English-Russian Dictionary
its size is approximately 56000 entries.
Ozhegov's Russian Dictionary
(Вы можете получить толкование любого слова из словаря Ожегова)
Mueller English-Russian Dictionary
-more than 53,000 words. KOI-8.
New in Russian Language
features a new weekly dictionary from ETS Publishing House, with new Russian words, usage with context and praxis, acronyms, abbreviation, proverbs etc.
English-Russian Russian-English Dictionary
Russian-English, English-Russian Dictionary and Thesaurus of Computer Terms
--professional translating system
A Collocational Russian-English Dictionary of the Human Body
An interactive on-line dictionary that lists thousands of phrases for describing the appearance, movements, moods, injuries, etc. of human beings.
Russian Dictionary with Sounds and Images
- pairing pictures of common objects with Cyrillic text and recordings of a native speaker pronouncing the words.
Useful links
Russify Netscape
Russify Inernet Explorer
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