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Astrogation Gazetteer

d = days; h = hours.

Bespin Celanon Corellia Coruscant Dagobah Dantooine Endor Gamorr Lianna Sullust Tatooine
Alderaan 8h 2d 12h 6h 16h 1d 6h 13h 18h 7d 12h 13d 4h 8d 21h 7h
Bespin 2d 20h 6h 6d 14h 1d 3h 22h 1d 8h 3d 3h 18d 12h 11d 4h 16h
Celanon 8h 13h 16d 5h 1d 22h 2d 17h 8d 9h 14h 15h 4d 6h
Corellia 4h 1d 7h 12h 17h 10d 14h 15h 19h 4h
Coruscant 12d 14h 19h 6d 12h 16d 3h 12d 14h 8d 2h 22d 14h
Dagobah 1d 8h 4d 1h 27d 8h 31d 15h 3d 6h 1d 4h
Dantooine 21h 3d 14h 19h 5d 6h 20h
Endor 14d 5h 18d 2h 19h 1d
Gamorr 23d 4h 3d 2h 1d 16h
Lianna 3d12h 2d3h
Sullust 1d14h

This table from The Star Wars
Roleplaying Game, Second Edition,
Revised and Expanded

Added June 17, 2003

The Astrogation Gazetteer is a chart that aids in the navigation of ships from system to system. The duration given is for a one way trip directly between each system using a Class One hyperdrive system.

Hyperdrives are rated by how fast they are, this rating being listed as a class number. The lower the Class, the faster the ship can travel through hyperspace. Thus a ship with a Class One hyperdrive is faster than a ship with a Class Three hyperdrive. Hyperdrive classes can also be listed as a decimal, the Millennium Falcon claiming one of the fastest hyperdrives with a Class 0.5.

When using the Astrogation Gazetteer we must take our ship’s hyperdrive class into consideration. There are two ways to write a hyperdrive class. The first has already been mentioned, which is to write out the number after the class. Thus we write Class One, Class 0.5, etc. Yet the second way to write out a hyperdrive class also refers to the duration of a trip. That is Class x1, Class x1/2(or x0.5), etc. As already mentioned, hyperspace routes on the Astrogation Gazetteer are for a ship using a Class One hyperdrive. Hyperdrive classes are multiplied by Class One hyperspace duration to figure out just how long a trip is. Hence the second way of writing out a hyperdrive class.

For example, the trip from Bespin to Corellia last six hours. If we’re flying in a ship which has a Class One (x1) hyperdrive, we multiply 6x1. The result of any number times one, as we all should have learned in school, is that number. Thus we’re facing a six hour trip between the two systems. Yet if we were to be making the trip on a ship with a Class Three (x3) hyperdrive, we multiply 6x3. Thus the trip would last eighteen hours instead of six. A trip on the Millennium Falcon would only last three hours due to the Falcon’s Class 0.5 (x1/2) hyperdrive (6x1/2).

For a trip which lasts a matter of days and hours, multiply the two separately. Bespin to Dagobah is one day three hours. With a Class One hyperdrive, this duration does not change. Yet with a Class Two hyperdrive, we then multiply the days times two and the hours times two, resulting in two days six hours.

Then there are trips, both hour and day and hour trips, which a slower hyperdrive may add on a day or more in duration. Naturally any trip can be turned into a day or more in duration depending on the hyperdrive class. A standard day is twenty-four hours, so all that is needed to turn a trip that would normally take so many hours is the right trip and the right class of hyperdrive. For instance, the trip between Corellia and Dantooine is a twelve hour trip using a Class One hyperdrive. Any ship with a Class Two or slower hyperdrive will be making such a trip in a day or more. Such a trip can purely be referred to in a matter of hours. Or one can choose to convert the time into days or days and hours.

Conversion to days or days and hours is based on a standard day. Already mentioned is the length of a standard day, twenty-four hours. Any time a trip which the multiplication of a hyperdrive class causes the result to be twenty-four hours, simply say one day if you’re converting to days or days and hours. Examples are Coruscant to Corellia, a four hour trip using a Class Six hyperdrive, and Corellia to Dantooine, a twelve hour trip using a Class Two hype drive.

Yet when the result comes out to more than twenty-four hours, you must first figure out if the result would mean a conversion to days or to days and hours. For example, a trip between Corellia and Lianna is fifteen hours. Using a ship with a Class Two hyperdrive, we’d make such a trip in thirty hours. Yet using the conversion, we look at how many times twenty-four hours shows up in such a trip. Because it only shows up once, we know that we are converting to days and hours. So first we take out the twenty-four hours and convert them to one day. We then subtract twenty-four from thirty to get the hours remaining. In this case, that means six hours. So we see a trip between Corellia and Lianna using a Class Two hyperdrive takes thirty hours or one day six hours.

When dealing with a trip that uses both days and hours in which the end result in the hours will be twenty-four hours or more, we use the multiplication method mentioned earlier then we look into conversion. Yet this time we then add the number of times the hours result into twenty-four hours into the days. That is to say, we would say that twenty-hours is one day, so we add one day to the total number of days. Forty-eight hours is two sets of twenty-four hours or two days, which causes us to add two days into the days. And so on. Using the example of traveling between Coruscant and Endor, a six day twelve hour trip, in a Class Two hyperdive equipped ship, we get a result of twelve days twenty-four hours. Converting the hours in the result to days tells us the trip would last twelve days twenty-four hours or thirteen days. Where as the example of Alderaan to Sullust, an eight day twenty-one hour trip, in a Class Two hyperdrive equipped ship results in sixteen days forty-two hours. Converting hours to days tells us we only have one full day in the hours, with eighteen hours left over. So such a trip would last sixteen days forty-two hours or seventeen days eighteen hours.

Sometimes a trip is just too long even with a Class 0.5 hyperdrive. For instance, a one way trip from Coruscant to Tatooine using a Class One hyperdrive would last twenty-two days fourteen hours. Even with a Class 0.5 hyperdrive you’re looking at eleven days seven hours. In these cases, it may be better to find a shortcut, especially if we need to get from one to the other as quickly as possible. So the first step is to consult the Astrogation Gazetteer and find an alternate root that is faster that the straight course. The fast route using a Class One hyperdrive appears to take us through Corellia. Corellia to Coruscant is four hours. It’s also four hours from Corellia to Tatooine. It’s not a straight trip as we’ll have to make a turn in the Corellian system, but we’re now looking at an eight hour trip. Slightly over that actually as we come out of hyperspace in the Corellian system and reorient ourselves, but not by much.