take me... back

love is a rythem of two hearts beating pouding out a message,steady and true talk to me baby, tell me what you're feeling I know what love is..what's it to you?

life is so unfair at times when its tough i always think of you and it makes me smile and to know you're mine makes it all worth while

i luv u boy, y cant u see? y cant it jus be you and me? ur everythin i want *n s0o0 much more i think ab0ut u 24-7 jus lyk im in heaven i love you boy jus gimme a chance i better than i seem .·'`·» i promise «·'`·.

Love Is When You Don't Want To Go To Sleep Because Reality Is Better Than A Dream.

Life takes you somewhere, Love helps you get there

Those who have to wait for love, only appreciate it more when it comes.

To love is one thing, to be loved is another, but to be loved by the one you love is everything.

.•*¨•.•YoU DnO WhAt YoUvE DoNe To Me•.•¨*•. .•*¨•.•i NeVeR ThOuGhT iD NeEd YoU DeSpErAteLy•.•¨*•. .•*¨•.•iTs KiNdA SiCk HoW iM StUcK On YoU•.•¨*•. .•*¨•.•BuT i DoNt CaRe CaUsE i NeEd YoU•.•¨*•. .•*¨•.•AnD HoW i FeEL WiLL ReMaiN ThE SaMe•.•¨*•. .•*¨•.•CaUsE YoUrE My BaBy•.•¨*•.

Where intimacy ends and passion begins that's when you know you can spend your whole life together, that's when you know it's love.

.:*¨¨*:. .:*¨¨*:.:*¨¨*:. (¨`.´¨)i mAy NoT gEt 2 See U As 0fTeN aS i `.¸(¨`.´¨)Like i mAy n0t GeT 2 h0Ld U iN `.¸.´mY aRms aLL ThRu thA NiTe*BuT (¨`.´¨)deEp DoWn i Kn0 iTs TrU `.¸(¨`.´¨)*No MaTTa WhAt `.¸.´*iLL aLwAyZ LoVe U*

. ; . * I . n E v E r . c O u L d * . ; . h A v E . t H o U g H t . ; . * i ' D . L u V . s u M o N e * . ; . a S . m U c H . a S . ; . * i . L o V e . y O u

I lOve u mOre then wOrdZ caN show I thinK bOut u mOre then u cOuld eva kNo nOw until fOreva this will - b - tru bCuz theres *nO oNe* I cOuLd *eva* love as muCh as I lOve U

To truly love someone is to not know what you would do with out them. To not care as long as they are with you. To cry if they hurt you. But most of all to know that if they died you would die to.

( . To KnO hIm iS tA LuV hIm . )

'i love yo0h boi' -cant yo0h see- .yur simplee. *everything ta meeh*

your k . i . s . s . e . s make my lips q . u . i . v . e . r and when you t . o . u . c . h me my whole body s . h . i . v . e . r . s

i know three little words that i felt from the start * i know three little words that come from my heart * i know three little words that tell you it's real * i know three little words that tell you how i feel [ I l O v E y O u ]

When there ain`t n0 body to hold yer hand suddenly you`ll under' stand y0u need meeh

p r 0 m i s e D we`D be frienDs TiLL the Day we Dii buT iT aLL enDs wiTh a n e w frienD or a g o o D b y

no one understandsyou like i do after everything we*ve been through.boy just turn around and leav but i know you will come running b a c k to meeh

there's nothing y0u can say to me to change my mind i gotta let y0u go now & nothing will eva be the same so just be on your way

*..When you f i n a l l y realize you didn't matter at all to s o m e o n e..* *..You b e q i n to wonder if you mattered to a n y o n e at all..*

Wut d0o y0u d0o when smiLes g0o away? Wen everythinq chanqes within 0ne* day? Wut d0o y0u d0o wen L0ve falls thr0uqh? Wen the *0ne* y0u l0ve d0esn*t l0ve y0u?

.:* Y o u c a n ' t *:. h u r t s o m e o n e .:* u n l e s s y o u *:. r e a l l y m e a n .:* s o m e t h i n g t o *:. t h e m

i canT *f0rgive* y0u f0r Leaving unTiL i can *f0rgive* myseLf f0r LeTTing y0u *sLiP* away

_________:×:_________:×:_________ ¦ × ¦ althouqh i remember y0u.. i am tryinq t0o ¦ × ¦ ¦ × ¦ break` free from those memoriez... i am ' ¦ × ¦ ¦ × ¦ tryinq t0o find otha quyz....quyz who will ¦ × ¦ ¦ × ¦ treat me riqht & undastand that im fraqile ¦ × ¦
*× i wuz totallie over him i told ×* *× myself it wuz justa stupid ×* *× crush over & done with nd ×* *× then he hadda look at mee ×*

I w 0 n D e r what hes thinkin when he L o 0 k z at me nd s m i L e z

.·::* f0r 0nce w0uld y0u c0me t0o -me- *::·. .·::* instead 0f me running t0o -y0u- *::·. .·::* -iLu- i L o v e y 0 u -iLu- *::·.

don`t drive faster then yer quardian a n q e l can f l y

*i`m sittin in mii room.. thinkin bout wat y0u . s a i d . "we`re better off not frendz" ..i think im better off . d e a d . *

I try not to think about the pain I feel inside did you know you u s e d to be my h e r o? all the days you s p e n d with me now seem so f a r away 'nd it feels like you don't c a r e anymore.

many niqhts i`ve c r i e d from the thinqs y0u do .. f e l t lyk i could d i i from the thouqht of . . . . . l o s i n q y 0 u . . . . .

it hurts so much to love you as much as i do and then to look at you and realize how much you don*t even care!

.·:*¨¨*:·.·:*¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨*:·.·:*¨¨*:·. some of us think holding on is what makes us stronger ..but reallie ... it*s letting go that is .·:*¨¨*:·.·:*¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨*:·.·:*¨¨*:·.

talking to you makes me feel like for once in my life i dont have to try nd be happy - it just happens

I'm LoOsIn MaH mInD WhEn YoUr NoT aRoUnD

-:-WhEn U sMiLe-:- (*(U mAkE tHa SkY tUrN fRuM gRaY 2 bLuE)*) '..t.H.a.T.s..W.a.T..u..D.o..'

>*i LuV thE wAy yOo tAlk nD tHe waY Yoo sMeLL* *nEva ThouGht i'd b TriPpin oVa yoO buT dAmN..i FeLL*

)i( YoU )i( GiVe )i( )i( )i( Me )i( )i( BuTtErFlYs! )i(

×´`¸.ºiF i cOuLd Be AnYtHiNg iN ThE wOrLd º.¸´`×i wOuLd WaNt tO Be a TeArDrOp ×´`¸.ºBeCaUsE i wOuLd Be BoRn iN YoUr EyEs º.¸´`×LiVe On YoUr ChEEkS ×´`¸.ºAnD DiE On YoUr LiPs

»¦«*Its amazing how u can speak right to my heart*»¦« »¦«*Without sayina word you can light up the dark...*»¦« »¦«*The smile on ur face lets me know u need me*»¦« »¦«*Theres a truth in ur eyes sayin youll neva leave me*»¦« »¦«*The touch of your hand says youll catch me if ever i fall*»¦« »¦«*U say it best when you say... Nothing at al*»¦«

*Too Many Stars In The Skies Too Many Tears that have Left My Eyes Too many Boys out in the Blue But they are Nothing compared to You

*((¨`.nobody wants 2 b ordinary .´¨))* *((¨`.in a crazy mixed up world.´¨))* *((¨`.idc wut theyre saying .´¨))* *((¨`.as long as im yer grl .´¨))*

xxO1:Ur L¡Ke A dReAm CoM TrU xOx2:JuSt WaNnA B W¡T U xOx3:BoY iTs PLaiN 2 SeE uR dA OnLy ¼ Me xOx4:RePeAtS StEpS 1 ThRu 3 xOx5:MaKe U FaLL ¡N LuV W¡T Me =)

When his lips meet yours time stands still but your heart keeps racing.

A moment like this Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this some people search forever for that one special kiss

<3baby ur all that i want <3 <3when ur lyin here in my arms <3 im finding it hard 2 believe <3 <3we're in h e a v e n <3

I never had no one I could count on I've been let down so many times I was tired of hurtin' So tired of searchin' 'Til you walked into my life It was a feelin' I'd never known And for the first time I didn't feel alone

late at when all the world is sleepin i stay up and think of you and i wish on a star that somewhere you are thinkin of me to cuz im dreamin of you tonite til tomorrow ill be holdinq you tight and therez no where else id rather be then here in my room dreaminq about you and me

You gotta (Hurt) In order to know Fall in order to (Grow) (Lose) in order to gain Cuz most of lifes (Lessons) Are learned in (Pain)

You asked me what was wrong.. And I said nothing... Then you turned around.. As a tear came down my cheek.. And I whispered Everything.

So what do you do when somebody your so devoted to suddenly just stops loving you and it seems they havent got a clue of the pain an rejection its puttin you through Do you cling to your pride and sing i will survive? Do you lash out and say how dare you leave this way? or do you hold on in vein as they just slip away?

If you see me walking with someone else.. it's not because I love him.. it's because you're not brave enough to walk beside me. If I fall in love with someone else.. it's not because I wanted to.. it's because you were never there to catch me..

I've come to the point where im not gonna be upset im not gonna care only because everytime I did it got me nowhere.

guy and a gurl can be just friends.But at one point or another they'll fall for eachotHer.maybe temporarily maybe at the wrong time, mAybe too L - a - T - e , or maybe [f][o][r][e][v][e][r

MaKe sUre u CaN bAcK uP wHaT u FLaP Up ..OthAwiSe.. ShUt dA Fuck uP

This time it's over,i'm keeping my heart, i'm gonna be strong and not fall apart. It'll get better i'll no longer cry in a couple of weeks. I won't want to die. I won't wanna go back i'll be able to sleep and it won't feel so deep.

if all my gurls jumped off a bridge i wouldn't jump with them, i'd be at the bottom to catch them!

*§omewhere There'§ §omeone Who Dream§ Of Your §mile, And Find§ In Your Pre§ence That Life I§ Worth While, §o When You Are Lonely, Remember It'§ True: §omebody, §omewhere Is Thinking Of You*

I was all by myself for the longest time So cold inside And the hurt from the heart it would not subside I felt like dying Until you saved my life Thank God I found you I was lost without you My every wish and every dream Somehow became reality When you brought the sunlight Completed my whole life Im overwhelmed with gratitude Cause baby I'm so thankful I found you

God made elks, god made deers,God made NSYNC a bunch of QUEERS

YoUr HuGz N KiSsEz R LiKe ThE StArZ YoU LiTe Up mY LiFe wHeN tHiNgZ gEt DaRk

wunder [ wut ] he thinkz when he [ lookz ] at me if he even [ reli ] thinkz about me at all

Well if i called the wrong number, whyd you answer?

Did you fall down the ugly tree and hit every branch on your way down?!

*ThEy SaY tRuE lOvE hiDeS bEhiNd eVeRy CoRnEr...I mUsT bE wALkiNg iN CiRcLeS!!!*

Everyone who lives dies but not everyone who dies lives

It's hard to tell your mind to stop lovin sumone when your heart still does...

Everybody's different. Some people look like cows, others look like aliens. Everybody's different.

WeLL i GuEsS iM tRyiNg 2 bE nOn-ChaLaNt aBoUt iT n iM gOiNg 2 x-tReMez tO pRoVe iM fiNe wiThoUt u bUt iN rEaLiTy iM sLoWLy LoOsiNg mY miNd uNdErnEaThE tHe GUiSe oF a SmiLe gRaUduLLy iM DyiNg iNsiDe fRiEnDs aSk mE hOw i fEeL aNd i LiE cOnViNciNgLy cUz i DoNt wAnT tO rEvEaL tHe fAct ThAt iM sUfFeRiNg sO i WeAr mY DiSgUiSe TiL i gO hOmE aT NiTe n TuRn dOwN aLL tHe LiGhTz aNd tHeN bReAkDoWN aNd CrY

If you're paddling upstream in a canoe and a wheel falls off, how many pancakes fit in a doghouse? None! Ice cream doesn't have bones

Im an angel! Honest! The horns are just there to keep the halo up straight!

If life gives you lemons, throw them at some one!

I wish I were you so I could be friends with me

I may be schizophrenic, but at least I have each other, and when I am alone I am together.

Don't Worry!, I dont know where I am either

I'm on a mission to save the world (I can't believe they trusted me with this).

Roses are red, violets are blue, most poems rhyme, but this one doesn't

If a tree falls in the woods... Do all the other trees laugh at it?

Don't walk in my footsteps. I walk into walls

If I'm not back in 10 minutes, avenge my death

There are plenty more fish in the sea, but who wants to go out with a fish?

I do what cheerios tell me

íMåGíNé Ur LíFé WíThØuT Mé- -¿Mí§éRåBLé HuH?-

I'm out in the backyard goat farming. Crazy goats.

I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out

Help! I'm being squished by a giant peanut butter and jelly sandwhich! And the peanut butter is chunky style! Help! Help!

Benji Madden: "i like to rip off matress tags..."

If you were stranded on a deserted island and could bring only one thing, what would it be? For those of you who said bible or something weird and didn't say a boat, I don't think I'll be talking to you anytime soon

Ever stop to think and forget to start again?

Beware of the little green men in pink tights. They run fast and can jump out of nowhere. I am running away from them right now.

The lesson is in the struggle, not the victory.

Life's waiting for me, so I'm out finding it.

:: The Dirty LookS - The Jealous Stares :: ......:: ..The Best Part Is.. ::...... :: Y o u T h i n k I C a r e ::

The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.

When you can't have what you want, it's time to start wanting what you have!

The cutest kittens have the sharpest claws.

You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely.

girls are so complex, they confuse themselves

When your X gets over you in a blink of an eye You know it was right to dump him and say Buh Bye!

Yesterday was that past, Tomorrow is the future, Today is a gift...that is why they call it the present.

Live for today because yesterdays are over and tomorrows may never come

Without fear, there is no courage

Some people dream of worthy accomplishments while other stay awake and do them

10% of life is what happens to you, and the other 90% is how you react to it.

Our eyes were put in the front of our heads, so we look to where we are going not to where we have been

Always smile even if it's a sad smile because sadder than a sad smile is the sadness of not knowing how to smile

~*~One day your prince will come, mine just took a wrong turn, got lost, and is to stubborn to ask for directions~*~

Last night I was looking at the stars and I was wondering where the heck is my ceiling!

*When I'm standing in* )the pouring rain( .:I dont mind:. -I think of you and- >everythings alright<
If I could give you one gift, I would give you the ability to see yourself as I see you, so that you could see how truly special you are.

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, any one can start from now and make a brand new ending

Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure

¥´`·¸.·ºA good friendº·.¸·´`¥ º·.¸·´`¥Is the one who¥´`·¸.·º ¥´`·¸.·ºCan see threwº·.¸·´`¥ ¥´`·¸.·ºThe hurt in yourº·.¸·´`¥ º·.¸·´`¥eyes when evryone¥´`·¸.·º ¥´`·¸.·ºElse is Fooledº·.¸·´`¥ º·.¸·´`¥By the Smiles¥´`·¸.·º
The Leaving Song: a.f.i

Walked away, heard them say "Poison hearts will never change, walk away again" Turned away in disgrace Felt the chill upon my face cooling from within
It's hard to notice gleaming from the sky When you're staring at the cracks It's hard to notice what is passing by with eyes lowered

You... walked away, heard them say "Poisoned hearts will never change, walk away again"
All the cracks will lead right to me And all the cracks will crawl right through me All the cracks, they lead right to me And all the cracks will crawl right through me, and I fell apart
As I... walked away, heard them say "Poisoned hearts will never change" Walked away again Turned away in disgrace Felt the chill upon my face cooling from within
Morningstar: a.f.i

I saw a star beneath the stairs glowing through the melting walls. Who will be the first to begin their fall? Or will we become one? Am I the star beneath the stairs? Am I a ghost upon the stage? Am I your anything? I saw a star beneath the stairs glowing bright before descent and in the morning there is nothing left but what's inside of me. And I don't want to die tonight; will you believe in me? And I don't want to fall into the light. Will you wish upon? Will you walk upon me? I don't want to die tonight. Will you.
:*You're the first thing I think of .:* .:*Each morning when I rise. .:* .:*You're the last thing I think of .:* .:*Each night when I close my eyes. .:* .:*You're in each thought I have .:* .:*And every breath I take. .:* .:*My feelings are growing stronger .:* .:*With every move I make. .:* .:*I want to prove I love you .:* .:*But that's the hardest part. .:*So, I'm giving all I have to .:*give .:* .:*To you... I give u my heart. .:*
I said I was afraid of
[f.] [a.] [l.] [l.] [i.] [n.] [g.] And you *whispered* I can fly
[.I. .h.a.v.e. .w.i.n.g.z.]
It's ok to kiss a fool. It's ok to let a fool kiss you. But never let a kiss fool you. (¨`·.·´¨)* `·.(¨`·.·´¨)* `·.¸.·´*
*~*Always Aim For The Moon*~* *~*Even If You Miss *~* *~*You'll Land Among The Stars*~*

[_] nIcE [_] cRaZy [_] aNgEl [_] dEvIlIsH [_] NaUgHtY [X] aLl oF tHa aBovE
Wouldn’t it be nice if sweatpants were sexy.. Mondays were funn..
( `·.¸ A KiSS is just a kiss till you find the one you love, `·.¸ )A Hug is just a hug till its the one your thinkin Of, ¸.·)´ A dReam is just a dream till you make it come true, (.·´ Love is just a word till its proven by yOu `·»¦«

I'm §uGaR & §piCe & EvErYtHiNg N¡Ce... b4 yOu Me§§ w/ Me... yOu ße§t ThiNk twiCe

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful! Hate me because....well....Okay!...Hate me because I'm beautiful!

I'm not a blonde!! I'm knot! I'm knot! I'm knot!

__/) .-(__(=: |\ | \) \ || \|| \| get well soon grandpa dan | god bless...

*spiteful words hurt ur feelings but silence breaks your heart*

º°x·:He HoLdS Me WheN i StArT 2 cRy ø´¨`»MaKeS Me SmiLe WiTh JuS HiS eYeZ ShAreZ My HoPes DrEaMs FeArs«´¨`ø ø´¨`»WiPes AwAy ALL My TeArs i LoVe hiM wiToUt rEgReT«´¨`ø i JuS hAvEn't FoUnd HiM yEt·:·xº°

.::*::I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves washed it away. I wrote your name on my hand but I washed it the next day. I wrote your name on a piece of paper but I accidenatally threw it away... I wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay!::*::.

4 out of 5 voices in my head say go back to sleep

¸.·*¸.·*¸.·*¸.·* ¸.·* B A B Y¸.·* ¸.·* G U R L¸.·* ¸.·*¸.·*¸.·*¸.·*
How can you be friends with someone if everytime you look at them, it makes you want them even more?

im weird! IM GIFTED!

keep the pictures they neva change only the people in them do

I'll Try Anything Once, Twice If I Like It!

**friends dont let friends drink and take home ugly men**

when you was hurt .....i was there for you.....now i'm hurting where are you?

* P i m P e T t E * [x] [o] [x] [o]

@---- guys are like* roses* watch for* the pricks* @----
\ \You're ~kissable~ and cuddly / /You're *lovable* and sweet | |You -thrill- me every minute \ \And |-sweep-| me off my feet / /You're ^charming^ and disarminq | |Desirable* and true \ \You i.n.s.p.i.r.e and - -i m p r e s s- - me.. / /and that's why I l O v e you
I’m not supposed to love you, I’m not supposed to care, I’m not supposed to live my life wishing you were there, I’m not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do, I’m sorry I just can’t help myself, I’m still in love with you

x|×THe WoRsT tHiNg YoU cOuLd Do RiGhT nOw Is TeLl Me ThAt I cAn FiNd SoMeOnE bEtTeR tHaN yOu...WhEn YoUr AlL i WaNt×|x

A MiLLi0n WoRDs Would Not Bring You Back, I Kn0w, BecauseI've Tried. Neither Would A Million TeaRs. I Know, BeCause I've Cried

B.e W.h.O Y.o.U w.A.n.N.a B.e N.o.T w.H.a.T O.t.H.e.R.s W.a.N.n.A s.E.e
To the world your just one person but to one person you could mean the world
Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again....skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts!
(·×·( `·.¸ `·. )·×·) ¸.·´ ¸.·´ (·×·(Laugh when nothing's funny.. `·.¸ `·.¸ )·×·) ¸.·´ ¸.·´ (·×·(Dance when there's no music.. `·.¸ `·., )·×·) ¸.·´ ¸.·´ (·×·(Sing like you've never sung b4.. `·.¸ `·. )·×·) ¸.·´ ¸.·´ (·×·(Love till it hurts.. `·.¸ `·.¸ )·×·) ¸.·´ ¸.·´ (·×·(Cry when you're sad.. `·.¸ `·., )·×·) ¸.·´ ¸.·´ (·×·(Smile when you're happy.. `·.¸ `·. )·×·) ¸.·´ ¸. BUT ALWAYS LIVE EACH DAY LIKE IT'S YOUR LAST!!!

BARBIE needs to EAT!

No guy is worth your tears & when you find one that is, he won't make you cry.

When someone annoys you it takes 42 muscles to frown about it but it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and punch the crap out of them.

*If practice makes perfect, and there is no such thing as perfect, why practice?*

I dont have an Attitude Problem...Its supposed to be like this :)

like my guys like I like a basketball one on one, with as little dribbling as possible

hot guys open my eyes... smart guys open my mind... but only sweet guys open my <3
You can close your eyes to things you dont want to see, but u cant close your heart to things you dont want to feel.

"When one door closes, Another one opens, Sometimes We look so long at the closed door, We don't see the one that has opened..."

*·.·´·.·*tHoSe wHoO taLk dOnT KnO*·.·´·.·* *·.·´·.·*tHoSe wHoO kNo dOnT taLk*·.·´·.·*

never slap a guy if he does anything to deserve a slap, just give him an all out beating! :-D

take me... back

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Marilyn Manson - Personal Jesus