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Pegasus Players Theatre Group - Black Comedy

This show was done in the Fall of 1996. The premise is basically, what can go wrong will go wrong in the dark.

Black Comedy by Peter Shaffer
Directed by Helen Caudill

Aaron Miller - Brindsley Miller
Kimmi Hanssen - Carol Melkett
Jenn Carlson - Miss Furnival
Joe Herrera - Colonel Melkett
Eugene Smith - Harold Gorringe
Dave Ortiz - Schuppanzigh
Season Hamilton - Clea
Dale Nelson - Georg Bamberger

Ferny and the Colonel (me and Joe Herrera) I was playing drunk in this picture. After the show the President of the University asked me, "You weren't researching your role on campus were you?" Ha ha, you aren't funny sir.

The following are pictures taken of the show by Doctor Mongsignor Joe Scott Booth, #2.

Joe, Gene Smith, Aaron Miller and Me (on couch)

Gene, Season Hamilton, Kimmi Hanssen, Aaron, and Me (on couch again looking wistfully into my empty "lemonade" glass!)

Me (got a bottle now!) and Dave Ortiz.

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