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The Infamous - Banned from EBay - Vampire

Killing Kit  $35,000.00


       This Vampire Killing Kit contains the items considered necessary for the protection of persons who travel into certain little known areas of North America, where the populace are plagued with a peculiar manifestation of evil, known as Vampires.

       The Vampire will continue to suck the blood of innocent persons until you drive a stake through the heart.  In very obstinate cases I recommend you cut off the head.

The items enclosed are as follows. . . 

1. Wooden Box 19"x 9"x 8" (Pine).                                   9.  Two (2) Wooden Stakes.

2. Bible Old & New Testaments, Dated 1881.                  10.  Wooden Cross.

3. Phurba 13" Ritual Dagger (Brass).                              11.  Isis Stone

4. Large Wooden Hammer.                                                12.  Cemetery Earth.

5. Metal Canister of Garlic.                                               13.  Soapstone Icon.

6. Liquid Silver (Mercury).                                                 14.  Coffin Key.

7. Coffin Nails (12).                                                            15.  Holy Water.

8. Sword 15 1/2"  Double sided Male & Female.              16.  Rosary Crucifix.


