My Wicca Page!
Untruths about Wicca (Witchcraft)
- We Fly On Brooms...
- We Are Ugly And Evil...
- We Cast Spells On People...
- We Consort With The Devil...
- Holy Water Burns Us...
- We Cannot Touch Anything "Holy"...
- We Slaughter Children...
- We Cannot Touch Water...
- We Sacrifice Live Animals On An Altar...
- We All Live Together In Caves With A Bubbling Cauldron...
- We Run About Naked...
- We Are All Old Women...
- We All Have Black Cats Who Do Our "Dirty" Work...
My Guestbook
My Guestbook
Ok, the proper answers, or perhaps the truths to the things above are simple. First off, we fly like everyone else does...In a plane.I'm a rather fair thing myself, or so my loved ones say, and no matter what you might think, I am truely a sweet woman, hence my nickname, Cherub.This casting spells crap is a crock, sorry to be vulgar but it really is. I don't wave a magickal wand and some poor bugger turns to a toad before me. But I'm telling you, stuff like that COULD come in handy on exams, or getting housework or any chores done!At the moment, I consort with no one. I'm a single Cherub, yes, I have the occasional boyfriend. (proving another point, we're not lesbians either!) So,using common logic, if I consort with no one, but I have a boyfriend, that would mean,I don't consort with the devil. If that's not enough to help you along, we don't believe inthe "devil". We believe, instead, that all things have good and evil in them. Look, holy water COULDN'T burn me, or any of us unless you boiled it! Does holy water burn muslums? No, so why would it burn us? I can touch many "holy" things. I did once go to church, and what's more, in my household, there are 7 bibles. I like to study religions. Truth be told, there aresome children out there that agrivate me, yes sweet little me, to the point where I could almost wish them dead, but I can't even kill a mosquito that bites me, so think about it. you come see me sometime, if you want, you can smell me. I don't stink, main reason, I can wash with water! Oh, yes, that wonderful substance made of oxygen, which I can breathe, and hydrogen. I like to ride my beautiful mare, Mae in the rain, in spring,and whenit's hot enough, I'll take her for a swim in the pond out back. Water doesn't hurt me, or anyone. I have an altar, and I have a small fixation with weapons, such as daggers, and swords, but I can't weild my sword, it's too long and awkward, and my daggers, simple articles of decoration. Oh, I forgot, I have kitchen knives and a little poket knife, incase my dog gets caught in somewires, or my horse gets caught in something. But if I love my animals enough to wake before the crack of dawn to feed my horse, do her stall, and let my dog for a run,and work at the local SPCA for 2 years, do you honestly think I could harm ANY animal? I've never even seen a cave, and shock of all horrors, the only thing I have close to a cauldron is my pasta pot, and that's only,if I'm lucky 4 quarts. Not big enough to throw an eye of newt, or anything so stupid in it. If I wanted to, I might be able to get enough chocolate for a bigthing of rich fudge, but really.Running about naked, now there's an idea. I live on the side of a mountain, and it gets cold out here. Not only would I freeze, but I'm so modest, I'm only naked in the showers, and on hot nights, my bed. You can tell Ilive alone. I once met the sweetest man in the world, and he told me all about me by the food i ate. When I looked at his necklace, I was quite pleased to see the goddess symbol, and since then, I go back to Salem, Massachusetts to buy from his store yearly. And another wonderful man, the one who's wed to the owner of Majick and Mail in Haverhil Massachusetts. Then, there's my beloved, (yes he is) my Gareth, a sweetie, and he follows the pagan path as well. And about the old, part, just to let you in, I've been practicing since I was 12. We're not all old.I have a cat, he's grey with white socks, a handsome thing. Won't do a single thing aside from chase mice. And I'm lucky if I can get him to do THAT. If you know anything about cats, you know they do what they want, not what they're told to do. My dog, a pretty young Akita German Shepherd cross is very obedient, but can you honestly see her walking out to my garden and doing my dirty work? "Muggsy, would you be a love and fecth me four carrots for my chicken soup?" Yeah, she'll really know what I'm talking about. My horse, on the other hand, breaks free of her paddock often to mow my lawn and devour my mint (for tea) and most of my yummy vegetables. My cat, who most thinkwill do my dirty work, likes to climb my cabinets to get my catnip (a great treat for cats, and a wonderful fever reducer when brewed into a tea in my earthenware pots. I do believe that should sum up all 13 items.
Most of us have grown up thinking that the Witch of the West from the wizard of Oz was the classic "witch". I'd like to set the record straight. Yes, most people are afraid of what they don't know...and I have a problem with people fearing me. I'm gentle and kind, but I take no crap, or lies. I like to think that the population of Wiccans out there are somewhat like me. I obey the "harm none" law, and I abide the Wiccan Creed, and respect the Three Fold law. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, I'll put all three down, as I know them. To the other Wiccans out there, as many of you know, there are millions of different variations on the creed, I myself have yet to find two authors write the same creed. I ask you to keep that in mind when I put the one I have down.
Here is the Creed I know and follow.
"Bide these Wiccan laws ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust. Live and let live. Fairly take and fairly give. Cast the circle thrice about to keep evil spirits out. To bind a spell every time, let the spell be spoke in rhyme. Soft of eye and light of touch, talk ye little and listen ye much. When the Lady's moon is new, kiss your hands to her times two. When the moon rides at her peak, then your heart's desires seek. Teaching, flower, bush and tree, by the Lady, Blessed Be. Where the rippling waters go, cast the stone, and truth you'll know. When ye have and hold a need, hearken not to others' greed. Merry meet and merry part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart. Mind the Three-fold Law ye should, three times bad and three times good. When misfortune is anow, wear the star upon thy brow. True in love ye must ever be, lest thy love be false to thee."
I don't know how the rumors above came about but I do know that they are a good way to make me angry. I'll come back and work on this page more later, right now I have to go deal with my animals and my gardens. ~*BLESSED BE!*~