#THE PLAYSTATION FROM SONY# ___________________________ Contents of the faq and additional sections: 1) What is the Sony PlayStation (aka Sony PSX) ? 2) Who is supporting the Sony PlayStation ? 3) What titles will be released for the Sony PlayStation ? 4) What are the specifications of the Sony PlayStation ? 5) What accessories are available for the PlayStation ? 6) How to make your own rgb-cable (scart) 7) Will the European,American and Japanese PlayStation be compatible? 8) How to use an PSX GAMES COPY! 9) How to hardwire a Sony Playstation for pirate gold disc software? 1) What is the Sony PlayStation ? ------------------------------ The Sony Playstation, aka PS-X, is the initial video gaming console by electronics giant, the Sony Corporation of Japan. It has admittedly been in development since 1993 - remember the SNES CD? Development included both working with LSI Logic Corp.,Milpitas,CA and creating a video game/electronic media department, known as the Sony Computer Entertainment of Japan (SCE). The PlayStation is the initial hardware entry by the Sony Corp. into the video gaming arena. Anticipation of the PlayStation was high, as well as its expected retail success which proved to be some 300000 units up until March 1995. The PlayStation is set to compete against the 'next generation' of consoles, which include: 3DO, 3DO M2, Sega 32X, Sega Saturn, Atari Jaguar, Atari Jaguar II (whenever it DOES arrive), Atari Jaguar CD, Nintendo Ultra 64 and the rumored Amiga PA-RISC system. Technically, the PlayStation is a 32-bit RISC, CD-ROM/XA2 based video game console. The PlayStation is capable of spectacular graphic effects that include: High volume of texture-mapped polygons Incredible sprite renditions Hardware tri-axial rotation Gouraud shading And much more... Although 3D is seemingly stressed in the majority of the scheduled games, there is a built-in sprite engine. Also, instead of having on board RAM for saving game positions and games; Sony Corp. opted for a 'Neo-Geoish' option utilizing separate memory cards. 2) Who is supporting the Sony Playstation ? ---------------------------------------- Supporting the Sony Playstation are a number quality software developers. Including well-known ones like: ACCLAIM ALTRON BANPRESTO CAPCOM ELECTRONIC ARTS EPOCH EA vICTOR GUST IMAGINEER JALECO KANOMY PACK iN vIDEO PEEDY PSYGNOSIS NAMCO NIHON cOMPUTER sYSTEMS NIHON tELENET MICRONET MELDAC RIGHT sTUF RIVERHILL sOFT SUNSOFT TAITO TAKARA TECMO TECKNO SOFT TEAM 17/oCEAN TIME WARNER TOEI UBI SOFT VIRGIN ZOOMEX Also included on this list is the newly formed Sony Computer Entertainment of Japan (SCE). Expect some great titles from these guys (European and Japanese section). More than 200 others developers will be work on the PlayStation! 3) What titles will be released for the Sony PlayStation ? ------------------------------------------------------- NAME PRODUCER KIND ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1950 aMERICAN dREAMS aSCAM/sONY bOARD gAME 3D bASEBALL `95 cRYSTAL dYNAMICS sPORTS 3D bASEKTBALL kONAMI sPORTS 3D dECATHLON vIRGIN sPORTS 3D oLYMPICS kONAMI sPORTS 3D gOLF kONAMI sPORTS 3D gOLF sONY sPORTS 3D sOCCER pSYGNOSIS sPORTS 3D sOCCER kONAMI sPORTS aCE dRIVER nAMCO sPORTS ACE cOMBAT nAMCO aCTION aD&D: dEATHKEEP sSI/mINDSCAPE aCTION/rPG aD&D: tOWER oF dOOM cAPCOM jUMP & fIGHT aEON fLUX vIACOM aCTION/aDVENTU aGILE wARRIOR vIRGIN sHOOTING aIR cOMBAT nAMCO 3D-fLIGHTACTIO aLIEN tRILOGY aCCLAIM aCTION aLIEN vIRUS vIC tOKAKI aCTION aLLEGIANCE tEAM 17/oCEAN dOOM aLONE iN tHE dARK 3 iNFOGRAMMS aDVENTURE aLPINE rACER nAMCO sPORTS aPACHE gUNSHIP iNTERACTIV mEDIA fLIGHT sim aQUANUAT vACATION (hOLYDAY) aRTDINK sIMULATION aQUASPACE sOFTGOLD aCTION/aDVENTU aSSAULT rINGS pSYGNOSIS/sONY sPORTS (aCTION) bALLbLAZER X fACTOR 5/??? sPORTS bATMAN fOREVER aCCLAIM aCTION bEAUTIFUL gIRL mAHJONG ??? mAHJONG cLONE bIG hURT bASEBALL aCCLAIM sPORTS bIO hAZARD cAPCOM iNTERACTIVmOVI bLACK oUT tOEI sYSTEMS aDVENTURE bLADES oF rAGE oCEAN 3D-cHOPPER bLAZIN dRAGONS cRYSTAL dYNAMICS aDVENTURE bLOOD tIES aTLUS fIGHTING bLOXX tECHNOS jAPAN tHINKING bLUE fOREST sTORY rIGHT sTAFF rPG bOUNTY aRMS dATA wEST aCTION bOWLING cOCONUTS sPORTS bOXER'S rOAD nEW sPORTS cANA-DEL sUCCESS ??? cARNAVAL oF tHE aNIMALS oRACION cHILDREN sOFT cASINO sPECIAL (sUPER) cOCONUTS jAPAN cASINO gAMES cASPER iNTERPLAY jUMP & rUN cASTLE cALGIOSTRO aSMIK aDVENTURE cASTLEVANIA (dRACULA X) kONAMI aCTION cENTER tEST tRIAL gAME iNSIDER ??? cOLORWS mANIA aRT pAK pUZZLE cOME oN! mORIKAWA nO.2 sONY tHINKING cOMPLICITY vIRGIN sHOOTING cONVERSE hARDCORE hOOPS vIRGIN sPORTS cOOL sPOT gOES hOLLYWOOD vIRGIN jUMP&rUN cOSMIC 3D-rACE tAKARA sPORTS cRAZY iVAN pSYGNOSIS/sONY 3D-mECH cRAZY cROSS kONAMI pUZZLE cREATURE sHOCK "sPECIAL eDI" vIRGIN aCTION cRISTAL dRAGON fROM sOFTWARE rPG cYER bOTE cAPCOM fIGHTING cYBER cLASH ??? ??? cYBER cOMMANDO ??? ??? cYBER sPEED mINDSCAPE 3D-aCTION cYBER wAR sALES cURVE iNTERACTIVmOV cYBERIA iNTERPLAY aCTION/aDVENT dARK fORCE lUCASARTS sTARWARS dARK lEGEND dATA eAST fIGHTING dARK sEED cYBERDREAMS aDVENTURE dARK sEED 2 cYBERDREAMS aDVENTURE dARK sTALKER (vAMPIRE) cAPCOM fIGHTING dARK sUN: sHATTERED lANDS dATA eAST rPG dEAD hEAT rOAD nIHON BUSSAN sPORTS dEATHRACE oCEAN 3D aCTION dEDALUS eNCOUNTER vIRGIN iNTERACTIVE dEFCON 5 mILLENIUM/dATA eAST aCTION/sTRATEG dEMOLISH`m dERBY(dESTRUCTION)rEFLECTIONS/pSY sPORTS dEMOLITION mAN vIRGIN gAMES aCTION dERBY sTALLION aSCII hORSE rACING dESCENT iNTERPLAY aCTION dESCENT 2 iNTERPLAY aCTION dIMM & wITT pF mAGIC aCTION dISCWORLD tEENYwEENY gAMES aDVENTURE dON pACHI aTLUS aCTION dOOM 1 or 2 iD sOFT 3d dRAGON bALL z bANDAI fIGHTING dRAGON lORE mINDSCAPE rPG dRAGON oF tHE sQUARE tABLE cRYSTAL dYNAMICS aDVENTURE eARTHWORM jIM aCTIVISION jUMP&rUN eARTHWORM jIM 2 sHINY eNTERTAINMENT jUMP&rUN eLITE3: fIRST eNCOUNTER vIRGIN eMBLEM oF fEDA ??? rPG eNTER. jYAHSOH tHAT`s pON hYSUISHA ??? eNTOMORPH: pLAGUE oF dARKFAL mINDSCAPE rPG eRNIE eLS gOLF `96 cODEMASTER sPORTS eSPN: eXTREME gAMES sONY sPORTS eXCALIBUR tELSTAR aDVENTURE eXTREME pOWER pROFIRE sHOOTING fALKATA gUST rPG/sIMULATION fIFA sOCCER `96 eLECTRONIC aRTS sPORTS fIREFIGHTER sOFTGOLD fORMATION sOCCER hUMAN sPORTS fOUR-tWO-tWO sECRET sYSMBOLS ??? fOX hUNT cAPCOM iNTERACTIVOVIE fRONT pAGE bASEBALL cRYSTAL dYNAMICS sPORTS fRONT pAGE fOOTBALL cRYSTAL dYNAMICS sPORTS fUJIMARU gIGOKU hEN sONY sTRATEGY/rPG fUROPONKUN ??? ??? g-POLICE pSYGNOSIS aCTION/aDV gALAXY fIGHT sUNSOFT fIGHTING gAME nO tATSUJIN sUNSOFT ??? gANBARE mORIKAWAKUN vOL2 gOU sONY pUZZLE gENDER wARS sCI aCTION/aDV gENSOU sUIKO-dEN kONAMI ??? gEOM cUBE ??? ??? gEX sIERRA/dYNAMIX jUMP & rUN gIENSOU sUIKO dEN kONAMI ??? gO aSCII tHINKING gOKU lEGEND aLUME fIGHTING gOKUETSUDERA iCHIZOKU 2 aTLUS fIGHTING gOKUU dENSETSU aRYUME ??? gREAT mOMENTS aCTIVISION sHANGHAI hEART oF dARKNESS vIRGIN aDVENTURE hELL tAKE2 iNTERmOVIE hOCKEY dROME aCTIVISION sPORTS hOLYDAYS oF aQUA-nOTE aRTDINK ??? hOOPS bASKETBALL vIRGIN sPORTS hOUMA hUNTER lIME ??? dIGITAL cOMIC hISSATU pACHINCO cOLLECTION sUNSOFT sLOTMACHINE hUNTER oF rALK cYBERDREAMS aDVENTURE hUNTER lAIMU ??? ??? hYPER iGO aSK tHINKING (iGO) hYPERION tAITO sHOOTING hYPER mAHJONG aSK mAHJONG cLONE i hAVE nO mOUTH i mUST sCREAMcYBERDREAMS aDVENTURE iDE yOSUKO nO mAHJONG kAZOKU sETA mAHJONG cLONE iNCOMING dATAEAST aCTION iNCREDIBLE tOONS cAPCOM tHINKING iNDYCAR rACING vIRGIN gAMES sPORTS rACING "iNDIA" mAHJONG ??? mAHJONG cLONE jAPANESE cHESS kING ??? cHESS jONNY mNEMONIC sONY inTERACmOVIE jOURNEYMAN pROJEKT (tHE) sANCTURAY wOODS aDVENTURE jUDGE dREED aCCLAIM aCTION kAKIGI sHOUGI aSCII ??? kANADERU sUCCESS ??? kEIBA sAISHO nO hOSOKU 95 cOPIA sYSTEM ??? kINGDOM oF mAGIC sONY aDVENTURE kINGS fIELD 2 fROM sOFTWARE aCTION/RPG kINGS qUEST 7 sIERRA aDVENTURE kOWLOON`S ??? aDVENTURE kRAZY iVAN pSYGNOSIS mECHWARRIOR lABYRINTH sONY rPG lAST bOUNTY hUNTER aMERICAN lASER gAME mOVIE aCTION lAWNMOVERMAN 2 (jOBE`s wAR) sALES cURVE FMV iNTERACTIV lEGACY oF kAIN cRYSTAL dYNAMICS rPG/aCTION lEMMINGS 3D cLOCKWORK gAMES/pSY tHINKING lEMMINGS pLAY pAINTBALL pSYGNOSIS cARTOON lINKS gOLF aCCESS sPORTS lIVE-rEMIX pROFIRE iNTERACTIV lOADED ??? aCTION lONE sOLDIER tELESTARS 3D-aCTION lOST eDEN vIRGIN aDVENTURE lOST vIKINGS 2 iNTERPLAY tHINKING lUPIN tHE 3RD cAGLIOSTRO/aSMIC aDVENTURE mACHINEhEAD cORE dESIGN ??? mAGBALL tRIMARK sPORTS mAGIC kONAMI ??? mAGIC cARPET bULLFROG/EA fLIGHT/ACT mAHJONG sUN eLECTRICE mAHJONG cLONE mAHJONG gOKU tENJIKU sHANOAR mAHJONG cLONE mAHJONG gANRYUU(TO)-jIMA aSCII mAHJONG cLONE mAZIN mAHJONG ??? mAHJONG cLONE mETAL jACKET pONY cANYON mECHWARRIOR mICRO mACHINES 3 cODEMASTER sPORTS mICKEY mANIA pSYGNOSIS jUMP&rUN mICKEY tHOMPSON`S sUPERCROSS pLAYMATES sPORTS mINESOTA fATS sPORTS mISSLAND ??? jUMP&rUN mLBP bASEBALL kONAMI sPORTS mOBILE sUIT gUNDAM bANDAI mECHWARRIOR mONSTER wARS pRODUCE rPG mONSTROUS cITY vIRGIN fIGHTING mORTAL kOMBAT 2 mIDWAY/aCCLAIM fIGHTING mORTAL kOMBAT 3 mIDWAY/aCCLAIM fIGHTING mOTORCROSS cOCONUTS jAPAN sPORTS nASCAR rACING vIRGIN sPORTS nBA bASKETBALL kONAMI sPORTS nBA jAM tOURNAMENT eDITION aCCLAIM sPORTS nEED fOR sPEDD eLECTRONIC aTS sPROTS nFL fOOTBALL kONAMI sPORTS nFL qUARTERBACK cLUB 96 aCCLAIM sPORTS nICHIBUTUTSU mAH jONG nIHON bUSSAN mAHJONG cLONE nIGHT wARRIORS(dARKSTALKER2) cAPCOM fIGHTING nIGHT sTRIKER vING 3D-sHOOTING nOVASTORM pSYGNOSIS sHOOTING oFF wORLD inTERCEPTOR cRYSTAL dYNAMICS sPORTS oFFENSIVE oCEAN sTRATEGY oLYMPICS vIRGIN sPORTS oRA-194 sONY sHOOTING pACHI SLOT cOCONUTS jAPAN sLOTMACHINE pACHIO kUN cOCONUTS jAPAN pACHINCO cLONE pACHISURO ??? pACHINCO cLONE pANZER gENERAL mINDSCAPE/sSI sTRATEGY pARASITE pSYGNOSIS aCTION/aDVENT pETE sAMPRAS `96 eDITION cODEMASTER sPORTS pETER aND tHE wULF oRACION cHILDREN sOFT pITFALL (mAYAN aDVENTURE) aCTIVISION jUMP&rUN pGA tOUR `96 eLECTRONIC aRTS sPORTS pO`ED aNY cHANNEL dOOM CLONE pOLICENAUTS kONAMI aCTION/aDV pOLY-pOLY cIRCUS gRAND pRIX sONY sPORTS pOOL lEGEND dATA eAST aCTION pOPOITTO hEREKES (pOPOON) sUNSOFT jUMP&rUN pOPOLOCROISE sONY rPG pOPORO cROIS sTORY sONY aDVENTURE pOWERFUL fAMILY sONY fIGHTING pOWER sPORTS sOCCER pSYGNOSIS sPORTS pROBOTECTOR kONAMI aCTION pURE pSX dIRBY sTARION aSCII sIMULATION pSX iGO aSCII tHINKING pSX pACHIO kID cOCONUTS jAPAN tHINKING pSYCHIC dETECTIV eLECTRONIC aRTS aDVENTURE pSYCHO pINBALL cODEMASTER pINBALL gAME pRIMAL rAGE tIME wARNER fIGHTING pRINCESS mAKER 3 gAINAX/sONY sIMULATION pROJECT: oVERKILL kONAMI aCTION pROPON P! ??? tHINKING pSYCHIC dETECTIVE eLECTRONIC aRTS iNTERACTIV qUARANTINE gAMETEK aCTION rAYMAN uBISOFT jUMP & rUN rAVEN tELSTAR sTRATEGY rAZOR wING pSYGNOSIS/sONY 3D-fLYING rEBOOt eLECTRONIC aRTS ??? rECORD oF eLFENQUEST sOFTWARE 2000 aCTION rED pLASMA sONY aCTION rEN aLI cOCONUTS ??? rEVOLUTION X aCCLAIM aCTION rIDGE rACER 2 nAMCO sPORTS (rACING) rING cYCLE pSYGNOSIS rPG/aDVENTURE rIPPER tAKE2 iNTERSCTIV rISE oF tHE rOBOTS 2 mIRAGE fIGHTING rOAD rASH eLECTRONIC aRTS sPORTS rOCK`n rOLL rACING 2 iNTERPLAY sPORTS rOLLCAGE tEAM 17/oCEAN sPORTS sAZAN (3x3 eYES) ??? aDVENTURE sCAVENGER vIRGIN aDVENTURE sCOTTISH oPEN (vIRTUAL gOLF) cORE dESIGN sPORTS sCREAMING wHEALS jVC sPORTS sENGOKU cYBER sONY sTRAGETY gAME sENTIENT pSYGNOSIS aDVENTURE sEXY pUZZLE ??? tHINKING sHADOWS oF tHE sQUARE tABLE cRYSTAL/dYNAMICS iNTERACTIV sHANGHAI: tRIPLE tHREAT aCTIVISION tHINKING sHELLSHOCK! cORE dESIGN aCTION sHICHU-sUIMEI pITA-gRAPH dATUM pOLYSTAR fORTUNE tELLIN sHOCKWAVE eLECTRONIC aRTS 3D-aCTION sHOGI aSCII tHINKING sHRED fEST eLECTRONIC aRTS sPORTS sILVERLOAD mILLENUIM/pSYGNOSIS aDVENTURE sIM cITY 2000 aRTDINK sIMULATION sKELETON wARRIORS pLAYMATES jUMP & rUN sLAYER sSI/mINDSCAPE aCTION/rPG sLIPSTREAM 5000 gREMLIN 3D- sOFEL fANTASIA sOFEL rPG sOLAR eCLIPSE cRYSTAL dYNAMICS aCTION sOULSTAR X cORE dESIGN aCTION sPACE pIRATES aMERICAN LASER sHOOTING sPAWN pSYGNOSIS/sONY fIGHTING sPECIAL cOLLECTION vOL.1 ??? ??? sPLIT rEALITIES jVC aCTION/aDV sTAR cONTROL 2 cRYSTAL dYNAMICE sTRATEGY sTAR fLIGHT fANTASY tAITO sTRATEGY sTEEL hARBINGER mINDSCAPE aCTION/rPG sUPER 301 sQUADRON nICHIBUTSU fLIGHTSIM sUPER kARTS vIRGIN rACING sTREET FIGHTER: lEGENDS cAPCOM fIGHTING sTREET fIGHTER cAPCOM movie no game sTREET fIGHTER: tHE mOVIE cAPCOM fIGHTING sUIKODEN kONAMI rPG sUPER cASINO sPECIAL cOCONUTS cASINO gAMES sWAGMAN cORE dESIGN ??? sYNDICATE wARS bULLFROG/EA aCTION/sTRATEG tAIKYOKU sHOUGI kIWAME lOG sHOGI tAKANO`s hOW tO rEAD wORLD iNSIDER wORLD mAP tEAM 47 gOMAN cOCONUTS aCTION tEENAGE mUTANT nINJA tURTLES kONAMI aCTION tHE 11tH hOUR (7tH gUEST 2) vIRGIN gAMES aDVENTURE tHE fOUR mASTERS sUCCESS tHINKING tHE gREAT gAME aCTIVISION/iNFOCOM aDVENTURE tHE hIVE trIMARK aCTION tHE hORDE cRYSTAL dYNAMICS aCTION/sTRATEG tHE lAST bOUNTY hUNTER aMERICAN lASERGAMES iNTERACTIV tHE nECROMANT pSYGNOSIS rPG tHE nUTCRACKER oRACION cHILDREN sOFT tHE rAVEN pROJECT mINDSCAPE aCTION tHOROIGHBRED bREEDER II + hECTO ??? tHUNDERHAWK 2 (3) cORE dESIGN aCTION tHUNDER sTROM & rOAD bLASTER eKUZEKO ??? tILT vIRGIN pINBALL gAME tIR nA nOG pSYGNOSIS rPG/aDVENTURE tOKIMEKI mEMORIAL ??? ??? tOKYO 2020 rAINBOW jAPAN aDVENTURE/rPG tOKYO dUNGEON ??? rPG tOKYO sHADOW tAITO aCTION tOTAL eCLIPSE cRYSTAL dYNAMICS aCTION tOUKON rETSUDEN tOMY sPORTS tRMM sONY tHEME tWISTED mETAL pYSGNOSIS/sONY aCTION uFO cHASE dATABASE eNTERTAIN. uFO-dATABANK uNDERWATER wARS xING eNTERTAIMENT sHOOTING vANISHED pOWERS oCEAN 3D-aDVENTURE vELOCITY pF mAGIC aCTION vIEWPOINT eLECTRONIC aRTS sHOOTING vIRTUA mAHJONG mAP jAPAN mAHJONG cLONE vIRTUA pACHISLOT mAP jAPAN sLOTMACHINE vIRTUAL mAHJONG nIHON bUSSAN mAHJONG cLONE vIRTUAL rEALITY mAHJONG nICHIBUTSU mAHJONG cLONE vIRTUAL tENNIS (v-tENNIS) tONKIN hOUSE sPORTS vIRTUALR. bASEBALL iNTERPLAY sPORTS vIRTUALR. bASKETBALL iNTERPLAY sPORTS vIRTUALR. hOCKEY iNTERPLAY sPORTS vIRTUOSO TBA dOOM cLONE vIRUS sONY 3D-aCTION wARHAMMER mINDSCAPE 3D-aCTION wARHAMMER "fANTASY bATTLES" mINDSCAPE sTRATEGY wARHAWK sONY sHOOTING wATERWORLD iNTERPLAY aCTION wEAPONLORD nAMCO fIGHTING wING cOMMANDER III eLECTRO.aRTS/oRIGIN 3D sHOOTING wIPE-OUT cENTURY/pSYGNOSIS sPORTS wIZARDY VII nEW wORLD cOMPUTING rPG wOLRD cUP sOCCER (sPECIAL) cOCONUTS jAPAN sPORTS wORMS oCEAN/tEAM17 tHINKING WWF wRESTLEMANIA cAPCOM sPORTS x-mEN: cHILDREN oF tHE aTOM cAPCOM fIGHTING xS sONY fIGHTING yOMA bUSTERS fAMILY sOFT aDVENTURE yOU`RE tHE sTAR sTAGE iNSTRUMENTS rPG zERO dEVIDE zOOM fIGHTING zERO sHANGHAI pACHINKO sUNSOFT tHINKING zEITGEIST tAITO aCTION zOOP vIACOM aCTION/tHINKIN zONE rAIDER vIRGIN sPORTS (rACING) zORK: nEMESIS aCTIVISION/iNFOCOM aDVENTURE aRK tHE lADD sONY rPG bOXERS rOAD ??? ??? cOSMIC rACE nEOLEX rACING cRIME cRACKERS sONY aCTION/rPG cYBERSLEED nAMCO sPORTS eVOLUTION (a-tRAIN IV) aRTDINK sIMULATION fANTASTIC pINBALL (kUTENKAI) tECHNOSOFT pINBALL gAME fLOPAN ??? ??? gEOM cUBE ??? sTRATEGY gORGEOUS mAHJONG wARRIER ??? mAHJONG cLONE gUNNERS hEAVEN sONY aCTION gUSSUN oYOYO ??? ??? hOOT bLOOD fAMILY tECHNOSOFT sTREETFIGHT hOUMA hUNTER kIME aSIMC aDVENTURE jUMPING fLASH sONY 3D jUMP&rUN kILLEAK tHE bLOOD sONY dOOM sTRATEGY kINGS fIELD fROM sOFTWARE aCTION/RPG mAGIC bEAST wARRIOR ??? fIGHTING mAHJONG gOKU cHANOIRE mAHJONG cLONE mAJAN sATION ??? mAHJONG cLONE mAZIN mAHJONG sTATION sUNSOFT mAHJONG cLONE mYST sUNSOFT aDVENTURE mOTORTOONS gP sONY rACING nEKKETU oYAKO tECHNO sOFT fIGHTING pACHI SLOT hUNTER fORUM sLOTMACHINE pARODIUS dELUXE kONAMI sHOOTING pHILOSOMA sONY sHOOTING pSX bOXING nEW sPORTS rACE dRIVIN tIME wARNER rACING rAIDEN PROJECT sEIBU sHOOTING rIDEGE rACER nAMCO rACING sOOTCHY-pIE-lIMITED ??? mAHJONG cLONE sPACE gRIFFON (vF-9) pANTHER aCTION/RPG sTARBLADE aLPHA nAMCO sHOOTING tAMA tENGEN pUZZLE tEKKEN nAMCO fIGHTING tOH sHIN dEN tAKARA fIGHTING tWIN gODDNESS pOLYGRAMI fIGHTING tWINBEEE tAISEN (pOPn tWIN.) kONAMI pUZZLE uCHU sEIBUTU fUROPONKUNN sPACE cREATURE fUROPON vICTORY zONE (v-zONE) sONY oUTLIVE" (wORKING tITLE) sUNSOFT sPORTS pOLYgONSOCCER" (wORK tITLE) kONAMI sPORTS tARGA" (wORKING tITLE) sOFTGOLD/lUCASARTS aCTION [TANX TO TRSI] 4) What are the specifications of the Sony PlayStation ? ----------------------------------------------------- Weight : 1,8 Kg Length : 27x17x6 cm Main Processor : R3000(32 Bits) Architectural RISC at 33,92 Mhz CoProcessor : GPU (Graphic Processor Unit) GHTU (Graphic High Translation Unit) Sond processor : DASE (Digital Audiologic Sound Engine) - PCM 24 Colors : 16,7 Millions Polygones/Sec : 345.000 / Sec Shading : Flat & Gouraud RAM : 2 Mo VRAM : 1 Mo Fast RAM : 128 Ko BUFFER : 512 Ko CD-ROM : 2 X Speed 300 Ko/Sec Audio CD, Photo CD & CDV Compatible 5) What accessories are available for the PlayStation ? ---------------------------------------------------- NAME MAKER DESCRIPTION ---- ----- ASCii Pad '95 ASCii Turbo Ctrl Fighter Stick '95 ASCii Arcade Ctrl NeG (pronounced Neji) Con NAMCO Analog Ctrl Controller SONY Digital Memory Card SONY Flash-rom Mouse SONY RGB Cable SONY Link Cable SONY Link 2 PSXs Sun Controller SUNSOFT Prgmable Ctrl Fighting Stick PlayStation unknown Arcade Ctrl 6) How to make your own rgb-cable (scart) -------------------------------------- While waiting for the real RGB-Scart-cable to come out or reach your store you can make one of your own in the meantime. Here are the schematics you'll need. Port Pins - Function 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 - AUDIO OUT LEFT 9 - RGB SYNC o o o o o o 5 - BLUE OUT 10 - VIDEO EARTH 6 - RED OUT 11 - BLANKING o o o o o o 7 - AUDIO EARTH 12 - GREEN OUT 7 8 9 10 11 12 8 - AUDIO OUT RIGHT 7) Will the European,American and Japanese PlayStation be compatible ? The answer to this question is currently unknown. Sony, and Sega, announced that there will be territorial lock-outs implemented on the Sony Playstation (and Sega Saturn). However, it has been stated from several independent sources both within SCE and other developers that there will be no lock-outs whatsoever. On the other hand official european Sony sources have stated that the developers have demanded territorial lockout and therefore it has been implemented. It is safe to say though that no-one will know for sure until the European and US PlayStation versions are out. 8) How to use an PSX GAMES COPY! ----------------------------- Open the cover and go into music player mode. Insert any of your originals, and put a pin or small screwdriver into the hole on the top right hand corner. This will make the machine thinks the door is closed and the disc will turn for 1 second and automatically download the passcode from the disc. Then it stops. Change disc to the replicate one and exit music-player mode. Game loads automatically. You must let something in the hole during all the party! 9) How to hardwire a Sony Playstation for pirate gold disc cds --------------------------------------------------------------- Special Tanx to 2TUFF. This textfile simply explains how to add a switch to your Playstation. This will then allow you to easily play gold disc's on a bog standard PSX not a œ12,000 Blue PSX haha. If you've read the textfile from BamBam in Holland then you will know what im talking about. I received a gold disc today and tried it, the method worked but it was a real pain in the ass! The object on the switch would have to be fairly weighty otherwise anything else was an incredible pain. I had a switch I removed from an old Filmnet/Sky decoder scart cable. I decided to use this switch for this little project. Anyway I got it to work first time and the result is:- * 100% working * Lid may be closed again whilst playing (even better) * 100% hassle free Apparatus --------- 1 * SWITCH (LEFT/RIGHT) 2 * WIRES (ANY COLOR, I USED RIBBON CABLE) 1 * SOLDERING IRON (I USED A HOT NORMAL 25WATT ONE) * PIECE OF SOLDER [pref LOW-MELT POINT] (NOT MUCH) Instructions ------------ WIRE : Get your 2 pieces of wire and cut them to around 6-7 inches long strip and tin both ends of the 2 wires. Snip the tinned ends so they ain't too big (especially the end you decide will be for PSX). *READ [SWITCH :]* SWITCH : Okay the switch I had, had the following information on it:- 5646 apr K9 apem I don't know much about switches unfortunately haha! Anyway it was a 6 pole switch i.e :- 1o o o @ Solder one of your wires to the TOP MIDDLE pin ------- of switch. o o o @ Solder the other to the TOP RIGHT pin of switc PLAYSTATION : @ Open your Sony Playstation by removing the 5 black screws underneath. * NOTICE WHERE THE CD ACTIVE SWITCH IS! (WHERE THE CIRCLE IN CASING IS) * @ Remove all gold screws from the shielding etc (a fair few). @ Take CD Drive off the top and lean to the left on power area. @ Place Joyport section in front of machine on floor (still connected) [If the connector comes out just glenty force it back down the right way, there is no lift up and push on this connector] @ Lean the shielding over to the left as well with CD Drive carefully. @ Look at the little black micro switch, where the circle shield was. * It has 4 legs altogether, 2 on the left under each other,and the same on the right * [D O N T W O R R Y] @ Quicky add a very small amount of solder to the 2 right legs. * Do this very quickly, but make sure its a nice bond. DO NOT leave the iron on the legs for more than 2 secs. * @ Give the legs time to cool down @ Solder one wire of the switch to the one leg on the right. @ Solder the other wire of the switch to the other leg on the right. I E :- ___ --| o |-- ------- Wire one -> switch TOP MIDDLE --|___|-- ------- Wire two -> switch TOP RIGHT @ Locate where you want the switch to be. * This is a sworish point, I thought by the A/C In port but it turned out my switch collided with this port. In the end I've got my switch sticking up on the TOP of the machine. My switch is located 2.2cm away from the back and in the middle of the expansion port with the plastic flap! @ put everything back together and before you put it totally back together, test it first [BE CAREFUL]. If its ok put it back together and enjoy! CONCLUSION : 1. If the switch is in the one position your Playstation is as normal. 2. If the switch is in the other position your Playstation will act in the method needed to use gold disc's [REFER TO BAMBAM'S TEXT] 3. No need to have CD lip open whilst playing now. This will be even better as NO light can enter as wanted by SONY etc etc. 4. No hassle with an object coming off the button and crashing you game (its a bastard thats why I did this SO FASSSSSSSST). GRETTZ : Level One Ice-T Insider Alkaid Matrix ExacT Never'One Silver Box Rage Alix Uli Mr Incognito Speed Freak Simon The Sorcerer Olaf Pixel Judge Phoenix Toxic Akira & Other Let's DO thE PLAYsTATION RulEZ !!!!! [Image]