…D…Demon Prince,” she mumbled. “When he was human, vampires raided his hometown and killed everyone. When he rebelled, he was taken by the darkness. He remembers waking up alive, but changed, lying in the middle of a burning town, with only the moon showing the way. Yet, he could see. He fled to his home, easily breaking through the barricaded door. He looked upon his son, having his blood drained by a young vampire. All his emotions clashed, and he tore that vampire limb from limb. Trust me, you don’t want the details. His wife and daughter were already dead, but his son had a small bit of blood left. Though it burned Blanx’s face, he cried. He took the last bit of blood as a reminder of his human life. Now, it is missing, and he believes you have it!” Keoray reached under her robes, and pulled free the small container, tossing it too him, “I’m sorry,” she said, almost deprived of voice. “That’s not all. He was now a vampire. He worked his way into, and through every single rank, until he was king, but that wasn’t good enough. He strived on missions, and studied new magic daily. It came pretty easily. On one of his journeys he met a Stiller. The man engaged in a battle with Blanx, but was engulfed in a webbed spell, that transferred his ability to Blanx. With many years of study, he has become the best. Finally, he graduated to demon. If he keeps at this pace, soon, he’ll be King of Demons. He has killed many people, and is now learning to use his heritage to call forth Hell’s weapons. The armor you saw him in before, was the deadliest you will ever lay eyes upon!” Keoray’s mouth fell open, “No, I’ve seen Hell’s armor, and that was not it!” Dantes shrugged, “I’m not sure, but I believe you saw Hell’s armor on earth, but when he calls it, it erupts Hell around him. When you see him calling it, I think you see Hell’s armor in it’s original state, but I’m not sure. I just know how deadly he believes it to be.” Keoray slouched in her chair, “Is that why he wants me dead? It’s his mission.” “No,” Dantes replied, “He just wanted his son. To him, that vile is a way of not letting go. As long as he has that vile, he keeps hope as well. One day when he’s a god, he hopes to bring his…” Dantes gurgled, and blood spilled down the corners of his mouth. A demonic voice spoke, “That is no ones business but my own!” The mouth closed, and Dantes resumed his subtle composure. “Sorry, I got carried away. What I’m trying to say is, that you need only worry of him, if you are foe.” Kyrin tugged on his dad’s black pants. “Are you okay,” he asked worried. Dantes picked him up, and hugged him gently. “That’s really while I inhabit this body. Because I couldn’t leave my son, and Blanx understood that, because really, he hasn’t left his!” Korilane spoke, “Demons and children don’t seem to mix really well.” All Dantes could say to that was, “Yeah, you would think so.” Kori looked at him sternly, “Was that a mocking answer?” “Milady, this ‘demon’ as you call him, has shifted my son’s life. He has reshaped his body to that of a warrior, and filled his mind with skills and abilities I could not even comprehend. He knows how a father would act. He knows what would embarrass a child, and so he is careful not to. He is very protective over my son, and I promote that. But the main reason I know he is good, is because, as he watches my son train, and take blow after blow, he wishes he could pick him up, and hold him in his arms. "Don’t you see, he longs to be with his children again. He longs and desires to teach all those things he never got to teach. He is the slave of Hell, envied by nearly every demon and vampire in the worlds. Yet…” He pointed across to Orik, “He envies you. A mere human mage. He envies you for the unconditional love you receive from your son and wife.” Orik picked Kyrin up, and set him on his lap, before kissing the top of his head softly. “But,” Dantes started again, “Do not pity him, because someday in the future, when he completes his goal, he will have his son back, by his side…” Keoray had sat there, silent. She merely watched him, she could not stop watching him. She tore her eyes away from his face. Why did she watch him so much? Every time she let her thoughts wander she would study his face… why? Keoray’s eyes roved over every detail of Dantes face, memorizing it. His soft chocolate brown eyes, his fair skin, and lips… she looked away. She was doing it again! He wasn’t really that remarkable… yet her eyes always fell upon his every movement. She sat there, listening to his story. Her own mourning had left it’s mark. Her violet eyes were haunted, and tormented. Her slitted eyes looked like freshly dewed violets in the dark of the night. Her raven hair fell about her face, fanning like wings of a great bird. Her skin pale, and extremely sickly looking. Her fangs were fully elongated, she saw no reason to hide them. She looked wane, and ready to collapse. Her lips were too red, and her ears had become pointed once more. Lelenia walked over silently, and sat down. Laying her head in Keoray’s lap, she gave great comfort. Fresh tears came to her eyes, and she looked down upon the platinum blonde hair, soft as corn silk. She looked up as Dantes finished Blanx’s story. Her eyes ravaged, and her heart wrenched by his losses, as by her own. Suddenly Felidae spoke. “It hurts to hear of such sadness… and we have not all gone through that…” she began. “Hopefully, many will never have to go through that,” Keoray said fiercely. “I agree,” Felidae said quietly. Her own eyes were extremely bright, and the tears she held were sincere. Unconsciously she leaned slightly close to Orik, as if for great comfort. “Perhaps, I should tell my story,” Lelenia said suddenly. Keoray looked at her, as she stood. She mused for a few moments, her eyes distant. “I was found in an alleyway… perhaps seven years old at the time. I knew that I was an orphan, but that never bothered me. I have few memories, all I know was that I wandered the world, lost and forgotten. No one seemed to notice me, I blended in the shadows. I began to pick up words, a few here and there, food, money, help, etcetera. Not that they paid much attention. I was filthy, a vagabond, unwanted, and unloved. “But then I was standing in that long forgotten alley, when they came through. I remember faces, but no names… They took me, that lovely, lonely, little blonde orphan. They took me to their home. They fed me, and taught me. They raised me as their own daughter, as they could have no children. They taught me words… and kept me home, for I was sickly all the time. Slowly I began to grow up, I began to have thoughts of my own. “I never wanted much when I was there. A hug or two a week, maybe a kitten for a holiday. But I was silent around them, and I never kept pets long. I fed on the pets, because I did not eat the same food as they did, I did not know I was different. I thought all the food was supposed to taste the rot, and all drink to feel like acid. I understood that it hurt, but I also understood that I would get nourishment from my animals, my friends. For they were all that I had. “Eventually, I found the truth, as did my ‘parents’ at the time. They tried to stake me, but I could not be killed. I drained them, and went back to my wandering. A tavern thief, and an innocent orphan. So here I am now…” Lelenia finished to silence. Keoray’s head was bowed in grief. “Do you… remember… nothing else?” asked Felidae hesitantly. “Nothing, not even what my faithful pets were. All but one anyways, she’s still with me…” Lelenia looked into the shadows, and out sulked a small, scrawny house cat. It had glossy black fur, and violent yellow slitted eyes, it’s beauty was only marred by how thin it truly was. “My single kitten is alive. She’s not like normal cats… she’s different, like me. The other cats never really get near her… and she hasn’t been eating lately. Come here, Nymphistra,” she crooned. The cat slowly walked over to her, as it walked it’s appearance too changed. Her fur grew healthier, her eyes became bright, and it’s body filled out. “Nymph has always been a special cat… I found her before I was found. She was an orphan like me, her mother left her alone too. She can change her appearance, and that’s how I knew she was meant for me…” “My father was a strong wizard. He taught me many great spells, but rather nothing, compared to what I learned on my own,” Orik pulled Kyrin back tight against his own stomach. “I was studying the Library of Wise in Sachol, when King Jason came in. I was dueling a new wizard who had just come there. He was quick, but I was quicker. I snapped every solitary strand of web, laying my own over his body. In a flash of seconds, I ignited the webs, and sent him into a three year coma. The king watched in amazement, until afterwards. He approached me quite casually, and asked me to come to Waviou. So I did!” Holding his hand, palm up, a holographic spell showed a version of him, only younger, “I was young, and foolish, so I did. The castle was hit by a great war, plagued by their enemies constantly. Every full mage, other than I, fell to their clutches. I was afraid, yet fearless. So, I charged, I attacked the castle with every warrior cursed, and every weapon enchanted. The first line battled their fullest, the second thrust themselves into cracks, and laid cursed weapons, the third stormed through, cutting down all standing in opposition. When every one in the second line had retreated, the weapons ignited, taking many soldiers with them. “Many great idea’s went into that war, and I recreated a lot of mysterious spells to do it. When finally I seemed we had been beaten, I got a vision, or rather an understanding. It seems so simple now, but it wasn’t then. What we needed to do, was collect a blood sample of every warrior on the battlefield. After this happened I worked for three days on a Death Spell, only excluding those with the blood samples I then had. In the day of completion, I took hold of the center area. My Ultima spell intertwined with the World of the Dead, and pulled it forth. Every spot that didn’t hold the blood that I used, was transformed into a destitute dry wasteland of Death. “The king named me first mage, and then I am here. Well, of course, that’s after Felidae, the King’s daughter, took me as a mere mate.” His dark eyes followed her ashamed expression. “Now you, Lady BlackWolfe. Tell us of your past,” Felidae’s haunted look returned. “Fine,” she began, “I am the daughter of a King, I was not present during the war, I was sent away, I have lived in luxury all my life, I have a son,” she motioned to Kyrin, “And, like he said, I had a mate, nothing more. No love, and no spouse.” Kyrin turned on his dad’s lap, and touched the small emblem gem around his neck, “What about the Wind temple, daddy? Tell them about the giant monster.” Orik smiled, “Maybe one day, when they’ve nothing more to do, but right now everyone had more important…” “No,” Dantes interrupted, “We’d all like to hear it. Tell us.” Orik shrugged, “Okay, but it’s rather long.” No one seemed to mind, so he began his story. “Two weeks after the Great War, we were still rejoicing on our victory. A small old man came to our party, and privately addressed the King and I. He said he was the Wind’s temple guardian. Something had taken over the temple, something that magic couldn’t touch. In a state of amazement, King Jason sent me to check on it. I went into the west mountains, spending days on end searching for the temple. It was a beautiful stone structure, so elegantly built, that it had stood fortified since the beginning of time. “I went into the temple, to meet a great white beast. It was the largest creature I had ever seen, and also the most gruesome. It’s claws and teeth were a bloody mass, and it’s eyes bulged. It wore this stone around it’s neck,” Orik pulled the necklace up, and let it fall again. “I battled the ferocious brute for two hours at least. My spells were useless. Any web that neared his disapparated. I finally struck a deadly blow to his neck, severing his spirit. As the beast began to leave the real world, somehow it’s soul snagged onto my arm, and attempted to take me with him. “That’s the point in time, where I learned a different form of spell making that many weren’t aware of, coursing. Through my blood, a spell was coursed, and sent out in waves through the air. My spell of desperation was so strong, that the soul’s arm ripped to pieces of translucent spirit. From the beast’s body, I gained this stone, which dims the webs of magic sent by wizards, and one tooth,” he unbuttoned the necklace on Kyrin’s neck and showed them the tooth. “Wow, that’s amazing, so none of my spells will work,” Keoray asked. Orik shrugged, “They shouldn’t, but that doesn’t mean they won’t.” Keoray squinted in deep concentration. Minutes went by, yet nothing happened. Keo finally gave up, looking back to him. “That’s not possible!” she exclaimed. “Anything is possible,” said Felidae quietly. Everyone turned to look at her. “Well, why don’t you speak now, Lady BlackWolfe,” Keoray said. “Certainly, but I have not much of a story,” she replied. Her head was bowed, and her golden hair half covered her solemn expression. “My first memory was playing in the halls of the palace. Crystals and shining things were everywhere, and I wasn’t allowed near them. I was always watched, and forced into frilly gowns of white and pink lace. The nurses were my only companions, and they put me in soft white shoes with pearls embroidered on them. They used to curl my hair, and treat me like a small fragile porcelain doll,” she tilted her head up, the hair falling from her face. “As I grew older, they treated me more and more like a child. Can’t touch this or that, brush my hair for an hour a day, and added more lace than ever to my dresses. Give me green for spring, yellow for summer, browns for autumn, and, of course, white for winter. I always hated it, the dresses and the servants, and never being allowed to do anything.” “I used to run and hide, in pantries, and trees, and several times I wandered in the crystal gardens. I hide in my father’s library, and read of spells and adventures, and mystical things. My parents were kindly… when they were around me. My father, the King, would play games with me. He would give me proverbs, and guess, and tickle me until I was sore. My mother had more dignity than that. She would instruct me in the proper behavior for a lady. I always though her to be beautiful, her clear blue eyes and honey colored hair that waved about her face.” Felidae sighed here. Her face held gentle sorrow, her eyes haunted. “That was until the day the Great War came. I was a young woman, no longer hiding. Many said I had grown to be beautiful, like my mother. I never thought I was as wonderful as her. Now they no longer curled my hair, but brushed it to silky softness. They put me in modest, but wonderful dresses. Pristine white, that flowed around my ankles, lilies embroidered on my skirts, my bodice held pearls and beads that gleamed in the light. Suitors had started to come from the many kingdoms to court me. “Then the Great War came. I was rushed from my home, to the secret house in the woods. There I was taught many new things, but none of which I feel have helped me. They taught me to use daggers, swords, axes, and bows. They taught me to defend myself with my hands. They taught me simple spells, ones that I had taught myself in my hours of hiding. I finally was no longer near the frills, and lace, and gleaming distractions. I could get to work on what I wanted to do. “But things didn’t work out that way… they didn’t push me hard to learn. For I was soft, fragile, female, and a princess. Princesses don’t protect themselves! The are just there to look pretty, and be a brainless bit of fluff. They didn’t realize I had learned more than they had and they were thirty years my seniors! I became frustrated, and let them know it. They stopped training me altogether, the put me back in the dresses, and never spoke again of weapons and protection.” She sighed, twisting her fingers around a single gem about her neck. “When the war was over, I went home. My home was ruined, desolate, dry, and a great battlefield. I wept for the loss of so many lives, and moreover for the loss of my beautiful mother in that war. She had led one army, before she was slaughtered at the hands of the cruel tyrants! Two things were returned from her body, a small silver necklace with a diamond teardrop, and her silver tiara. My father mourned in quite, never letting me see his pain. He grew apart from me, and closer to his mage, Orik.” She glanced at him. “I slowly grew to know more about this strong silent mage, the one who had dark eyes. I slowly found myself falling in love, but no princess could fall in love. It was below her station, so I found a way around it. I had my father have him marry me, seemingly against my will, so that no suspicions were aroused. We had one son, again Kyrin, and that was all. He never grew to love me, and I respected that. I loved him then, I love him now, and I will continue to love him, no matter how he drives me away.” She looked away, tears shimmering on her coal black lashes. “So I eventually lost my father as well, and the tiara and diamond were passed onto me, along with the throne to Orik as well. The tiara of the Waviou Queen, and the necklace of the great muse.” She ended quietly. “Great muse? What is this?” Asked Keoray fascinated. “That was one thing I learned in the courts… how to tell a story,” Felidae murmured to herself. “The Great Muse of everything. Of song, dance, poetry, history, and so on. It was said before she split into separate muses she created this necklace.” Her voice grew with a rich timbre, a dark haunting sound. “‘To the children, to those I must soon leave. I shed this tear for your sorrows, for I will be no more.’ She cried out, shedding her tears. Only one became the great diamond necklace, for it was the only true tear she shed out of love for others, not of herself. The others was for her own sorrow at leaving her world. So, one of my ancient ancestors, a daughter of the muse, found the diamond tear, and created this necklace. Thus it has been passed to those with the muse mother’s blood.” She concluded silently. “Short, sweet, and to the point my dear,” said Keoray, breaking Felidae’s reverie.