Jemima's Jellicle Junkyard
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Jemima's Jellicle Junkyard

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Ahem. Everyone be proud of me... I did stuff. I think I added 2 WHOLE CHARACTERS! Yahooo! *gigglesnort* well, I shall attempt to update more, but I have lots 'o' Papers due rather soon. Eeee...

My site is still growing!


These are the pictures of some of my friends.

This is a page about your webmistress.

Ask Jemima!

These are stories about CATS written by the fans

Jacob Brent.Nuff said.

Some Links to some other great sites!

How can you link my site to your page?

These are some Pictures drawn by fans.


My Costumes page!

My Polls!

Webrings I am on

No stealing. My attack cat is on duty.
