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Tom's Infinite Simpson Archive: Professor John Frink

NAME: John Frink

OCCUPATION: Professor/Inventor

MARITAL STATUS: Discrepancy. Professor Frink states in one episode that "Oh dear, my wife is going to kill me" and is also seen with a presumed wife when he drinks the Simpson and Son Tonic. However, he is also seen at the bachelor auction with all of the rejects in the episode when Apu gets married.

CHILDREN: At least one. He has a boy.

WIFE'S OCCUPATION: she is also a professional, presumably a doctor.

PASTIMES: For leisure, he enjoys chess, watching sports, attending rallys and general social events. However, it is fairly obvious that his passion is his work.

  • Gamble-Tron 2000
  • Death Ray
  • Children's Remote Control Airplane
  • Killer Mechanical Bear
  • Advanced Home Security System
  • Super Sour Lemon Ball
  • Flying Motorcycle
  • Frinkahedron
  • Frinkiac-7
  • AT-5000 Autodialer
  • Virtual Chili Simulator
  • Mood Pants
  • Floyd The Robot
  • That Doohickey
  • Teleporter
  • Hamburger Earmuffs

    Here are some of the words that come from "JOHN FRINK"

    floyd2.gif (5104 bytes)
    Floyd is one of the more recent brainchildren of the Frinkian family. Floyd is not merely a robot: He is a robot with hopes and dreams as exhibited by his attempt to escape the compound. With the ingenuity of putting a SOLD sign on himself at the yard sale, Floyd seems to be asking the world, "Won't you let me live?"

    This is one of the neatest items for sale at the Frink yard sale. Where else but planet Frink can you defy the laws of physics for only 12 bucks?

    THE POIUYT(?!)
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    The Matter Transporter is an item that was found in the Treehouse of Horror. It was one of Frink's inventions up for grabs at a yard sale. The asking price was $2, however Homer bought it for 35¢. Later after the cat and dog went in simultaneously ("twice the pet and none of the mess") Bart ended up going through with a fly. However the outcome, as shown here, was not as he expected.
    This prototype was brought to Abe Simpson when Abe inherited $106,000 for further funding. The Deathray, Frink was confident he could destroy an area the size of New York City. Unfortunately, Abe was only interested in helping people, not killing 'em!, so it never went any further. Fortunately Frink's wife would have been happy; "She's hated this whole death ray thing from day one."


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    When Mr. Burns was longing for his teddybear Bobo, Professor Frink came up with a replacement teddybear. Although the bear was designed to be cute and cuddly, and do a little dance, the invention backfired and went on a tirade.

    For your amusement, this dimensional object is known as a Frinkahedron. It is supposedly a third dimensional object. This object comes from THOH, where Homer took his chances in the mystery wall. Seeing as this is more of a theory, this would be a discovery as opposed to an invention.


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    Capable of calculation at MIPS speed, the Gamble-Tron 2000 was designed to accurately predict the outcome of sporting events, most notably football. This box is scientifically advanced, however the logic that was put into this machine was less than perfect... in the prediction by Professor Frink on the Cincinnati vs. Miami game, the outcome was "Cincinnati by 200 points!"

    In the words of professor Frink, this invention as a whole can be best described as a "worthless hunk of junk."

    This invention could make a wonderful playmate once honed... In an obvious attempt to beat Deep Blue, who can look at more than 100 million postions a second (Deep Blue - the so called 'chess champion of the universe' although it did just loose to Garry Kasparov, the chess champion of the world). Frink has designed this: the Ultimate Chess Machine. However, in somewhat typical Frink fashion, there are still some bugs to be worked out, as evidenced in his yelling at the machine, "Pawn can't move that way, you stupid arm!"

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    "Hey son, wanna try this flying motorcycle I just invented?" was Professor Frink's query to Bart. Only a stupid little boy would pass up the chance to ride on this baby, capable (I'm sure) of near-Mach speeds. This motorcycle is set apart from many of Frink's other inventions: It apparently works!

    AT-5000 Autodialer

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    It is Frink's very first patent! This is the AT-5000 Autodialer, in the words of Frink "designed to alert children of snow days and such." It is preprogrammed with all of the telephone numbers of the residents of Springfield. Homer ended up picking it up after a bust where the AT-5000 was used illegally. Homer used it to call everyone and request that they send $1 to "Happy Dude" for eternal happiness. When Frink was called by the autodialer, he tried to retrieve it, however Homer caught it in the process of going back to Frinky and broke off it's legs.

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    What better way to keep your ears warm and have a little snack than these? These earmuffs are the latest in Frinkian headgear and are sure to be all the rage. Frinky will have these on the market while his competitors are still figuring out the pickle-matrix.

    "Professor Frink, Professor Frink, He'll make you laugh, He'll make you think, He'll do the stuff, with the...thing...and the.....
    "These unfortunate people here will be instantly killed. This circle, which I am sad to say we are in, will experience a slower, considerably more painful death."
  • Kent: "Good Lord!"

  • "Brace yourselves, gentlemen. According to the gas chromatograph, the secret ingredient is... Love!? Who's been screwing with this thing?"

    "Although we can't reach the boy, we can freeze him with liquid nitrogen, so that future generations can rescue him."

    "This radio controlled plane gives your baby the chance to fly, just like my son here. He can execute the barrel-rool, loop-de-loop, then bring it in for the perfect landing." (plane crashes through the window and out of sight)
  • Crowd: (gasps)
  • Frink: "Oh dear, my wife is going to kill me."

  • "I have and unorthodox solution. A "Fantastic Voyage" if you will. Three scientists, one a beautiful woman, will be shrunk to microscopic size. They will then rendezvous in Mr. Simpson's lower colon."
  • Everyone: "eeeeeeewww!"
  • Frink: "Well, we have had a little trouble finding volunteers."

  • "And if we freeze on frame 138, we distinctly see a puff of blue hair coming from the grassy knoll."

    "Well, as you can see, when the burglar trips the alarm, the house raises from it's foundations and runs down the street, round the corner to safety... well the, the real humans won't uh, won't burn quite so there..."

    "You've got to listen to me. Elementary chaos theory tells us that all robots will eventually turn against their masters and run amok, in an orgy of blood and the kicking and the biting with the metal teeth and the hurting and shoving."
  • Scientist: "How much time do we have professor?"
  • Frink: "Well, according to my calculations, the robots won't go berserk for at least 24 hours"
  • (all robots turn against the humans) Frink: "Oh. I forgot to carry the one"

  • "As you can see, I have created a lemon ball so sour it can only be safely contained in a magnetic field. The candy, known as 77x42... where the hell is the candy?"
  • Homer: (with complete face puckered in) "I don't know."

  • "Good evening ladies and gentlema..."
  • Man: "Quit stalling, what's the plan?!"
  • Frink: "Alright, just take your seat, just take your seat. Now, working with former Carter administration officials and military men who were forced into early retirement for various reasons which we won't go into here, we have planned this defense for the city. As the comet hurdles toward the city, our rocket will intercept it and blow it to smithereens."
  • (model rocket blows up the comet, debris falling on Moe's tavern and catching it on fire)
  • Moe: "Oh dear God no!"
  • Mayor Quimby: "And that will be the end of our Mr. Comet"
  • (applause and cheering)

  • "The compression and expansion of the longitudinal waves cause the erratic oscillation, you can see it there, of the neighboring particles.
  • Little Girl: "Eh!"
  • Frink: "Yes... what is it, what, what is it?"
  • Little Girl: "Can I play with it?"
  • Frink: "No you can't play with it. You won't enjoy it on as many levels as I do... The colors children!"

  • "I doubt very highly that one elixir could boast so many fantastic properties." (drinks the tonic, turns into handsome stud) "Let's say we amscray out of here and have a wild wing-ding at the Cyclotron, doctor?" Mrs. Frink (assumption) "Anything you say, professor!"

    All of the following sounds are in zip form, you must have winzip on your computer if you wand to download them.

    Episode Appearance Sounds Pictures
    Second Season
    7F17 Proposed Grampa invest money in his Death Ray WAV (193KB)  
    7F21 Can be seen in attendance at the comic book convention Did not speak  
    Third Season
    8F04 Technical advisor during nuclear scare WAV (88KB)  
    8F08 Tried to analyze the Flaming Moe drink for the secret ingredient WAV (79KB)  
    8F11 Proposed freezing Timmy O'Toole so that future generations could save him WAV (52KB)  
    8F12 Created the Gamble-Tron 2000 to predict the outcome of football games WAV (132KB)  
    Fourth Season
    8F23 Invented a radio-controlled airplane for babies WAV (136KB)  
    9F11 Appears on the cover of "101 Frozen Pops", the sperm bank catalog Did not speak JPG (75KB)
    9F10 Passenger on the Springfield Monorail's first run Did not speak  
    9F17 Suggested a "Fantastic Voyage" into Homer's colon WAV (164KB)  
    9F20 Showed Marge's blue hair on the grassy knoll at the assassination of J.F.K. WAV (63KB)  
    Fifth Season
    1F01 Invented a robot bear for Mr. Burns WAV (165KB)  
    1F05 Can be seen talking to Ned Flanders during the Do What You Feel Day Did not speak  
    1F09 Invented a house that runs down the street in order to get away from a burglar WAV (125KB)  
    Sixth Season
    2F01 Technical advisor at Itchy & Scratchy Land WAV (193KB)  
      WAV (45KB)  
    2F06 Invented 77X42, a lemon ball so sour it can only be contained in a magnetic field WAV (72KB)  
    2F07 Doubted the Grampa's elixir could boast so many fantastic properties WAV (126KB) JPG (77KB)
        JPG (88KB)
    2F11 Proposed a plan to destroy comet WAV (173KB)  
    2F15 Tried to discover the cure for seventeen stab wounds in the back WAV (71KB)  
      A fish in the stream near the nuclear plant bears a striking resemblance to Frink   GIF(18KB)
    2F19 Worked as a substitute teacher during the strike.  Trips out on a vaccuum toy WAV (163KB)  
    2F22 Invented a flying motorcycle WAV (58KB)  
      WAV (40KB)  
    Seventh Season
    3F04 Explains the theory behind the hypothetical Z-axis and the third dimension WAV (325KB) JPG (53KB)
        JPG (66KB)
    3F18 The Tom Foolery Of Professor Frink WAV (220KB)  
    3F20 Presented the Frinkiac 7 and made a computer prediction WAV (212KB)  
      Can be seen during the picnic when Homer gives his "No on 24" speech Did not speak  
    Eighth Season
    4F02 Invented the De-big-ulator in order to shrink Lisa into her microscopic world WAV (29KB)  
      Discusses the possibility of making a Re-big-ulator WAV (164KB)  
    3F23 Said goodbye to the Simpsons as they drove out of town WAV (216KB)  
    4F03 Can be seen in the crowd at the boxing match, yelling for the final blow Did not speak JPG (70KB)
    4F05 Can be seen dancing in the street during the party at the end of the episode Did not speak  
    4F06 Can be seen helping to destroy Springfield's only burlesque house Did not speak  
    4F01 Receives a call from the AT-5000, Homer's automatic dialer tele-scam machine WAV (234KB)  
    4F07 Is part of the restoration crew for the Flanders house Did not speak  
    3F24 Set up "Professor Frink's Virtual Chili" booth at the annual chili cook-off Did not speak  
    4F13 Seems to be in a wheelbarrow at Dr. Nick's office after having an explosive accident Did not speak  
      Oddly enough, he also appears at the Springfield Squidport moments later Did not speak  
    4F09 Can be seen in crowd as Principal Skinner professes his love for Mrs. Krabapple Did not speak  
    4F21 Is attacked by his octopus after Bart's bullhorn prank shatters the tank Did not speak JPG (75KB)
    Ninth Season
    4F23 Can be seen cheering for Arman Tamzarian, the fake Seymour Skinner Did not speak  
    5F02 Sold a matter transporter to Homer for 35 cents at his yardsale Coming soon  
    5F04 Gets thrown in with the rejects at the bachelor auction Did not speak  
    5F05 Can be seen in Homer's garage when Lisa is bad-mouthing the angel Did not speak  
    5F23 Becomes one of the Movementarians and passes out from eating low protein gruel Coming soon  
    5F13 Had a display of "The Visible Computer" at Springfield's Knowledgeum WAV (194KB)  
    5F14 In line at the Post Office, gives Lenny a hard time because of his poor math skills Coming soon  

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